For any general inquiries about this website, questions or suggestions in regards to the heritage and legacy of Bernard Lietaer, please get in touch with Helga Preuß, his principal heir, through the form below.
Matters in regards to his academic work will be directed to Marek Hudon, his nephew and professor at the University of Brussels. Questions in regards to his non-financial interests and contributions will be forwarded to his close friends Axel Vervoordt and Boris Vervoordt in Antwerp.
In the past years, the heirs and friends of Bernard Lietaer have convened a network of his closest contacts, personal and professional and across all subject matters, to save-guard and advance his legacy. The individuals in this network are committed to support any development that will further the insights and ideas Bernard brought to the world. If you are involved in a project built on Bernard’s work, or have a question or request to be forwarded to the legacy-network, please post them through the form below.
For updates from this network or relevant news in regards to Bernard’s work, please sign up to our newsletter here.