The list below shows the books owned, cherished and left behind by Bernard Lietaer.
This collection of 2460 items is sorted, as best as we possibly could, into these genres:
anthropology – archaeology – architecture – art – astronomy/astrology
eastern philosophy/religion – economy – future studies – history – medicine
natural sciences – new age philosophy – occult sciences – politics – psychology
rembrandt – self help – symbols – western philosophy/religion – women in culture
To sort the list by these genres, please click the little triangles next to the word “genre” on the top-right of the list below. The same sorting work for all the other columns. You can also use the “search” filed. For offline searches, the whole list is available for download (csv-format here 265kb). That file contains extra columns with additional information about the content of most items. Please note: this collection does not include books about Bernard’s earlier research topics (e.g. South America), which have been donated to other libraries during his lifetime. Most of the listed books are now archived at a private residence near Antwerp, Belgium.
If you have a particular research interest and require access to the collection, please get in touch.
Author/Editor: Name | Author/Editor: Frist Name | Co-Author(s) | Title | Year | ISBN | Publisher | Genre |
Aaronson | Bernard | Humphry Osmond | Psychedelics | 1970 | Anchor | psychology | |
Abeels | G. | Bruxelles 1900 | 1980 | 978-2-87013-041-0 | Meddens | architecture | |
Abellio | Raymond | Approches de la nouvelle gnose | 1981 | Gallimard | new age philosophy | ||
Abert | Geoffrey | After the crash: how to survive and prosper during the depression of the 1980s | 1979 | Signet (USA) | economy | ||
Abraham | Ralph | Rupert Sheldrake, Terence McKenna | Trialogues At The Edge Of The West | 1992 | 978-0-93968-098-0 | Bear & Company Publishing | new age philosophy |
Abram | David | The Spell of the Sensuous | 1996 | 978-0-67943-820-0 | Pantheon | new age philosophy | |
Abrams | Jeremiah | The Shadow in America: Reclaiming the Soul of a Nation | 1994 | 978-1-88259-118-0 | Nataraj Pub | psychology | |
Abu Lughod | Janet L. | Before European Hegemony: The World System A.D.1250-1350 | 1991 | 978-0-19506-774-0 | Oxford University Press Inc, USA | economy | |
Aburdene | Patricia | Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism | 2005 | 978-1-57174-456-0 | Hampton Roads Publishing Company | future studies | |
Adam | Jean-Pierre | L'archéologie devan l'imposture | 1975 | Robert Laffont | archaeology | ||
Adams | Ansel | Ansel Adams | 1972 | 978-0-87100-031-0 | Morgan & Morgan | art | |
Adams | George | Olive Whicher | The plant between sun and earth, and the science of physical and ethereal spaces | 1982 | 978-0-39471-231-0 | Shambhala | occult sciences |
Adelson | Howard L. | Medieval commerce | 1962 | D. Van Nostrand | economy | ||
Adhora | Glori | Why power? | occult sciences | ||||
Adoum | Jorge | Poderes o el libro que diviniza | 1980 | Editorial Kier | occult sciences | ||
Adouze | Jean | Sylvie Vauclair | L'astrophysique nucléaire | 1972 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | natural sciences | |
Aglietta | Michel | André Orléan | La violence de la monnaie | 1982 | 978-2-13037-486-0 | Presses universitaires de France (France) | economy |
Airaudi | Oberto | Le linee sincroniche | 1998 | Damanhur | occult sciences | ||
Aïvanhov | Omraam Mikhael | De l'homme à Dieu | 1994 | 978-2-85566-595-0 | Prosveta | occult sciences | |
Aïvanhov | Omraam Mikhael | Golden Rules for Everyday Life | 2000 | 978-2-85566-834-0 | Prosveta | self help | |
Albrecht | Ada Dolores | los misterios de Eleusis | 1982 | Editorial Hastinapura | occult sciences | ||
Alcina Franch | José | L'art précolombien | 1981 | 978-2-85088-009-0 | Ed. d' art L. Mazenod | art | |
Alexander | Christopher | The timeless way of building | 1979 | 000-0-19502-402-8 | Oxford University Press | architecture | |
Alexander | Thea | 2150- A. D. | 1976 | 978-0-44632-214-0 | Warner Books | future studies | |
Alexander | Steve | Karen Alexander | Crop Circle Year Book 2017 | 2017 | Temple | new age philosophy | |
Alexander | Karen | Steve Alexander | Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders and Mysteries | 2006 | 978-1-84193-401-0 | Arcturus Publishing | occult sciences |
Alfaro | Gustavo | Constante de la historia de Latinoamerica en garcia marquez | 1979 | Biblioteca Banco Popular | history | ||
Alleau | René | Hitler et les societés secrètes | 1969 | Grasset | occult sciences | ||
Allen | John L. | Opus Dei: The Truth About Its Rituals, Secrets and Power | 2006 | 978-0-14102-465-0 | Penguin Books Ltd | western philo/religion | |
Allendy | R. | Le symbolisme des nombres | 1948 | Chacornac Freres | symbols | ||
Almaas | A.H. | Inner Journey Home: The Soul's Realization of the Unity of Reality | 2004 | 978-1-59030-110-0 | Shambhala | new age philosophy | |
Almerich | José Manuel | Espacios naturales del litoral valenciano | 2003 | 978-8-47660-817-0 | Bromera | natural sciences | |
Alper | Frank | Exploring Atlantis, No I | 1981 | 978-0-92936-502-0 | Adamis Enterprises Intl | new age philosophy | |
Alper | Frank | Exploring Atlantis | 1990 | 978-0-92936-502-0 | Adamis International, Incorporated | new age philosophy | |
Alper | Frank | Exploring Atlantis | 1990 | 978-0-92936-504-0 | Adamis Enterprises Intl | new age philosophy | |
Alpers | Svetlana | L'Atelier de Rembrandt : La Liberté, la peinture et l'argent | 1991 | 978-2-07072-240-0 | Gallimard | rembrandt | |
Alvarez | Manuel Fernandez | Carlos V. Un hombre para Europa | 2010 | 978-8-46703-395-0 | Espasa . Coleccion Austral | history | |
Amado | Jean | Alain de Benoist, et al. | Maiastra: Renaissance De L'Occident | 1979 | 978-2-25900-464-0 | Plon | history |
Ambelain | Robert | Symbolique maçonnique des outils | 1996 | 978-2-90384-608-0 | Editions Maçonniques de France (EDIMAF) | occult sciences | |
Ambelain | Robert | Les traditions celtiques | 1983 | 978-2-70330-181-0 | Dangles | occult sciences | |
Amel | Pascal | Rembrandt | 2016 | 978-2-84105-357-0 | Regard | rembrandt | |
Amin | Mohamed | Cradle of mankind | 1981 | 978-0-70112-588-0 | Chatto & Windus | history | |
Anati | Emmanuel | La Religion des origines | 1999 | 978-2-70283-176-0 | Bayard | archaeology | |
Anderson | Walt | Evolution isn't what it used to be | 1996 | 978-0-71672-998-0 | W.H. Freeman | natural sciences | |
Anderson | Robert H. | The information society | 1992 | Taylor & Francis | natural sciences | ||
Anderson | William | Green Man | 1990 | 978-0-06250-076-0 | HarperSanFrancisco | symbols | |
Andre | A. | Jean Stengers | Bruxelles | 1979 | 978-9-06153-100-0 | Fonds Mercator | architecture |
Andrew | Harvey | The return of the mother | 1995 | 978-1-88331-908-0 | Frog, Ltd. | women in culture | |
Anka (Bashar) | Darryl | The new meta-physics | 1987 | 978-1-55626-000-0 | Light & Sound Communications | new age philosophy | |
Anwar | Muhammad | Modelling interest-free economy | 1987 | 978-0-91246-312-0 | International Institute of Islamic Thought | economy | |
Appavou | Kinthia | La vouivre | 1995 | 978-2-90396-530-0 | Ed. la Table d'émeraude | occult sciences | |
Arambourg | Camille | La genèse de l'humanité | 1943 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | anthropology | ||
Ardagh | Arjuna | The Translucent Revolution | 2005 | 978-1-57731-468-0 | New World Library (USA) | future studies | |
Ardalan | Nader | The Sense of Unity: The Sufi Tradition in Persian Architecture (Publications of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies) | 1979 | 978-0-22602-560-0 | Univ of Chicago Press | architecture | |
Arguelles | Jose | Earth Ascending | 1984 | 978-0-39472-330-0 | Shambhala | occult sciences | |
Arguelles | Jose | MANDALA | 1974 | 978-0-39473-000-0 | Shambhala | symbols | |
Arnold | Pierre | Une église à tous vents | 1985 | Renaissance du livre | western philo/religion | ||
Arnold | Simon Pedro | La foi sauvage | 2011 | 978-2-81110-495-0 | Karthala | western philo/religion | |
Arnold | Simon Pedro | Ensayos Andinos | 2009 | 978-9-99051-333-0 | Ideca - Emaus | western philo/religion | |
Arnold | Simon-Pierre | Dieu derrière la porte - La foi au-delà des confessions (La Part Dieu) (French Edition) | 2016 | 978-2-87299-302-0 | LESSIUS | western philo/religion | |
Arnold-Gulikers | Marie-Madeleine | Des savants belges en Afrique centrale, 1900-1960 | 2009 | 978-2-29607-896-0 | L'Harmattan | history | |
Arnsperger | Christian | Full-spectrum economics: toward an inclusive and emancipatory social science | 2010 | 978-0-41555-547-0 | Routledge (USA) | economy | |
Arnsperger | Christian | Critical political economy | Routledge (USA) | economy | |||
Artus | Patrick | Marie-Paule Virard | Le capitalisme est en train de s'autodétruire | 2005 | 978-2-70714-701-0 | Découverte | economy |
Astruc | Lionel | (R)évolutions: pour une politique en actes (2 copies) | 2012 | 978-2-33000-205-0 | Actes Sud (France) | future studies | |
Asturias | Miguel Angel | J.M. Gonzalez de Mendoza | Popol-Vuh | 1981 | editorial losada | archaeology | |
Atienza | Juan G. | La gran manipulación cósmica | 1981 | 978-8-42700-687-0 | Martinez Roca | natural sciences | |
Atkin | Ron | Multidimensional Man: Can Man Live in 3-dimensional Space? | 1981 | 978-0-14005-478-0 | Penguin Books Ltd | new age philosophy | |
Atlan | Jacques | Petit guide des mille et une monnaies locales d'aujourd'hui | 2013 | 978-2-81270-398-0 | Les presses du Midi (Toulon, France) | economy | |
Attali | Jacques | Tous ruines dans dix ans? Dette publique: la derniere chance | 2010 | 978-2-21365-538-0 | Fayard (France) | economy | |
Attali | Jacques | Les juifs, le monde et l'argent | 2004 | 978-2-25315-580-0 | Fayard (France) | economy | |
Attali | Jacques | Le sens des choses | 2009 | 978-2-22111-160-0 | Editions Robert Laffont (France) | future studies | |
Aubert | Marcel | L'art Roman en France | 1961 | Flammarion | art | ||
Aubier | Catherine | Zodiaque chinois: serpent | M.A Editions | new age philosophy | |||
Aussant | Gilles | Ils ont vu l'an 2000 | 1983 | 978-2-89239-009-0 | E.I.P | future studies | |
Avaïnhov | Omraam Mikhaël | Oeuvres complètes | 1972 | prosveta | new age philosophy | ||
Avermaete | Roger | Rembrandt en son temps | 1952 | Editions Payot (France) | rembrandt | ||
Baar | Jacqueline | Wim Ozinga | Mycorrhizaschimmels | 2007 | 978-9-05011-277-0 | KNNV Uitgeverij | natural sciences |
Babonneau | Bernard | Benoôit Laflèche | Traité de geobiologie | 1987 | Editions de l'aire | occult sciences | |
Bache | Christopher M. | Dark Night, Early Dawn | 2000 | 978-0-79144-606-0 | State University of New York Press | psychology | |
Backhouse | Janet | The Illuminated Manuscript | 1979 | 978-0-71481-969-0 | The British Library Publishing Division | history | |
Bacon | Francis | The Essays (Penguin Classics) | 1986 | 978-0-14043-217-0 | Penguin Classics | western philo/religion | |
Badiner | Allan Hunt | Satish Kumar | The Buddha and the Terrorist: The Story of Angulimala | 2004 | 978-1-90399-843-0 | Green Books | self help |
Baer | Randall N. | The Crystal Connection | 1987 | 978-0-06250-034-0 | Harper & Row | new age philosophy | |
Baigent | Michael | The Temple and the Lodge | 1989 | 978-1-55970-021-0 | Arcade Publishing | occult sciences | |
Baigent | Michael | Richard Leigh | Elixir and the Stone : The Tradition of Magic and Alchemy | 1998 | 978-0-14024-793-0 | Penguin Books Canada, Limited | occult sciences |
Baigent | Michael | Richard Leigh | The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception | 1992 | 978-0-55213-879-0 | Corgi | western philo/religion |
Bailie | Gilles | Violence Unveiled | 1996 | 978-0-82451-645-0 | Crossroad Classic | future studies | |
Bakshi | Rajni | Bapu Kuti | 1998 | 978-0-14027-838-0 | Penguin Books | eastern philo/religion | |
Baldini | Umberto | Ornella Casazza | The crucifix by Cimabue | Olivetti | art | ||
Baldoni | John | Great communication secrets of great leaders | 2003 | 978-0-07141-497-0 | McGraw-Hill (USA) | future studies | |
Ball | George W. | Diplomacy for a Crowded World | 1976 | 978-0-37010-468-0 | The Bodley Head Ltd | politics | |
Bamford | Christopher | Homage to Pythagoras | 1994 | 978-0-94026-264-0 | Lindisfarne Books | architecture | |
Bandmann | Günter | Mittelalterliche Architektur als Bedeutungsträger | 1978 | 978-3-78611-164-0 | Mann | architecture | |
Barandard | Alain | La Cathédrale de Chartres dans tous ses états | 1982 | 978-2-20722-793-0 | Denoël | architecture | |
Barber | Richard | The reign of chivalry | 1980 | 978-0-71537-741-0 | David & Charles | history | |
Bardet | Jean Gaston | Les clefs de la recherche fondamentale | 1978 | 978-2-22400-439-0 | Maloine | western philo/religion | |
Bardet | Jean-G. | La signature du Dieu-Trine | 1982 | Editions de la Maisnie | western philo/religion | ||
Bardi | Ugo | Extracted | 2014 | 978-1-60358-542-0 | Chelsea Green Publishing | future studies | |
Barnett | Lincoln | Einstein et l'univers | 1951 | Gallimard | natural sciences | ||
Baron de Bethune-Sully | La seigneurie de Ten Dale, ditte Tatten a Reckem | 1970 | G.A Veys | history | |||
Baron Du Roure de Paulin | F. Cadet de Gassicourt, Robert Viel | Les origines symboliques du blason | 1972 | 978-2-90026-924-0 | Berg International | occult sciences | |
Barret | Pierre | Ils voyageaient la france | 1980 | 978-2-25302-741-0 | Hachette | history | |
Barret | Pierre | Gurgand | Priez pour nous à Compostelle - La vie des pélerins sur les chemins de Saint-Jacques | 1990 | 978-2-25302-400-0 | Le Livre de Poche | western philo/religion |
Barrie | Thomas | Spiritual path, sacred place | 1996 | 978-1-57062-006-0 | Shambhala | architecture | |
Bartley | Robert L. | Seven Fat Years | 1995 | 978-0-02874-022-0 | Free Press | future studies | |
Bartoli | Lando | La rete magica di Filippo Brunelleschi | 1977 | Nardini Editore | architecture | ||
Barzun | Jaques | From Dawn To Decadence - 1500 To The Present | 2000 | 978-0-06017-586-0 | HarperCollins | future studies | |
Basile | Joseph | Les Atouts de l'Europe | 1970 | Marabout | future studies | ||
Bataille | Georges | La Part Maudite | 1967 | 978-2-70730-182-0 | Les editions de minuit (France) | economy | |
Baudrillard | Jean | El sistema de los objetos | 2003 | 978-9-68230-347-0 | Siglo XXi Editores | western philo/religion | |
Baugniet | Marcel | Essai sur la psychologie des formes | 1983 | Editions de la maison du poète | psychology | ||
Bautier | Robert Henri | The economic development of medieval Europe | 1971 | 978-0-50033-021-0 | Thames and Hudson | history | |
Bayard | Jean Pierre | Le diable dans l'art roman | 1982 | 978-2-85707-064-0 | G. Trédaniel, Editions de la Maisnie | art | |
Bayard | Jean Pierre | La Symbolique Du Monde Souterrain | 1973 | 978-2-22817-160-0 | Payot | occult sciences | |
Bayard | Jean-Pierre | La symbolique du feu | 1973 | Payot | occult sciences | ||
Bayard | Jean Pierre | Le Symbolisme du caducée | 1990 | 978-2-85707-022-0 | Guy Trédaniel | symbols | |
Bayard | Jean-Pierre | La symbolique de la Rose-Croix | 1976 | Payot | symbols | ||
Beamish | Tony | No Free Lunch: the rugent need for sustainable economics | Tony Beamish (UK) | economy | |||
Bean | Orson | Moi et l'orgone | 1989 | Le coudrier-sedifor | psychology | ||
Bean | Orson | Moi et l'orgone : Un comédien américain raconte sa thérapie reichienne | 978-2-86586-119-0 | Le coudrier-sedifor | western philo/religion | ||
Beattie | Melody | Codependent No More | 1992 | 978-0-06255-447-0 | HarperCollins | self help | |
Beaty | Jonathan | The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride Into The Secret Heart Of B.C.C.I. | 1993 | 978-0-67941-384-0 | Random House | economy | |
Bechmann | Roland | Les racines des cathédrales | 1981 | 978-2-22827-370-0 | Payot | architecture | |
Beer | Stafford | Decision and control | 1994 | 978-0-47106-210-0 | J. Wiley | future studies | |
Begey | Roger | La géométrie sacrée ou La magie des formes | 1995 | 978-2-26802-031-0 | Éd. du Rocher | architecture | |
Begey | Roger | La quadrature du cercle et ses métamorphoses | 1993 | 978-2-26801-414-0 | Editions du Rocher | occult sciences | |
Begg | Ean | The Cult of the Black Virgin | 1997 | 978-0-14019-510-0 | Arkana | women in culture | |
Begg | Ean | Cult of the Black Virgin | 1985 | 978-1-85063-023-0 | Arkana | women in culture | |
Beinhocker | Eric D. | The origin of wealth | 2007 | 978-1-57851-777-0 | Harvard Business School Press (USA) | economy | |
Belaubre | Jean | Histoire numismatique et monetaire de la France medievale | 1986 | 978-2-86377-051-0 | Ed. Le Leopard d'or | economy | |
Belew | Shaktari L. | Honoring All Life; A practical Guide To Exploring A New Reality | 2005 | 978-0-97443-914-0 | Honoring All Life Foundation | new age philosophy | |
Bell | Jim | Achieving Eco-nomic Security on Spaceship Earth | 1995 | 978-0-91584-120-0 | ELSI (USA) | economy | |
Bell | Daniel | The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism | 1976 | 978-0-46501-527-0 | Basic Books | future studies | |
Beltrán Anglada | Vicente | La estructuración dévica de las formas | 1982 | 978-8-48526-930-0 | Eyras | new age philosophy | |
Benedict | Ruth | The Chrysanthemum And the Sword | 1972 | 978-0-52901-987-0 | Meridian | history | |
Benesch | Otto | Volume I: Rembrandt | 1970 | Phaidon | rembrandt | ||
Bennel | Margaret | Shakespeare's flowering of the spirit | 1971 | The Lanthorn Press | western philo/religion | ||
Bennett | John G. | The masters of wisdom | 1977 | 978-0-85500-069-0 | Turnstone Books | western philo/religion | |
Bennis | Warren G. | On Becoming a Leader | 1994 | 978-0-20140-929-0 | Perseus Books Group | self help | |
Benoist | Luc | L'esoterisme | 1965 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | occult sciences | ||
Bentov | Itzhak | Stalking the Wild Pendulum | 1988 | 978-0-89281-203-0 | Destiny Books | new age philosophy | |
Bentov | Itzhak | A Cosmic Book | 1988 | 978-0-89281-213-0 | Destiny Books | new age philosophy | |
Bentov | Itzhak | A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness | 2000 | 978-0-89281-814-0 | Destiny Books | new age philosophy | |
Beresniak | Daniel | Les premiers Médicis et l'Académie platonicienne de Florence | 1984 | 978-2-20531-900-0 | Detrad | history | |
Beresniak | Daniel | Le "gai sçavoir" des bâtisseurs | 1983 | Detrad | occult sciences | ||
Berg | Oscar | Buda en los negocios (Spanish Edition) | 2007 | 978-1-59754-252-0 | Libros en Red | self help | |
Berger | Pierre | Le marche monetaire | Presses Universitaires de France (France) | economy | |||
Berger | Peter L. | Thomas Luckmann | The Social Construction Of Reality | 1967 | 978-0-38505-899-0 | Anchor | psychology |
Bergier | Jacques | La guerre secrète de l'occulte | 1978 | Editions j'ai lu | occult sciences | ||
Bergier | Jacques | La Troisième Guerre mondiale est commencée | 1976 | 978-2-22600-303-0 | Albin Michel | politics | |
Bergson | Henri | les deux sources de la morale et de la religion | 1962 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | western philo/religion | ||
Berkson | Devaki | The foot book | 1979 | 978-0-06463-475-0 | Barnes & Noble | medicine | |
Berland | Dom Jean-Marie | L'epine en champagne | 1972 | SAEP | architecture | ||
Berlioz | Jacques | Patrick Arabeyre | Saint Bernard En Bourgogne: Lieux Et Memoire | 1990 | 978-2-90544-126-0 | Editions du Bien public | history |
Berlioz | Jacques | Le Pays cathare | 2000 | 978-2-02040-436-0 | Seuil | western philo/religion | |
Bernal | Ignacio | The Olmec world | 1969 | 978-0-52002-891-0 | University of California Press | anthropology | |
Bernard | J.L. | Dictionnaire de l'insolite et du fantastique | 1971 | editions du dauphin | new age philosophy | ||
Bernet | Helene | Trois Gouttes Pour la Vie: Eau Vive et Sante | 2010 | 978-2-88892-113-0 | XENIA | future studies | |
Bernet | Helene | A la source de notre vitalite. Ressenti et probiotiques paiens | 2006 | 978-2-96004-874-0 | Francoise Blouard Editions | medicine | |
Bernet | Hélène | Vivre avec les formes | 2012 | Arbre d'Or | self help | ||
Bernet | Helene | Le livre bleu de l'eau vive | 2002 | self help | |||
Bernstein | Peter L. | The Power of Gold: the history of an obsession | 2000 | 978-0-47125-211-0 | John Wiley & Sons (USA) | economy | |
Bernstein | Peter L. | Against the Gods: the remarkable story of risk | 1996 | 978-0-47112-105-0 | John Wiley & Sons (USA) | economy | |
Berresford Ellis | Peter | Celtic Women | 1995 | 978-0-80283-809-0 | William B. Eerdmans Pub | women in culture | |
Berruyer | Olivier | Stop! Tirons les lecons de la crise | 2011 | 978-2-91349-300-0 | Editions Yves Michel (France) | economy | |
Berry | Richard | Discover the Stars | 1987 | 978-0-51756-529-0 | Three Rivers Press | astronomy/astrology | |
Bersez | J. | A. Masson | Initiation aux ondes de forme | 1985 | Editions Jacques Bersez | occult sciences | |
Berteaux | Raoul | La symbolique des nombres | 1984 | Editions EDIMAF | symbols | ||
Bertschi | Thomas | Der erste Regenbogen Katalog | 1999 | 978-3-85932-297-0 | Rainbow Project | art | |
Besant | Annie | Le christianisme ésotérique | 1969 | Adyar | occult sciences | ||
Beutler | Johannes | La Communauté johannique et son histoire | 1990 | 978-2-83090-596-0 | Labor et Fides | western philo/religion | |
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada | A.C. | Bhagavad-gita as it is | 1986 | The Bhaktidedanta Book Trust | eastern philo/religion | ||
Bhaumik | Mani | The Cosmic Detective. Exploring the Mysteries of Our Universe. | 2009 | 978-0-14333-069-0 | Penguin Group | new age philosophy | |
Bianchi Bandinelli | Ranuccio | Les Etrusques et l'Italie avant Rome : De la Protohistoire à la guerre sociale | 2008 | 978-2-07012-162-0 | Editions Gallimard | archaeology | |
Bibby | Geoffrey | Four thousand years ago | 1973 | Alfred A. Knopf | history | ||
Billing | Robert | Tales from the future | 2011 | 978-9-27917-326-0 | Publications Office of the EU | future studies | |
Billings | Warren M. | The Old Dominion in the seventeenth century | 1975 | 978-0-80781-237-0 | Published for the Institute of Early American Hist | history | |
bin Hammad Al Omar | Abdur Rahman | La religion de verité | 1978 | eastern philo/religion | |||
bin Mohamad | Mahathir | The Malaysian Currency Crisis | 2000 | 978-9-67978-757-0 | Pelanduk Publications Sdn Bhd | economy | |
Bindel | Ernst | Les nombres et leurs fondements spirituels | 1985 | 978-2-88189-002-0 | ROMANDES | symbols | |
Bindewald | Leander | Ende oder Neubeginn? | 2011 | 978-3-93567-970-0 | Flensburger Hefte Verlag | economy | |
Binswanger | Hans-Christoph | Die Wachtstumsspirale | 2006 | 978-3-89518-554-0 | Metropolis Verlag (Germany) | economy | |
Binswanger | Hans-Christoph | Geld und Magie | 1985 | 978-3-52270-140-0 | Weitbrecht | economy | |
Birchard | Bill | David A. Nichol | The One-Minute Meditator: Relieving Stress and Finding Meaning in Everyday Life | 2001 | 978-0-73820-378-0 | Da Capo Press | self help |
Bird | Christopher | El Gran Libro de la Radiestesia | 1989 | 978-8-42701-272-0 | Martinez Roca | new age philosophy | |
Bird | Christopher | Peter Tompkins | The Secret Life Of Plants | 1975 | 978-0-14003-931-0 | Penguin | occult sciences |
Birkhauser-Oeri | Sibylle | The Mother: Archetypal Image in Fairytales (Studies in Jungian Psychology By Jungian Analysts, Vol 34) | 1988 | 978-0-91912-334-0 | Inner City Books | women in culture | |
Black Koltuv | Barbara | Solomon and Sheba | 1993 | 978-0-89254-024-0 | Nicholas-Hays | new age philosophy | |
Blair | Nancy | Amulets of the Goddess: Oracle of Ancient Wisdom/Contains Book and a Set of 27 Amulets | 1993 | 978-0-91472-880-0 | Wingbow Press | women in culture | |
Blanc | Jerome | Exclusion et Liens Financiers: monnaies sociales | 978-2-71785-216-0 | Economica (Paris) | economy | ||
Bloch | R. Howard | Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love | 1992 | 978-0-22605-973-0 | University of Chicago Press | women in culture | |
Blofeld | John | Tantric Mysticism of Tibet : A Practical Guide | 1970 | 978-0-52547-270-0 | E P Dutton | eastern philo/religion | |
Blofeld | John | Jean Herbert | Le Taoïsme vivant | 1977 | 978-2-22600-441-0 | A. Michel | occult sciences |
Bloom | Howard | The genius of the beast | 2009 | 978-1-59102-755-0 | Prometheus Books (USA) | economy | |
Bloom | William | Money, Heart and Mind: financial well-being for people and planet | 1995 | 978-0-67086-597-0 | Penguin Books (UK) | economy | |
Bloom | William | Money, heart and mind | 1995 | 978-0-67086-597-0 | Viking | economy | |
Bloom | Allan | The closing of the American Mind | 1988 | 978-0-67165-715-0 | Simon & Schuster (USA) | history | |
Blumenfeld-Kosinski | Renate | Not of Woman Born: Representations of Caesarean Birth in Medieval and Renaissance Culture | 1991 | 978-0-80149-975-0 | Cornell University Press | women in culture | |
Boeuf | Gilles | La biodiversité, de l'océan à la cité (Collège de France) (French Edition) | 2014 | 978-2-21368-148-0 | FAYARD | future studies | |
Bohm | Davif | Wholeness and the Implicate Order | 1983 | 978-0-74480-000-0 | Ark | western philo/religion | |
Boik | John | Creating sustainable societies: the rebirth of democracy and local economys | 978-1-47012-096-0 | SiteForChange (California, USA) | economy | ||
Bois | Guy | La grande dépression médiévale, XIVe - XVe siècles: Le précédent d'une crise systémique (Actuel Marx confrontation) | 2000 | 978-2-13050-898-0 | Presses universitaires de France | history | |
Boissonnade | P. | Life and work in medieval europe | 1927 | Kegan Paul | anthropology | ||
Boll | Marcel | Les étapes des mathématiques | 1953 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | natural sciences | ||
Bollack | Jean | Héraclite ou la séparation | 1972 | 978-2-70730-385-0 | Editions de Minuit | western philo/religion | |
Bond | Frederick | Thomas Simcox Lea | Gematria | 1977 | 978-0-90210-305-0 | AB Academic Publishers | occult sciences |
Bonder | Nilton | The kabbalah of money | 1996 | 978-1-57062-214-0 | Shambalah (UK/USA) | economy | |
Bonder | Rabbi Nilton | De Kabbala van Geld | 1997 | 978-9-03890-635-0 | Elmar (Netherlands) | economy | |
Bonneau | Thierry | Verbiest, Thibault | Fintech et droit: quelle regulation pour les nouveaux entrants du secteur bancaire et financier | 978-2-86325-832-0 | RB Edition (France) | economy | |
Bonnefoy | Yves | La Quête du Saint Graal | 1958 | Club du meilleur livre | occult sciences | ||
Bonvin | Jacques | L'église romane, lieu d'énergie : pour une géobiologie du sacré | 1990 | 978-2-85076-324-0 | Dervy | architecture | |
Boogaerts | Pierre | Vlady Stevanovitch | LA VOIE DE L'ENERGIE. | 1993 | 978-2-70330-382-0 | Ed. Dangles | new age philosophy |
Boone | J. Allen | Kinship With All Life | 1976 | 978-0-06060-912-0 | HarperOne | self help | |
Boorstin | Daniel J. | The Image | 1971 | 978-0-68970-281-0 | Atheneum (USA) | symbols | |
Bord | Colin | Janet Bord | Earth Rites: Fertility Practices in Pre-Industrial Britain (Paladin Book) | 1982 | 978-0-58608-453-0 | Granada Publishing (UK) | archaeology |
Bord | Janet | A Guide to Ancient Sites in Britain | 1979 | 978-0-58608-309-0 | Paladin | archaeology | |
Bord | Janet | Jean-Clarence Lambert | Labyrinthes et dedales du monde | 1976 | Presses de la connaissance | symbols | |
Bordeaux Szâekely | Edmond | Vivre en harmonie avec l'univers | 1984 | 978-2-88058-023-0 | Editions Soleil | western philo/religion | |
Bordeaux Szekely | Edmond | The essene science of fasting and the art of sobriety | 1981 | International biogenic society | medicine | ||
Born | Annick | Catherine Fondaire, Charlotte Caspers, Christina Currie | Het Lam Gods Ont(K)Leed | 2017 | 978-9-07431-179-0 | Caermersklooster | art |
Bornstein | David | How to Change the World | 2004 | 978-0-19513-805-0 | Oxford University Press | economy | |
Borsodi | Ralph | Inflation and the coming Keynesian catastrophe | 1989 | E.F Schumacher | economy | ||
Boulenger | Jacques | La légende du roi Arthur et des chevaliers de la table ronde | 2006 | 978-2-84362-307-0 | Terre de brume | western philo/religion | |
Boulier-Fraissinet | Jean | La philosophie indienne | 1961 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | eastern philo/religion | ||
Bourgeault | Cynthia | The Meaning of Mary Magdalene | 2010 | 978-1-59030-495-0 | Shambhala Publications, Incorporated | women in culture | |
Bouthoul | Gaston | L'art de la politique | Editions Seghers (France) | politics | |||
Bouttier-Guérive | Elle | Planète attitude | 2004 | 978-2-02066-337-0 | Seuil | future studies | |
Bowden | Julie D. | Genesis | 1988 | 978-0-93219-456-0 | Health Communications | self help | |
Bowett | D.W. | Proposal for establishment of an international council for research and information on conflicts. | 1971 | 978-8-75041-059-0 | S. L. Møllers | economy | |
Boyle | David | The little money book | 2003 | 978-1-90197-052-0 | Fragile Earth Books (UK) | economy | |
Boyle | David | Why London needs its own currency | 978-1-89940-728-0 | NEF Pocketbooks (UK) | economy | ||
Boyle | David | The Tyranny of Numbers | 2001 | 978-0-00653-200-0 | Flamingo | politics | |
Bradbury | Cort Lindahl | The Sacret Towers of the Axis Mundi | 2015 | 978-1-50761-495-0 | Amazon Fulfillment | architecture | |
Bragdon | Joseph H. | Profit for Life: How Capitalism Excels | 2006 | 978-0-97423-903-0 | SoL, the Society for Organizational Learnaing | economy | |
Brand | Stewart | Whole Earth Discipline | 2010 | 978-1-84354-816-0 | Atlantic Books (UK) | future studies | |
Brandenburg | Alain | La cathédrale | 1989 | 978-2-21302-241-0 | Fayard | architecture | |
Brandicourt | Jacques | Jean Desobry | Cathédrale d'Amiens | Lescuyer | architecture | ||
Brandon | F.G.S. | Ancient empires (Milestones of history ; 1) | 1973 | 978-0-88225-059-0 | Newsweek Books | archaeology | |
Brandon | F.G.S. | Religion in Ancient History: Studies in Ideas, Men and Events | 1973 | 978-0-04200-021-0 | Allen & Unwin | western philo/religion | |
Branner | Robert | Chartres Cathedral | 1969 | 978-0-39309-852-0 | W W Norton & Co Inc | architecture | |
Brasey | Edouard | L'énigme de l'Atlantide | 1998 | 978-2-85704-543-0 | Pygmalion | occult sciences | |
Brasseur | Marcel | Provence, terre de mythes et de légendes | 1999 | 978-2-84362-017-0 | Terre de brume | history | |
Braudel | Fernand | The Wheels Of Commerce: Civilization And Capitalism, 15th-18th Century Volume 2 | 1983 | 978-0-06015-091-0 | Harper & Row | economy | |
Brelet-Rueff | Claudine | Medecines Traditionnelles Sacrees | 1975 | 978-2-72560-051-0 | Retz | medicine | |
Brennan | Barbara | Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field | 1988 | 978-0-55334-539-0 | Bantam | medicine | |
Brennan | J.H. | Reincarnation (Paths to Inner Power) | 1981 | 978-0-85030-275-0 | Aquarian Press | self help | |
Bretelle-Desmazières | Danièle | Terre 2100 Imaginer un futur idéal (French Edition) | 2008 | 978-2-91574-144-0 | OVADIA | future studies | |
Breton | Guy | Histoires d'Amour de l'histoire de France | 1964 | Editions noir et blanc | history | ||
Breydel | Louis-Philippe | L'ommegang | 2007 | 978-2-87415-752-0 | groupe luc pire - renaissance du livre | architecture | |
Brien | Richard | Global financial integration | 1992 | 978-1-85567-005-0 | Pinter | economy | |
Brier | Bob | Ancient Egyptian magic | 1980 | 978-0-68803-655-0 | Morrow | occult sciences | |
Bril | Jacques | Lilith, ou, La mère obscure | 1981 | 978-2-22812-831-0 | Payot | women in culture | |
Brinkgreve | Francine | Offerings - the Ritual Art of Bali | eastern philo/religion | ||||
Brion | Marcel | Rembrandt | 1946 | Albin Michel | rembrandt | ||
Bro | Harmon Hartzell | Edgar Cayce : les rêves et la réalité | 1981 | 978-2-89132-619-0 | Select | psychology | |
Broad | William J. | The Oracle: The Lost Secrets and Hidden Messages of Ancient Delphi | 2006 | 978-1-59420-082-0 | Penguin Press HC, The | occult sciences | |
Broadhurst | Paul | Secret Shrines | 1997 | 978-0-95151-833-0 | Pendragon | new age philosophy | |
Broadhurst | Paul | The dance of the dragon | 2000 | 978-0-95151-836-0 | Pendragon Press | occult sciences | |
Broadhurst | Paul | Tintagel and the Arthurian Mythos | 1992 | 978-0-95151-834-0 | Pendragon Press | occult sciences | |
Broekman | Marcel | The complere ecyclopedia of practical palmistry | 1972 | Prentice Hall | occult sciences | ||
Broere | Ad | Een menselijke economy | 2009 | 978-9-05911-878-0 | Uitgeverij Aspekt (Netherlands) | economy | |
Bronowski | Jacob | The Ascent of Man | 1984 | 978-0-70882-035-0 | Futura (UK) | new age philosophy | |
Brosse | Thérèse | La Conscience-énergie, structure de l'homme et de l'univers | 1978 | 978-2-90169-616-0 | Editions Presence | occult sciences | |
Brou | Willy | Marcel Brou | Routes romaines et vertes chaussées en Gaule Belgique | 1981 | editions techniques et scientifiques | archaeology | |
Brown | Jerry | Rinaldo Brutoco, James Cusumano | Freedom from Mid-East oil | 2007 | 978-0-97940-523-0 | World Business Academy (USA) | economy |
Brown | Stephen A. | Revolution at the checkout counter | 1997 | 978-0-67476-720-0 | Harvard University Press [distributor] | economy | |
Brown | Lester R. | Plan B 2.0 | 2006 | 978-0-39332-832-0 | W.W. Norton & Company (USA) | future studies | |
Brown | Lester R. | Le plan B | 2007 | 978-2-70213-859-0 | Calmann-Lévy | future studies | |
Brown | Lester R. | Linda Starke | State of the world, 1987 | 1987 | 978-0-39330-390-0 | W. W. Norton & Company | future studies |
Brown | Neville | The Future Global Challenge: A Predictive Study of World Security, 1977-1990 | 1978 | 978-0-84481-256-0 | Crane Russak & Co | future studies | |
Brown | Dan | The Da Vinci code | 2003 | 978-0-38550-420-0 | Doubleday | occult sciences | |
Brown | Christopher | Jan Kelch | Rembrandt | 1991 | 978-0-30005-149-0 | The National Gallery | rembrandt |
Brown | Norman Oliver | Hermes the thief | 1990 | 978-0-94026-226-0 | Lindisfarne Books | western philo/religion | |
Brukoff | Barry | John Fowles | The Enigma Of Stonehenge | 1980 | 978-0-22401-619-0 | Summit Books | archaeology |
Brunés | Tons | The secrets of ancient geometry - and its use | 1967 | Rhodos | architecture | ||
Brunés | Tons | The secrets of ancient geometry - and its use | 1967 | Rhodos | architecture | ||
Brunnhuber | Stefan | Die Kunst der Transformation | 978-3-45160-004-0 | Herder (Allemagne) | economy | ||
Brunnhuber | Stefan | Harald Klimenta | Wie wir wirschaften werden: Szenarien und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für zukunftsfähige Finanzmärkte | 2003 | 978-3-83231-023-0 | Redline Wirtschaft (Frankfurt/Vienne) | economy |
Bruno | Giordano | Cause, principe et unité | 1982 | 978-2-73070-284-0 | Éditions d'Aujourd'hui | western philo/religion | |
Bryan | Betsy M. | Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven: Women in Ancient Egypt | 1997 | 978-1-55595-129-0 | Hudson Hills Press Inc.,U.S. | women in culture | |
Bryant | Page | Crystals and Their Use: A Study of At-One-Ment With the Mineral Kingdom | 1984 | 978-0-89540-152-0 | Sun Publishing | self help | |
Bryant Maynard | Herman | Susan E. Mehrtens | The Fourth Wave: Business in the 21st Century | 1993 | 978-1-88105-216-0 | Berrett-Koehler Publishers | economy |
Bryner | Andy | Dawna Markova | An unused intelligence: physical thinking for the 21st century leadership | 1996 | 978-0-94323-397-0 | Conari Press (USA) | future studies |
Brzezinski | Zbigniew | Out of control | 1995 | 978-0-68482-636-0 | Touchstone | future studies | |
Brzezinski | Zbigniew | The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives | 1998 | 978-0-46502-726-0 | Basic Books | politics | |
Brzezinski | Zbigniew | The Choice | 2004 | 978-0-46500-800-0 | Basic Books | politics | |
Buchan | James | Frozen Desire | 1997 | 978-0-37415-909-0 | Farrar Straus & Giroux (T) | economy | |
Bucke | Richard Maurice | Cosmic Consciousness | 1969 | 978-0-52547-245-0 | Dutton | new age philosophy | |
Bucke | Richard | Bucke Richard M. : Cosmic Consciousness (Pbk) | 1986 | 978-0-52548-279-0 | Penguin Books Ltd | new age philosophy | |
Buckminster Fuller | R. | utopia or oblivion | 1969 | Bantam | future studies | ||
Buddha | Some sayings of the Buddha: according to the Pali Canon. Translated F. L. Woodward, etc | 1973 | 978-0-19519-737-0 | Oxford University Press | eastern philo/religion | ||
Buess | Lynn M. | The Tarot and Transformation | 978-0-87516-239-0 | Tarnhelm Press | occult sciences | ||
Bulteau | Michel | Le Plessis-Bourre, Alchimie Et Mysteres | 1983 | 978-2-73400-028-0 | Livre-Essor | occult sciences | |
Bunker | Dusty | Quintiles and Tredeciles: The Geometry of the Goddess | 1990 | 978-0-91491-869-0 | Whitford Press | symbols | |
Burckhardt | Titus | Principes et methodes de l'art sacré | 1976 | Dervy | art | ||
Burckhardt | Titus | Introduction aux doctrines ésotériques de l'Islam | 1969 | Dervy | occult sciences | ||
Burckhardt | Titus | Symboles | 1980 | Archè | symbols | ||
Burensteinas | Patrick | Un alchimiste raconte | 2017 | 979-1-09716-007-0 | Massot éditions | occult sciences | |
Burka | Uwe | Eine zukunftsfähige Geld- und Wirtschaftsordnung für Mensch und Natur | Zelbstverlag Uwe Burka | economy | |||
Burkard | Günter | Agypten 2000 v. Chr | 2000 | 978-3-77748-541-0 | Hirmer | archaeology | |
Burkert | Walte | Lore and science in ancient Pythagoreanism | 1972 | Harvard University Press | western philo/religion | ||
Burleigh | Michael | Earthly Powers | 2006 | 978-0-06058-093-0 | HarperCollins | politics | |
Burman | Edward | The Templars | 1986 | 978-0-85030-396-0 | Aquarian | occult sciences | |
Burmeister | Mary | Jin shin jyutsu is | 1994 | Jin shin jyutsu, inc. | self help | ||
Burns Glynn | William | La escritura de los incas | editorial Los Pinos | anthropology | |||
Burr | George | The silent pulse | 1978 | 978-0-52513-345-0 | Dutton | new age philosophy | |
Burstein | Daniel | Secrets Of The Code | 2004 | 978-1-59315-023-0 | CDS Books | occult sciences | |
Bush | Laura | Dekro, Jeffrey | Jews, money & social responsibility: developping a "Torah of Money" for contemporary life | 1993 | 978-0-96356-841-0 | The Shefa Fund (USA) | economy |
Butler | Nicholas Murray | The American as he is | 1937 | Charles Scribner's Sons | anthropology | ||
Butler | Bill | The definitive tarot | 1975 | 978-0-09121-011-0 | Rider | occult sciences | |
Byttebier | Igor | Creativiteit Hoe? Zo! | 2002 | 978-9-02095-018-0 | Lannoo | future studies | |
C. Adle | C. | Galina Anatolevna Pugachenkova | Chefs-D'uvre D'architecture De L'Asie Centrale, XIVe-XVe Siecle | 1981 | 978-9-23202-000-0 | Presses de l'Unesco | architecture |
Cahill | Thomas | Mysteries of the Middle Ages | 2006 | 978-0-38549-555-0 | Nan A. Talese | anthropology | |
Cairncross | Frances | Costing the earth | 1993 | 978-0-87584-411-0 | Harvard Business School Press | future studies | |
Calame | Pierre | Essai sur l'Oeconomy | 2009 | 978-2-84377-146-0 | Editions Charles Leopold Meyer (Paris) | economy | |
Calame | Pierre | La Democratie En Miettes: Pour Une Revolution De La Gouvernance | 2003 | 978-2-84446-055-0 | Descartes & Cie | politics | |
Calame | Pierre | La democratie en miettes: pour une revolution de la gouvernance | 2003 | 978-2-84446-055-0 | Descartes & Cie (France) | politics | |
Calder | Nigel | The Key to the Universe | 1978 | 978-0-14005-065-0 | Penguin (Non-Classics) | new age philosophy | |
Cameron | Alan | Bank of Scotland, 1695-1995 | 1995 | 978-1-85158-691-0 | Mainstream Publishing | economy | |
Camille | Michael | The Medieval Art Of Love | 1998 | 978-0-81091-544-0 | Harry N Abrams | history | |
Camon Aznar | José | Forma y color 17: El Greco | 1966 | Albaicin/Sadea | art | ||
Campbell | Bruce | Before the black death | 1991 | 978-0-71903-927-0 | Manchester University Press | history | |
Campbell | Joseph | An open life | 1988 | 978-0-94391-447-0 | Published for the Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundat | new age philosophy | |
Campbell | Joseph | Marija Alseikaite Gimbutas | The Language of the Goddess: Unearthing the Hidden Symbols of Western Civilization | 1989 | 978-0-50001-481-0 | HarperCollins | women in culture |
Canetti | Elias | Masse et puissance | 1986 | 978-2-07070-508-0 | Editions Gallimard (France) | future studies | |
Canfield | Jack | Heart at work | 1998 | 978-0-07012-030-0 | McGraw-Hill | self help | |
Canfield | Jack | Mark Victor Hansen | Chicken Soup For The Soul | 1993 | 978-1-55874-263-0 | Health Communications | self help |
Canseliet | Eugène | Trois anciens traites d'alchimie: Calligraphie et prolegomenes d'Eugene Canseliet (French Edition) | 1975 | 978-2-72020-034-0 | J.-J. Pauvert | occult sciences | |
Cantor | Norman F. | Inventing the Middle Ages | 1993 | 978-0-68812-302-0 | Quill | history | |
Cantor | Norman F. | The Civilization of the Middle Ages | 1993 | 978-0-06017-033-0 | HarperCollins Publishers | history | |
Capra | Fritjof | The Web of Life | 1996 | 978-0-38547-675-0 | Anchor Books/ Doubleday (USA) | future studies | |
Capra | Fritjof | Uncommon Wisdom | 1989 | 978-0-55334-611-0 | Bantam | natural sciences | |
Cardillo | Edmundo | a energia da forma | Aquarius | occult sciences | |||
Carey | Kenneth | The Starseed transmissions | 1982 | 978-0-91329-930-0 | Stillpoint Pub. | new age philosophy | |
Carey | Ken | Vision | 1985 | 978-0-91294-903-0 | Available from Starseed Seminars | new age philosophy | |
Carey | Ken | Return of the Bird Tribes | 1988 | 978-0-91294-921-0 | A Uni-Sun Book | occult sciences | |
Carey | Ken | Terra Christa | 1986 | 978-0-91329-932-0 | Stillpoint Publishing | western philo/religion | |
Carles | Jacques | La Alquimia, ¿superciencia extraterrestre? | 1976 | 978-8-40131-055-0 | PLAZA & JANES | occult sciences | |
Carlier | Léonce | Les Légumes et les fruits qui guérissent | 1980 | 978-2-71260-024-0 | Andrillon | medicine | |
Carnac | Pierre | La Symbolique des échecs | 1985 | 978-2-85199-360-0 | Editions Henri Veyrier | symbols | |
Carpenter | Jill | John P. Schuster | The Power of Open-book Management: Releasing the True Potential of People's Minds, Hearts and Hands | 1996 | 978-0-47113-288-0 | John Wiley & Sons | self help |
Carpenter | Humphrey | Jesus (Past Masters) | 1984 | 978-0-19283-017-0 | Oxford Univ Pr (T) | western philo/religion | |
Carson | David | Jamie Sams | Medicine Cards | 1988 | 978-0-93968-054-0 | Bear & Co | new age philosophy |
Carswell | Margaret | Happy People, a Better World: how to get from here to there | 0.0 | economy | |||
Carter | Mary Ellen | Edgar Cayce On Healing | 1983 | 978-0-44630-862-0 | Warner | medicine | |
Cashford | Jules | Anne Baring | The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image (Arkana) | 1993 | 978-0-14019-293-0 | Penguin (Non-Classics) | women in culture |
Caslant | Eugène | L’Aura humaine | 1930 | 978-2-91516-473-0 | Chacornac Freres | occult sciences | |
Castaneda | Carlos | Journey to Ixtlan | 1972 | Touchstone | psychology | ||
Castle | Victoria | The trance of scarcity | 2006 | 978-0-97713-311-0 | Sagacious Press (USA) | future studies | |
Cereceda | Veronica | Jhonny Davalos, Jaime Mejia | Los disenos de los textiles tarabuco y jalq'a | 1998 | ASUR | anthropology | |
Ceysens | P. | E-mama | 2004 | 978-9-05240-753-0 | Houtekiet | self help | |
Chadwick | John | The Mycenaean World | 1976 | 978-0-52129-037-0 | Cambridge University Press | anthropology | |
Chaignet | A. Ed. | Pythagore et la philosophie pythagoricienne (Tome II) | 1968 | Editions Culture et Civilisation Bruxelles | western philo/religion | ||
Chailley | Jacques | Jérôme Bosch et ses symboles | 1976 | Palais des Académies | art | ||
Chandley | Margo | The channeling process | 1987 | Light & Sound Communications | new age philosophy | ||
Charbonneau-Lassay | Louis | The bestiary of Christ | 1991 | 978-0-93040-719-0 | Parabola Books | occult sciences | |
Charlier | Jacques | Watermael-Boitsfort en cartes postales anciennes | 1980 | Bibliothèque Européenne | natural sciences | ||
Charloteaux | J. | A. Dohet | Revelations dur la radiesthesie | l'alliance | occult sciences | ||
Charon | Jean Emile | J'ai vécu quinze milliards d'années | 1983 | 978-2-22601-667-0 | Albin Michel | new age philosophy | |
Charon | Jean Emile | L'Esprit, cet inconnu | 1977 | 978-2-22600-511-0 | Albin Michel | psychology | |
Charpentier | Louis | Les mystères de la cathédrale de Chartres | 1977 | Editions Robert Laffont (France) | architecture | ||
Charpentier | Louis | Les mystères templiers | 1967 | Editions Robert Laffont (France) | occult sciences | ||
Charpentier | Louis | Les Jacques et le mystère de Compostelle | 1979 | 978-2-27751-367-0 | Société d'études linguistiques et anthropologiques de France | western philo/religion | |
Chartier | Roger | French Revolution - PB | 1991 | 978-0-82230-993-0 | Duke University Press | history | |
Chaunu | Pierre | Histoire Et Decadence | 1982 | 978-2-26200-240-0 | Librairie académique Perrin | history | |
Chauvin | Remy | Certaines choses que je ne m'explique pas (Bibliotheque de l'irrationnel et des grands mysteres) (French Edition) | 1976 | 978-2-72560-055-0 | CELT | new age philosophy | |
Chavaillon | Jean | L'âge d'or de l'humanité | 1996 | 978-2-73810-361-0 | Odile Jacob | history | |
Chawla | Sarita | Learning Organizations | 1995 | 978-1-56327-111-0 | Productivity Press | future studies | |
Cheiro | Language of the hand | 1970 | Arc books | occult sciences | |||
Chenique | Francois | Le Yoga Spirituel De St. Francois D'Assise: Symbolisme Du Cantique Des Creatures | 1978 | 978-2-85076-066-0 | Dervy-Livres | occult sciences | |
Chetwynd | Tom | How To Interpret Your Own Dreams | 1980 | 978-0-51731-961-0 | Bell Publishing Company | psychology | |
Chia | Maneewan | Mantak Chia | Chi Nei Tsang: Internal Organ Chi Massage | 1991 | 978-0-93562-136-0 | Healing Tao Books | self help |
Chia | Mantak | Iron Shirt Chi Kung | 1986 | 978-0-93562-102-0 | Healing Tao Books | self help | |
Chia | Mantak | Michael Winn | Taoist Secrets of Love | 1984 | 978-0-94335-819-0 | Aurora Press | self help |
Childress | David Hatcher | Anti-Gravity and the World Grid (Lost Science (Adventures Unlimited Press)) | 1987 | 978-0-93281-304-0 | Adventures Unlimited Press | occult sciences | |
Chilton Pearce | Joseph | Magical Child Matures | 1986 | 978-0-55325-881-0 | Bantam Books | self help | |
Chomsky | Noam | Understanding Power | 2003 | 978-0-09946-606-0 | Vintage | politics | |
Chomsky | Noam | Hegemony or survival | 2004 | 978-0-14101-506-0 | Penguin Books (UK) | politics | |
Christensen | Clayton M. | Scott D. Anthony, Erik A. Roth | Seeing What's Next: Using Theories of Innovation to Predict Industry Change | 2004 | 978-1-59139-185-0 | Harvard Business School Press | future studies |
Christensen | Clayton | Scott Anthony, Erik A. Roth | Seeing What's Next | 2004 | 978-1-59139-185-0 | Harvard Business School Press (USA) | future studies |
Christiaen | Yves | La mutation du monde | 1978 | Dervy | new age philosophy | ||
Christophe | Paul | L' unité sacrée | 2013 | 978-2-34300-565-0 | L'Harmattan | archaeology | |
Chuck | Collins | 99 to 1 | 2012 | 978-1-60994-592-0 | Berrett-Koehler Publishers | economy | |
Chuen | Lam Kam | The Feng Shui Handbook: How To Create A Healthier Living & Working Environment (Henry Holt Reference Book) | 1996 | 978-0-80504-215-0 | Henry Holt & Company | self help | |
Cichy | Bodo | Art et secrets des batisseurs | 1961 | Editions du pont royal | architecture | ||
Cirlot | J.E. | A Dictionary Of Symbols, 2nd Edition | 1990 | 978-0-80222-084-0 | Philosophical Library | symbols | |
Cirlot | Juan-Eduardo | Diccionario de símbolos | 1978 | 978-8-43357-016-0 | Labor | western philo/religion | |
Claessens | Bob | Jeanne Rousseau | Onze Bruegel | 1975 | 000-9-06153-009-1 | Fonds Mercator | art |
Claridge | Gordon Sidney | Drugs and human behaviour | 1972 | 978-0-14021-151-0 | Penguin | psychology | |
Clark | Hulda R. | The Cure for All Cancers: Including over 100 Case Histories of Persons Cured | 1993 | 978-0-96363-282-0 | New Century Press | medicine | |
Clark | Linda | Color Therapy | 1981 | 978-0-67144-509-0 | medicine | ||
Clark | Kenneth | Rembrandt and the italian renaissance | 1966 | W.W. Norton | rembrandt | ||
Clark | Kenneth | Civilisation | 1969 | 978-0-71956-844-0 | John Murray | western philo/religion | |
Claude | Claude | anthologie de la poesie hermetique | 1976 | Dervy | occult sciences | ||
Clement | Gilles | Manifeste du Tiers paysage | 2005 | 978-2-91498-103-0 | Editions sujet/objet | future studies | |
Clier-Colombani | Françoise | La fée Mélusine au Moyen Age | 1991 | 978-2-86377-101-0 | Léopard d'or | anthropology | |
Clippinger | John Henry | A crowd of one | 2007 | 978-1-58648-368-0 | PublicAffairs (USA) | future studies | |
Clive | Prince | Lynn Picknett | Turin Shroud | 1994 | 978-0-06017-224-0 | HarperCollins | western philo/religion |
Cloos | Walther | The Living Earth | 1977 | 978-0-90615-501-0 | Lanthorn Press | natural sciences | |
Coekelberghs | Denis | Dominique Vauthier, Paul Philippot, Pierre Loze | L'Architecture religieuse et la sculpture Baroques dans les pays-bas meridionaux et la princippaute de Liege 1600-1770 | 2003 | 978-2-87009-839-0 | Mardaga | art |
Cohen | Daniel | Richesse du monde, pauvretés des nations | 1997 | Flammarion (France) | economy | ||
Cohen | Alan | Healing of the Planet Earth | 1987 | 978-0-91036-736-0 | New Leaf | new age philosophy | |
Collins | James C. | Good to Great | 2001 | 978-0-06662-099-0 | Collins | economy | |
Collins | Andrew | The circlemakers | 1992 | 978-0-95080-246-0 | ABC | new age philosophy | |
Colmant | Bruno | Voyage au bout d'une nuit monetaire | 978-2-80310-329-0 | Editions academie royale de Belgique (Belgium) | economy | ||
Colmant | Bruno | Benoit d'Udekem | 2011-2013: les prochaines conflagrations économiques | 2011 | de boeck & larcier | economy | |
Comfort | Ales | La joie du sexe | 1972 | Editions Jean-Claude Lattès | self help | ||
Commelin | P. | Mythologie grecque et romaine | 1960 | Editions Garnier Frères | western philo/religion | ||
Commons | John R. | Legal foundations of capitalism | The University of Wisconsin Press (USA) | economy | |||
Conde | B.-G. | S. Caillet | Methodes et pratiques radioniques | 1990 | Editions du Lion d'Or | occult sciences | |
Conrad | J.R. | Le culte du taureau | 1978 | Payot | symbols | ||
Contamine | Philippe | L'économie médiévale | 1993 | 978-2-20021-330-0 | A. Colin | economy | |
Cook | Theodore Andrea | The Curves of Life (Dover Books Explaining Science) | 1979 | 978-0-48623-702-0 | Dover Publications Inc. | occult sciences | |
Coomaraswamy | Ananda K | Hindouisme et bouddhisme | 1949 | Gallimard | eastern philo/religion | ||
Cooper | Charlie | Paule Salomon | Les Nouveaux Aventuriers De L'esprit | 1979 | 978-2-22600-780-0 | A. Michel | new age philosophy |
Corbalán | Fernando | Le Nombre d'Or | 2011 | 978-2-81520-237-0 | RBA Coleccionables | architecture | |
Cornelis | Jean-Philippe | Homo pontifex et pontifex oppositorum | 2003 | ANRT | western philo/religion | ||
Cornu | Jean-Michel | De l'innovation monetaire aux monnaies de l'innovation | 978-2-91657-148-0 | FYP Editions (France) | economy | ||
Costa Clavell | J. | Saint-Jacques de compostelle et Rias Bajas | 1966 | Editorial Planeta | natural sciences | ||
Cotteret | Marie-Ange | Mesurez vous ! (French Edition) | 978-2-91574-113-0 | OVADIA | self help | ||
Couderc | Paul | La relativité | 1977 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | natural sciences | ||
Coulon | Alphonse-Marie | Histoire de Mouscron | 1974 | Editions Culture et Civilisation Bruxelles | history | ||
Courtellemont | Gervais | La civilisation (3 volumes) | 1923 | Le Vasseur et Cie | history | ||
Cousens | Gabriel | Conscious eating | 1993 | 978-1-56550-014-0 | Vision Books International | medicine | |
Couzyn | Heather | The cosmic microbe | 1995 | 978-0-95130-459-0 | Headway | future studies | |
Covey | Stephen R. | The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People | 1990 | 978-0-67170-863-0 | Simon & Schuster | self help | |
Cowart | Jack | Manuel Neri, Price Amerson | Manuel Neri | 1994 | 978-0-88675-041-0 | Corcoran Gallery of Art | art |
Cowen | Painton | Roses médiévales | 1979 | 978-2-02005-292-0 | Seuil | architecture | |
Cowen | Tyler | Randall Kroszner | Explorations in the New Monetary Economics | 1994 | 978-1-55786-071-0 | Blackwell (Oxford, UK) | economy |
Coyle | Diane | The weightless world | 1997 | 978-1-90096-111-0 | Capstone | economy | |
Crawford | Tad | The secret life of money | 1994 | 978-0-87477-786-0 | G.P. Putnam's Sons (USA) | economy | |
Cress Welsing | Frances | The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors | 1991 | 978-0-88378-104-0 | Third World Press | new age philosophy | |
Creusot | Camille | La face cachee des nombres (Collection Les Connaissances supra-normales) (French Edition) | 1977 | 978-2-85076-052-0 | Dervy-Livres | symbols | |
Creutz | Helmut | Das Geld-syndrom: wege zu einer krisenfreien marktwirtschaft | 1994 | 978-3-54835-457-0 | Ullstein (Berlin) | economy | |
Creutz | Helmut | Das Geld-Syndrom | 2001 | 978-3-54870-007-0 | Econ Taschenbücher (Allemagne) | economy | |
Crevier | Richard | Vincent Foster Hopper | La symbolique médiévale des nombres | 1995 | 978-2-85226-517-0 | G. Monfort | symbols |
Cribb | Joe | Eyewitness Guides: Money | 1999 | 978-0-75136-190-0 | Dorling Kindersley (UK) | economy | |
Cristoff | Boris | La grande catastrophe de 1983 by Cristoff, Boris | 2012 | 978-2-26800-076-0 | Editions du Rocher | new age philosophy | |
Critchlow | Keith | Time Stands Still: New Light on the Megalith Mind | 1979 | 978-0-86092-040-0 | Gordon Fraser Gallery | archaeology | |
Critchlow | Keith | Order in space | 1969 | 978-0-50034-033-0 | Thames & Hudson | occult sciences | |
Crook | Colin | Jerry Wind, Robert Gunther | The Power of Impossible Thinking | 2004 | 978-0-13142-503-0 | Wharton School Publishing | future studies |
Crosby | Alfred W. | The Measure of Reality: Quantification in Western Europe, 1250-1600 | 1997 | 978-0-52163-990-0 | Cambridge University Press | western philo/religion | |
Croutier | Alev Lytle | Harem | 1989 | 978-0-89659-903-0 | Abbeville Press | art | |
Crozier | Michel | Le phénomène bureaucratique | 1971 | 978-2-02000-603-0 | Seuil | politics | |
Crump | Thomas | The anthropology of numbers | 1997 | 978-0-52143-807-0 | Cambridge University Press | symbols | |
Csikszentmihalyi | Mihaly | The Evolving Self | 1993 | 978-0-06016-678-0 | HarperCollins | future studies | |
Cusick | A.G. | Take the red pill and cure global warming | 978-1-49912-190-0 | 0.0 | future studies | ||
Cuvelier | François | Un Enseignement Secret et une Langue Sacrée | 2007 | 978-2-96005-171-0 | Synegorie | occult sciences | |
d' Espagnat | Bernard | À la recherche du réel | 1979 | 978-2-04010-896-0 | Gauthier-Villars | western philo/religion | |
d'Aquin | Thomas | Grillot de Givry | Traité de la pierre philosophale | 1979 | Archè | occult sciences | |
D'Arès | Jacques | Vézelay et saint Bernard | 1985 | 978-2-85076-200-0 | Dervy | western philo/religion | |
D'Arista | Jane W. | The evolution of U.S. finance (Volume 1) | 1994 | 978-1-56324-231-0 | M.E. Sharpe | economy | |
D'Arista | Jane W. | The evolution of U.S. finance (Volume 2) | 1994 | 978-1-56324-234-0 | M.E. Sharpe | economy | |
d'Encausse | Jean | La philosophie de l'éveil | le Courrier du livre | eastern philo/religion | |||
Da | Adi | Prior Unity: the basis for a new human civilization | 978-1-94278-900-0 | Is Peace 723 (USA) | future studies | ||
Da | Liu | I ching numerology | 1979 | 978-0-71000-409-0 | Routledge | politics | |
Da | Adi | Not-Two Is Peace: The ordinary people's way of global cooperative order | 2009 | 978-1-57097-262-0 | IS Peace 723 (USA) | symbols | |
da Vinci | Leonardo | The Da Vinci Notebooks | 2005 | 978-1-86197-987-0 | Profile Books Ltd | art | |
Dahlberg | Arthur O. | How to save free enterprise | The Devin-Adair Company (USA) | economy | |||
Dalai Lama XIV | The Dalai Lama's Book of Wisdom | 1999 | 978-0-72253-955-0 | HarperCollins | self help | ||
Daly | Herman E. | Beyond Growth | 1997 | 978-0-80704-710-0 | Beacon Press (USA) | economy | |
Daly | Herman E. | Cobb, John B. | For the common good | 1990 | 978-1-85425-039-0 | Green Print (UK) | economy |
Dames | Michael | Silbury Treasure: The Great Goddess Rediscovered | 1978 | 978-0-50027-141-0 | Thames & Hudson Ltd | women in culture | |
Damian-Knight | Guy | The I Ching on business and decision making | 1986 | 978-0-89281-173-0 | Destiny Books | eastern philo/religion | |
Danaher | Kevin | Fifty Years is Enough | 1994 | 978-0-89608-496-0 | South End Press | economy | |
Daniel | Glyn | The first civilizations | 1970 | Apollo Editions | anthropology | ||
Danziger | Danny | Robert Lacey | The Year 1000 : What Life Was Like At the Turn of the First Millennium : An Englishman's World | 2000 | 978-0-31651-158-0 | Little, Brown and Company | history |
Darcheville | Patrick | De la pierre aux étoiles : La Cathédrale initiatique | 1992 | 978-2-85707-478-0 | Guy Trédaniel éditeur | occult sciences | |
Darry | A.r. | La philosophie des nombres | 1966 | les editions des champs elysées | symbols | ||
David-Neel | Alexandra | Textes tibétains inédits | 1975 | 978-2-85704-013-0 | Pygmalion | eastern philo/religion | |
Davidson | James Dale | Sir William Rees-Mogg | The Great Reckoning: Protect Your Self in the Coming Depression | 1993 | 978-0-28306-172-0 | Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd | economy |
Davidson | James Dale | William Rees-Mogg | The Sovereign Individual | 1997 | 978-0-68481-007-0 | Simon & Schuster | future studies |
Davies | Paul | The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in the Nature's Creative Ability to Order the Universe | 1989 | 978-0-67167-562-0 | Touchstone Books | natural sciences | |
Davies | Nigel | Voyagers to the New World / Nigel Davies. | 1979 | 978-0-68803-396-0 | William Morrow & Co | new age philosophy | |
Davies | Paul | God and the New Physics | 1984 | 978-0-67152-806-0 | Simon & Schuster | new age philosophy | |
Davis | Elizabeth | The Women's Wheel of Life | 1996 | 978-0-67086-228-0 | Viking Adult | women in culture | |
Davrou | Y. | Le guide pratique de la sophrologie | 1978 | 978-2-72660-298-0 | Retz | self help | |
Davy | M. | Initiation à la symbolique romane (XIIe siècle) | 1999 | 978-2-08081-020-0 | Flammarion | symbols | |
Davy | M. | Initiation médiévale. La philosophie au douzième siècle | 1980 | 978-2-22600-898-0 | Albin Michel | western philo/religion | |
de Azcona | Tarsicio | Isabel la Católica | 2004 | 978-8-49734-185-0 | La Esfera de los Libros | western philo/religion | |
de Barradas | Jose Perez | Orfebreria prehispanica de colombia | 1965 | Museo del oro del banco de la Republica Colombia | art | ||
de Beaucorps | Arlette | Le " Yi jing" | 2010 | 978-2-22621-566-0 | A. Michel | self help | |
De Bock | Eugène | De Nederlanden | 1966 | Uitgeverij Heideland | art | ||
de Boer | Jan | Inleiding tot de kennis van de symbolische vormen en van de mystiek der bouwkunst | 1981 | Uitgeverij Schors | symbols | ||
de Boisredon | Marianne | Inventer une economy yin & yang | 978-2-75090-223-0 | Presses de la Renaissance (France) | economy | ||
de Bono | Edward | Lateral Thinking | 1973 | 978-0-06090-325-0 | Harper & Row (USA) | future studies | |
de Boüard | Michel | Jean Merlet | l'abbaye du Bec-Hellouin | 1974 | Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sites | architecture | |
de Brabandere | Luc | Les Philosophes dans le métro | 2014 | 978-2-74650-874-0 | Le Pommiers | western philo/religion | |
De Brouwer | Desclée | Keizer Karel de Vijfde | 1965 | history | |||
De Cant | Genevieve | Beguines: an Independent Woman's World | 2003 | 978-0-97277-180-0 | Herve van Caloen Foundation | women in culture | |
de Cenival | Jean-Louis | Egypte | 1964 | Office Du Livre | architecture | ||
de Chambrun Ruspoli | Marthe | Le Retour Du Phenix | 1982 | 978-2-25133-410-0 | Les Belles Lettres | symbols | |
de Clairvaux | Saint Bernard | Les combats de Dieu | 1981 | 978-2-23401-447-0 | Stock | western philo/religion | |
de Foucauld | Jean-Baptiste (ed.) | Peut-on apprivoiser l'argent aujourd'hui? | 978-2-70569-062-0 | Hermann Editeurs (France) | economy | ||
de Freitas | Lima | 515, le lieu du miroir | 1993 | 978-2-22606-069-0 | A. Michel | art | |
de Givry | Grillot | Le grand oeuvre | 1981 | Editions Traditionnelles | occult sciences | ||
de Kemmeter | Michel | Les valeurs de l'argent | 978-2-93062-707-0 | Avant Propos (Belgium) | economy | ||
De Kemmeter | Michel | Mauhin, Paul | Le nouveau jeu economique | 978-2-96014-801-0 | Otherways scrl (Belgique) | economy | |
de Kemmeter | Michel | La planète interieure vue du ciel | 978-2-87386-557-0 | Editions Racine (Belgium) | future studies | ||
de Kersaint | Jean-Pol | Tout Par La Radiesthésie | 1990 | 978-2-70330-153-0 | Dangles | occult sciences | |
de La Foye | Jean | Ondes de vie, ondes de mort | 1975 | 978-2-22100-207-0 | R. Laffont | occult sciences | |
de Lafforest | Roger | La réalité magique | 1977 | Editions Robert Laffont (France) | symbols | ||
de Launay | Jacques | La croisade européenne pour l'indépendance des Etats-Unis, 1776-1783 | 1988 | 978-2-22603-245-0 | Albin Michel | women in culture | |
de Lettenhove | Kervyn | La Flandre pendant les trois dernier siècles | 1875 | Beyaer-Defoort | history | ||
de Lojendio | Luis Marâia | Castilla | 1978 | 978-8-47489-001-0 | Encuentro | architecture | |
de Mahieu | Jacques | L' imposture De Christophe Colomb: La Geographie Secrete De L'Amerique | 1979 | 978-2-85984-026-0 | Copernic | history | |
de Mesa | José | Monumentos de Bolivia | 2002 | 978-9-99058-004-0 | Editorial Gisbert | architecture | |
De Paepe | Raoul | Het Kortrijk van toen | 1981 | Marc van de Wiele | history | ||
de Ponthiere | Elisabeth | Zéro | 1975 | Lettera Amorosa | symbols | ||
de Prelle | Reginald | Le message des rêves | 1976 | Editions du mont blanc | psychology | ||
De Ropp | Robert S. | The master game | 1968 | Delta | psychology | ||
de Rosnay | Joel | Le macroscope: vers une vision globale | 1977 | 978-2-02004-567-0 | Editions du Seuil (France) | economy | |
de Rougemont | D. | L'amour et l'Occident | 1939 | Plon | western philo/religion | ||
de Rougemont | Denis | Penser avec les mains | 1972 | Gallimard | western philo/religion | ||
de Saint-Hilaire | Paul | Le mystère des labyrinthes | 1977 | Rossel | occult sciences | ||
de Saint-Hilaire | Paul | Les Saints d'après leurs attributs | 1977 | CBDS | western philo/religion | ||
de Sayjan | Lus | Magia sexual positiva | 1980 | Editorial Kier | self help | ||
de Sède | Gérard | La rose croix | 1978 | Editions j'ai lu | occult sciences | ||
de Sivry | Sophie | L'art et l'écriture | 1998 | 978-2-91248-501-0 | Iconoclaste | art | |
De Soto | Hernando | The Mystery of Capital: why capitalism triumphs in the west and fails everywhere else | 2001 | 978-0-55299-924-0 | Black Swan Publishing (UK) | economy | |
de Souzenelle | Annick | Le Symbolisme du corps humain | 1999 | 978-2-70330-264-0 | Dangles | symbols | |
de Verrewaere | Georges | Gerard Landry | Histoire Secrete De La Flandre Et De L'Artois | 1982 | 978-2-22601-405-0 | Albin Michel | occult sciences |
de Voragine | Jacques | J.B.M. Roze (translator) | La légende dorée II | 1967 | Garnier-Flammarion | western philo/religion | |
de Vries | Jan | La religion des Celtes | 1977 | 978-2-22809-453-0 | Payot | western philo/religion | |
de Wit | G.W. | Gedachten over de economie | 2001 | 978-9-05166-880-0 | Eburon | economy | |
Dean | Jonathan | Ending Europe's Wars | 1994 | 978-0-87078-197-0 | Twentieth Century Fund Press | future studies | |
Deane | Marjorie | Pringle, Robert | The central banks | 1995 | 978-0-67084-823-0 | Penguin Books (USA) | economy |
Deane | Phyllis | The Evolution Of Economic Ideas (Modern Cambridge Economics Series) | 1978 | 978-0-52129-315-0 | Cambridge University Press | economy | |
Deane | Ashayana | Voyagers : Smaragden Verbond CDT-Plaat vertalingen. Dl. 1: De slapende geabduceerden | 2004 | 978-9-07746-306-0 | Schildpad Boeken | new age philosophy | |
Decorte | Paul | Les charmes secrets de la Lys - De verborgen Leie | Le livre Timperman | history | |||
Deffeyes | Kenneth S. | Beyond Oil: The View from Hubbert's Peak | 2005 | 978-0-80902-956-0 | Hill and Wang | future studies | |
Dehaene | Stanislas | Le code de la conscience | 2014 | 978-2-73813-106-0 | O. Jacob | new age philosophy | |
Deida | David | Naked Buddhism | 2002 | 978-1-88976-220-0 | Plexus | eastern philo/religion | |
del Paso y Troncoso | Francisco | Códice Borbónico | 1979 | 978-9-68230-570-0 | Siglo Veintiuno | archaeology | |
Delaforge | Gaetan | The Templar tradition in the age of Aquarius | 1987 | 978-0-93966-018-0 | Threshold Books | occult sciences | |
Delaney | Gayle | Living Your Dreams: Using Sleep to Solve Problems and Enrich You Life | 1991 | 978-0-06250-202-0 | HarperCollins | self help | |
Delcamp | Edmond | Le tarot Initiatique | 1972 | le Courrier du livre | occult sciences | ||
Delcourt | Marie | L'oracle de Delphes | 1981 | Editions Payot (France) | occult sciences | ||
Delevoy | Robert L. | Le symbolisme | 1982 | 978-2-60500-084-0 | Skira | art | |
Delort | Robert | La vie au Moyen Age (Points. Histoire) (French Edition) | 1982 | 978-2-02006-194-0 | Éd. du Seuil | history | |
Delplanque | Catherine | Henri Fagard | Homeopathie familiale | 1994 | Editions Altermedica | medicine | |
DeMeo | James | SAHARASIA: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World | 2006 | 978-0-96218-556-0 | Natural Energy Works | anthropology | |
Deneef | Alain | Quatre siècles de présence jésuite à Bruxelles: Vier eeuwen jezuïeten te Brussel | 2012 | 978-2-93068-201-0 | Éditions Prosopon Kadoc - Ku | architecture | |
Dennis | Lynn Claire | The Pattern | 1997 | 978-0-94125-551-0 | Integral Pub. | new age philosophy | |
DeRohan | Ceanne | Right use of will | 1986 | Four winds publications | new age philosophy | ||
DeRohan | Ceanne | Original Cause | 1986 | One World Publications | self help | ||
Derudder | Philippe | Une monnaie au service du bien commun | 978-2-36429-098-0 | Editions Yves Michel (France) | economy | ||
Derudder | Philippe | Holbecq, André-Jacques | Une monnaie nationale complementaire: pour relever les defis humains et ecologiques | 2010 | 978-2-91349-290-0 | Editions Yves Michel (France) | economy |
Desbuquoit | A. | Donder en bliksem | Dumez-Truwant | natural sciences | |||
Desbuquoit | A. | Ou tombe la foudre? | Dumez-Truwant | natural sciences | |||
Desbuquoit | A. | La téléradiesthésie | 1946 | Catserman | occult sciences | ||
Desmet | Maarten | Bruto nationaal geluk | 978-9-40141-028-0 | Lannoo (Belgium) | economy | ||
Despeghel-Schöne | Michael | Fett weg für faule Säcke | 2004 | 978-3-80251-586-0 | Vgs Verlagsges. | self help | |
Desplancques | Sophie | L'institution du Trésor en Egypte : Des origines à la fin du Moyen Empire | 2006 | 978-2-84050-451-0 | Presses Sorbonne | history | |
Desportes | Serge | L'Homme sous le ciel | 1986 | 978-2-90618-401-0 | Gottschalk | eastern philo/religion | |
Despret | Vinciane | Raphaël Larrère | Les animaux | 2014 | 978-2-70568-856-0 | Hermann | natural sciences |
Deuchler | Florens | Cloisters Apocalypse | 1974 | 978-0-87099-110-0 | Metropolitan Museum of Art | history | |
Devambez | Pierre | Sculptures grecques | 1960 | Editions Sun | art | ||
Devereux | Paul | Places of Power | 1990 | 978-0-71372-215-0 | Blandford Press | occult sciences | |
Devi | Alakananda | The rainbow bridge | 2003 | Prema Press | eastern philo/religion | ||
Dhaouadi | Mahmoud | Toward Islamic sociology of cultural symbols | 1996 | 978-9-83065-024-0 | A.S. Noordeen | anthropology | |
di Stefano | Eva | Gustav Klimt | 2008 | 978-1-40275-921-0 | Sterling | art | |
Diamond | Jared M. | Collapse | 2004 | 978-0-67003-338-0 | Viking | future studies | |
Diamond | Jared M. | The Third Chimpanzee | 2006 | 978-0-06084-551-0 | Harper Perennial | future studies | |
Diamond | Jared M. | Guns, Germs, And Steel | 1999 | 978-0-39331-756-0 | W. W. Norton & Company | future studies | |
Diamond | W. John | Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer (Alternative Medicine Definitive Guides) | 1997 | 978-1-88729-902-0 | Books | medicine | |
Dickerson | John | Raku handbook. A practical approach to the ceramic art | 1972 | 978-0-28970-241-0 | Studio Vista | art | |
Diel | Paul | Le symbolisme dans l'Évangile de Jean | 1983 | 978-2-22834-001-0 | Payot | western philo/religion | |
Dierkens | Jean | Christine Dierkens | Manuel experimental de parapsychologie | 1978 | 978-2-20323-166-0 | Casterman | new age philosophy |
Dietmar | Kamper | Im Souterrain der Bilder | 1997 | 978-3-82570-045-0 | Philo | women in culture | |
Dietz | Raimund | Geld und schuld | 978-3-73161-218-0 | Metropolis Verlag (Germany) | economy | ||
Dignan | Phillip | Secrets of the Wealthy Mind | 2007 | 978-1-43270-758-0 | Outskirts Press | new age philosophy | |
Dilts | Robert | Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Volume I (The Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience) | 1980 | 978-0-91699-008-0 | Meta Publications | self help | |
Disselhof | Hans-Dietrich | Sigvald Linné | Amérique précolombienne | 1961 | Albin Michel | art | |
Dixon | Patrick | Futurewise: six faces of global change | 2002 | 978-0-00713-935-0 | Harper Collins (UK) | future studies | |
Docampo | Javier | José Riello | La biblioteca del Greco | 2014 | 978-8-48480-285-0 | Museo Nacional del Prado | art |
Doczi | Gyorgy | Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art & Architecture | 1981 | 978-0-39473-580-0 | Shambhala | occult sciences | |
Dodds | E.R. | The Greeks and the Irrational (Sather Classical Lectures) | 1962 | 978-0-52000-328-0 | University of California Press | history | |
Dohmen | Caspar | Let's make money: was macht die Bank mit unserem Geld? | 2008 | 978-3-93608-642-0 | Orange Press (Allemagne) | economy | |
Dominguez | Joe | Vicki Robin | Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial MORE | 1993 | 978-0-14016-715-0 | Penguin (Non-Classics) | economy |
Donn | Linda | Freud and Jung | 1988 | 978-0-68418-963-0 | Scribner | psychology | |
Donovan | Margaret | Robert Bianchi, Seth Joel | Egyptian treasures from the collections of the Brooklyn Museum | 1978 | 978-0-81092-170-0 | H. N. Abrams | art |
Doorman | M. | Rousseau en ik | 2012 | 978-9-03513-764-0 | Bert Bakker | western philo/religion | |
Doresse | Jean | The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics | 1986 | 978-0-89281-108-0 | Inner Traditions International | occult sciences | |
Doty | Richard G. | Money of the World: A Ridge Press Book | 1978 | 978-0-44816-450-0 | Grosset & Dunlap | economy | |
Doumas | Christos | Art des Cyclades | 1982 | Musées Royaux d'art et d'histoire | art | ||
Douthwaite | R.J. | The ecology of money | 1999 | 978-1-87009-882-0 | Green Books | economy | |
Dower | John W. | Origins of the modern japanese state | 1975 | 978-0-39470-928-0 | Pantheon Books | history | |
Downing | Christine | The Goddess: Mythological Images of the Feminine | 1986 | 978-0-82450-625-0 | Crossroad Publishing Co | women in culture | |
Driessen | Christoph | Rembrandt und die Frauen | 2011 | 978-3-79172-359-0 | Pustet | rembrandt | |
Dronke | Peter | A History of Twelfth-Century Western Philosophy | 1992 | 978-0-52142-908-0 | Cambridge University Press | western philo/religion | |
Drucker | Peter F. | Post-capitalist society | 1993 | 978-0-88730-620-0 | Harper Collins (USA) | economy | |
Drucker | Peter Ferdinand | The New Realities in Government and Politics/in Economics and Business/in Society and World View | 1994 | 978-0-88730-617-0 | HarperBusiness | future studies | |
Du Colombier | Pierre | Les chantiers des cathédrales | 1953 | Editions A. et J. Picard | architecture | ||
Duarte | Nancy | Slide:ology | 2008 | 978-0-59652-235-0 | O'Reilly Media | future studies | |
Dubuisson | Baudouin | Le naufrage des economistes: quand les theories conduisent á la crise | 2011 | 978-2-93062-708-0 | Avant-Propos (Belgique) | economy | |
Duby | Georges | Hommes et structures du Moyen-Age: Seigneurs et paysans | 1988 | 978-2-08081-182-0 | Flammarion | anthropology | |
Duby | Georges | Le temps des cathédrales | 1976 | Gallimard | architecture | ||
Duby | Georges | l'Europe des cathédrales 1140-1280 | 1966 | Editions d'art Albert Skira | architecture | ||
Duby | Georges | Philippe Aries | A History of Private Life | 2003 | 978-0-67440-002-0 | Belknap Press | history |
Duby | Georges | Saint-Bernard: L'art cistercien | 1979 | 978-2-08081-078-0 | Flammarion | western philo/religion | |
Duby | Georges | The Knight, the Lady and the Priest | 1985 | 978-0-39471-331-0 | Pantheon | women in culture | |
Duhem | Pierre | Medieval Cosmology: Theories of Infinity, Place, Time, Void, and the Plurality of Worlds | 1987 | 978-0-22616-923-0 | University of Chicago Press | western philo/religion | |
Dulière | W. L. | De la dyade à l'unité par la triade | 1965 | Adrien Maisonneuve | western philo/religion | ||
Dumezil | Georges | Hervé Coutau-Bégarie | Mythes et dieux des Indo-Européens | 1999 | 978-2-08081-232-0 | Flammarion | anthropology |
Dumezil | Georges | Mythe et épopée I. L'idéologie des trois fonctions dans les épopées des peuples indo-européens | 1968 | 978-2-07026-962-0 | Gallimard | psychology | |
Dumezil | Georges | Mythe et épopée II: Types épiques indo-européens : un héros, un sorcier, un roi | 1986 | 978-2-07027-797-0 | Gallimard | psychology | |
Dumezil | Georges | Mythe et épopée III: histoires romaines | 1973 | 978-2-07028-418-0 | Gallimard | psychology | |
Dumontier | Michel | Sur Les Pas Des Templiers a Paris Et En Ile-De-France | 1979 | 978-2-85984-040-0 | Copernic | occult sciences | |
Duncan | Richard | The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures | 2003 | 978-0-47082-102-0 | Wiley | economy | |
Duncan | Kirin | Global vision | 1988 | 978-0-96192-350-0 | Nova Publications | economy | |
Dunn Mascetti | Manuela | Christian Mysticism (Mystic Library) | 1998 | 978-0-78686-330-0 | Hyperion Books | western philo/religion | |
Dunn Mascetti | Manuela | De goddelijke vrouw | 1990 | 978-9-06120-774-0 | Elmar | women in culture | |
Dupont-Sommer | André | Les ecrits Esseniens Decouverts Pres De La Mer Morte | 1980 | 978-2-22812-740-0 | Payot | western philo/religion | |
Dupuis | J. | Théon de Smyrne | 1966 | Editions Culture et Civilisation Bruxelles | western philo/religion | ||
Duque Gomez | Luis | San Agustin Colombia | 1980 | Editora Arco | archaeology | ||
Duque Gómez | Luis | San Agustín | 1982 | 978-2-85518-089-0 | Delroisse | archaeology | |
Duran | Ramon Fernandez | Capitalismo (Financiero) Global Y Guerra Permanente: El Dolar, Wall Street Y La Guerra Contra Irak | 2003 | 978-8-49604-418-0 | Virus | economy | |
Dürer | Albrecht | Beschryvinghe van de menschelijcke proportion | 1978 | 978-9-06378-007-0 | Jansz. [Schors] | art | |
Dürer | Albrecht | Géométrie | 1995 | 978-2-02012-427-0 | Seuil | art | |
Dürr | Hans-Peter | Für eine zivile Gesellschaft. Beiträge zu unserer Zukunftsfähigkeit. | 2002 | 978-3-42336-177-0 | Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag | future studies | |
Dyer | Christopher | Everyday Life in Medieval England | 2003 | 978-1-85285-202-0 | Hambledon and London | anthropology | |
Dyer | Christopher | Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages: Social Change in England c. 1200-1520 (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks) | 1989 | 978-0-52127-216-0 | Cambridge University Press | history | |
Dylan Burkan | Peggy | Tolly Burkan | Guiding Yourself Into Spiritual Reality | 1984 | 978-0-93561-610-0 | Reunion Press | self help |
Eberhard | Wolfram | A Dictionary Of Chinese Symbols | 1988 | 978-0-41500-229-0 | Routledge | western philo/religion | |
ébert-Stevens | François H | l'art ancien de l'amérique du sud | 1972 | Arthaud | art | ||
Echeverria | Rafael | La ontología del lenguaje | 1994 | 978-9-56201-226-0 | Dolmen | anthropology | |
Echeverria | Rafael | El Buho de Minerva | 1988 | Vansa | western philo/religion | ||
Edde | Gérard | Manuel pratique de digitopuncture | 1990 | 978-2-70330-225-0 | DANGLES | medicine | |
Edde | Gérard | Santé et habitat selon les traditions chinoises du Feng Shui | 1988 | 978-2-22603-488-0 | Albin Michel | self help | |
Edmonds | Robert | Stop inflation and unemployment | 1974 | economy | |||
Edmund | Jones Marc | Fundamentals of number significance | 1978 | 978-0-87878-015-0 | Sabian Pub. Society | symbols | |
Edwardes | Michael | The dark side of history | 1978 | Corgi | occult sciences | ||
Egeberg | Olaf | Non-money: that "other money" you didn't know you had | 978-0-96381-053-0 | The McGee Street Foundation (USA) | economy | ||
Egli | Rene | Das LOLA-Prinzip: Die Formel für Reichtum | 2000 | 978-3-95206-064-0 | Editions d'Olt | self help | |
Ehrenberg | Margaret R. | Women in Prehistory | 1989 | 978-0-71411-388-0 | British Museum Press | women in culture | |
Eigen | Manfred | Ruthid Winkler | Laws Of The Game | 1981 | 978-0-39441-806-0 | Alfred A. Knopf | self help |
Einstein | Albert | La relativité | 1956 | Editions Payot (France) | natural sciences | ||
Einstein | Albert | Ideas and Opinions | 1985 | 978-0-51755-602-0 | Clearway Logistics Phase 1b | western philo/religion | |
Eiseman | Fred B. | Fruits of Bali | 1994 | 978-0-94597-102-0 | Periplus Editions | natural sciences | |
Eisen | William | English Cabalah | 1982 | 978-0-87516-460-0 | DeVorss & Company | occult sciences | |
Eisenberg | Lee | The Number | 2006 | 978-0-74327-031-0 | Free Press | symbols | |
Eisler | Riane | The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future | 1988 | 978-0-06250-290-0 | HarperOne | future studies | |
Eitel | Ernest J. | Feng-Shui | 1984 | 978-0-90779-109-0 | Synergetic Press | eastern philo/religion | |
El-Said | Issam | Ayse Parman | Geometric concepts in Islamic art | 1976 | 978-0-90503-503-0 | World of Islam Festival Publishing Company Ltd | art |
Elbaz | Alain | Le Pouvoir De Traverser Les Cieux: Essai | 1984 | 978-2-90538-400-0 | AJE | occult sciences | |
Elgin | Duane | Awakening Earth | 1993 | 978-0-68811-622-0 | William Morrow and Company (USA) | future studies | |
Elgin | Duane | Awakening Earth | 1993 | 978-0-68811-622-0 | William Morrow & Co | future studies | |
Elgozy | Georges | Le Bluff du Futur | 1974 | Calmann-Lévy | future studies | ||
Eliade | Mircea | Forgerons et alchimistes | 1977 | Flammarion (France) | new age philosophy | ||
Eliade | Mircea | The Myth of the Eternal Return | 1971 | 978-0-69101-778-0 | Princeton Univ Press (Bollingen Series) | occult sciences | |
Elson | Lawrence | Wynn Kapit | The Anatomy Coloring Book | 1997 | 978-0-06453-914-0 | HarperCollins Publisher | medicine |
Emmanuel | Emmanuels Book | 1985 | 978-0-96150-900-0 | Bantam Books | new age philosophy | ||
Emmanuel | R. | Pleins feux sur la Grèce antique | 1982 | Dervy | western philo/religion | ||
Emmanuel | R. | La Messe vue par les yeux de l'ame | 1980 | Dervy-Livres | western philo/religion | ||
Emoto | Masaru | Messages from Water, Vol. 1 | 1999 | 978-4-93909-800-0 | Hado Kyoiku Sha Co., Ltd | natural sciences | |
Emoto | Masaru | Messages from Water, Vol. 2 | 2001 | 978-4-93909-805-0 | Hado Kyoiku Sha Co., Ltd | natural sciences | |
Emoto | Masaru | The message from Water | new age philosophy | ||||
Enaud | François | Luc Joubert | Le Mont Saint Michel | 1966 | Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sites | architecture | |
Encausse | Philippe | La science des nombres | 1964 | la diffusion scientifique | symbols | ||
Endrös | Robert | Le rayonnement de la terre et son influence sur la vie | 1987 | 978-2-88023-017-0 | Signal | occult sciences | |
Enel | La langue sacree | 1984 | 978-2-70680-871-0 | Editions Maisonneuve & Larose | occult sciences | ||
Engel | David M. | Creating a Chinese garden | 1986 | 978-0-70990-977-0 | Croom Helm Ltd. | self help | |
Ereira | Alan | Terry Jones | Terry Jones' Barbarians | 2007 | 978-0-56353-916-0 | BBC Books | history |
Erkman | Suren | Vers une écologie industrielle | 2004 | 978-2-84377-088-0 | C. L. Mayer | future studies | |
Esambert | Bernard | Le Troisieme Conflit Mondial | 1977 | 978-2-25900-256-0 | Plon | economy | |
Essene | Virginia | Secret Truths | 1988 | 978-0-93714-702-0 | S.E.E. Publishing Company | occult sciences | |
Evans Cayce | Edgar | Hugh Lynn Cayce | Edgar Cayce on Atlantis (Edgar Cayce Series) | 1988 | 978-0-44635-103-0 | Warner Books | new age philosophy |
Eyssalet | J.M. | Diététique Énergétique et Médecine Chinoise | 1984 | 978-2-90169-635-0 | Éditions Présence | medicine | |
Faber | A. | D.P. van Vuuren | Growing within limits | 2009 | 978-9-06960-235-0 | Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency | future studies |
Fabre-d'Olivet | Les vers dorés de Pythagore expliqués | Editions de la Tête de Feuilles | western philo/religion | ||||
Fantacci | Luca | La Moneta: Storia Di Un'istituzione Mancata | 2005 | 978-8-83178-505-0 | Marsilio | economy | |
Faraday | Ann | Dream Game | 1976 | 978-0-06080-371-0 | HarperCollins Publishers | psychology | |
Farmer | Steven | The wounded male | 1992 | 978-0-34537-432-0 | Ballantine Books | self help | |
Farrokh | Fereydoun | Symbolisme de l'orientation | 1981 | 978-2-90169-623-0 | Editions Présence | symbols | |
Faubert | Gabriel | La chronobiologie chinoise | 1983 | 978-2-22601-688-0 | Albin Michel | occult sciences | |
Favier | Jean | De l'or et des epices: Naissance de l'homme d'affaires au Moyen Age (French Edition) | 1987 | 978-2-21302-069-0 | Fayard | economy | |
Fayette Bragdon | Claude | The beautiful necessity | 1978 | 978-0-83560-508-0 | Quest Books | architecture | |
Feman Orenstein | Gloria | The reflowering of the goddess | 1990 | 978-0-08035-180-0 | Pergamon Press | women in culture | |
Ferguson | George | Signs and Symbols in Christian Art | 1982 | 978-0-19501-433-0 | Oxford University Press | symbols | |
Feyerabend | Paul | Conquest of Abundance | 2000 | 978-0-22624-533-0 | The University of Chicago Press (UK/USA) | new age philosophy | |
Feynman | Richard | La nature des lois physiques | 1865 | Marabout | natural sciences | ||
Ficino | Marsilio | Meditations on the soul | 1996 | 978-0-89281-568-0 | Inner Traditions International | new age philosophy | |
Fideler | David | Jesus Christ, Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism | 1993 | 978-0-83560-697-0 | Quest Books | symbols | |
Fideler | David | Alexandria 2: The Journal Of Western Cosmological Traditions (Alexandria) | 1994 | 978-0-93399-998-0 | Anglophone | western philo/religion | |
Fidler | J. Havelock | Ley Lines: Their Nature and Properties | 1983 | 978-0-85500-174-0 | Turnstone Press | occult sciences | |
Field | Judith Veronica | Kepler's geometrical cosmology | 1988 | 978-0-48511-285-0 | Athlone | astronomy/astrology | |
Field | D.M. | Rembrandt | 2003 | 978-1-84013-601-0 | Grange Books | rembrandt | |
Finley | Moses I. | The ancient economy | 1985 | 978-0-52005-452-0 | University of California Press | economy | |
Finn | Édouard | Tarot, gestalt et énergie | 1980 | 978-2-89074-020-0 | Editions de Mortagne | occult sciences | |
Fischer | David Hackett | The Great Wave: price revolutions and teh rythm of history | 1996 | 978-0-19505-378-0 | Oxford University Press (UK) | economy | |
Flandrin | Philippe | Le roman vrai des pyramides | 2000 | 978-2-26803-797-0 | Editions du Rocher | history | |
Flash | William L. | Ricardo Agurcia Fasquelle | History carved in stone | 1992 | Centro Editorial | anthropology | |
Fleck | Gilbert | Jean-Pierre Garel | Les réseaux géobiologiques | 1992 | 978-2-90920-606-0 | Trois fontaines | occult sciences |
Fleming | David | Energy and the common purpose: descending the energy staircase with tradable energy quotas (TEQs) | 2006 | 978-0-95508-491-0 | The Lean Economy Connection (UK) | economy | |
Flouzat | Denise | Les strategies monetaires | 2003 | 978-2-13053-350-0 | Presses Universitaires de France (France) | economy | |
Flower | Sibylla Jane | Bulwer-Lytton | 1973 | 000-0-85263-187-1 | Shire publications | anthropology | |
Flowers | B. | et al. | Beyond the financial crisis | 2010 | The Oxford Scenarios | future studies | |
Focillon | Henri | Rembrandt: paintings, drawings and etchings | 1960 | Phaidon | rembrandt | ||
Fontaine | Laurence | Le Marche: history et usages d'une conquete sociale | 2014 | 978-2-07014-358-0 | Gallimard (France) | economy | |
Fontrodona | Mariano | Los celtas y sus mitos | 1978 | Editorial Bruguera | anthropology | ||
Forem | Jack | Transcendental meditation; Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Science of creative intelligence | 1974 | 978-0-52522-226-0 | Dutton | eastern philo/religion | |
Forrester | Viviane | L'horreur economique | 1996 | 978-2-21359-720-0 | Fayard (France) | economy | |
Fort Newton | Joseph | The builders | 1951 | Macoy | occult sciences | ||
Fortune | Dion | La cabale mystique | 1979 | Adyar | occult sciences | ||
Forward | Susan | Joan Torres | Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them: When Loving Hurts And You Don't Know Why | 1987 | 978-0-55328-037-0 | Bantam | self help |
Fossier | Robert | Le Moyen Age | 1982 | 978-2-20037-047-0 | A. Colin | history | |
Foster | Jean K. | The God-Mind Connection | 1986 | 978-0-91329-937-0 | Uni Sun | new age philosophy | |
Fourastié | Jean | Les 40.000 heures | 1965 | Laffont-Gonthier | future studies | ||
Fourche | T. | H. Morlighem | Une Bible Noire | 1973 | Max Arnold | occult sciences | |
Fourquin | Guy | Histoire économique de l'Occident médiéval | 1979 | 978-2-20031-045-0 | A. Colin | economy | |
Fourquin | Guy | Histoire économique de l'occident médiéval | 1969 | Librarie Armand Colin | history | ||
Fox | Matthew | The Reinvention of Work | 1994 | 978-0-06062-918-0 | HarperCollins | future studies | |
Fox | Matthew | The Coming of the Cosmic Christ | 1988 | 978-0-06062-915-0 | HarperOne | western philo/religion | |
Francis | Alan | Everything Men Know About Women | 1995 | 978-0-83620-819-0 | Andrews McMeel Publishing | self help | |
Frank | Andre Gunder | Reorient: global economy in the Asian Age | 1998 | 978-0-52021-474-0 | University of California Press (USA) | economy | |
Frank | Jack | Explore all possibilities | On the Mark Publishing (USA) | economy | |||
Frank | Jack | Explore all possibilities | On the Mark Publishing (USA) | economy | |||
Frankopan | Peter | The Silk Roads | 2016 | 978-1-40884-000-0 | Bloomsbury Paperbacks | history | |
Freixedo | Salvador | Curanderismo Y Curaciones Por LA Fe | 1983 | 978-8-42700-767-0 | Lectorum Pubns | self help | |
Freke | Timothy | Peter Gandy | Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians | 2002 | 978-1-40004-594-0 | Three Rivers Press | women in culture |
French | Peter J. | John Dee | 1987 | 978-0-74480-079-0 | Routledge | occult sciences | |
Frey | Yoshi | Die gläubigen schuldner | 978-3-83343-311-0 | Books on Demand GmbH (Allemagne) | economy | ||
Friedlander | Ira | The whirling Dervishes | 1975 | Collier Books | eastern philo/religion | ||
Friedman | Milton | Money mischief | 1994 | 978-0-15661-930-0 | Harcourt Brace & Company (USA) | economy | |
Friedman | Thomas L. | The World Is Flat | 2005 | 978-0-37429-288-0 | Farrar, Straus and Giroux | future studies | |
Friedmann | Georges | fin du peuple juif? | 1965 | nrf | future studies | ||
Friedrich | Otto Walter | Dionysus, myth and cult | 1981 | 978-0-88214-214-0 | Spring Publications | western philo/religion | |
Frings Keyes | Margaret | Emotions and the Enneagram | 1992 | 978-1-88204-210-0 | Molysdatur Publications | psychology | |
Frissell | Bob | Nothing in This Book Is True, but It's Exactly How Things Are: The Esoteric Meaning of the Monuments on Mars | 1994 | 978-1-88331-901-0 | Frog Ltd/Vision | occult sciences | |
Fritz | Robert | The Path of Least Resistance | 1986 | 978-0-93064-101-0 | Stillpoint Pub | self help | |
Fromm | Erich | The Art of Loving | western philo/religion | ||||
Fukuyama | Francis | The Great Disruption | 1999 | 978-1-86197-217-0 | Profile | future studies | |
Fumagalli | Vito | Cuando el cielo se oscurece | 1988 | 978-8-48676-308-0 | Nerea | anthropology | |
Gaarder | Jostein | SOPHIE'S WORLD | 1995 | 978-1-85799-329-0 | Phoenix | western philo/religion | |
Gadon | Elinor W. | The once and future Goddess | 1989 | 978-0-85030-962-0 | The Aquarian Press | women in culture | |
Gailly | Pierre Antoine | Nouvelles monnaies: les enjeux macro-economiques, financiers et societaux | 978-2-11138-666-0 | Les editions des Journaux officiels | economy | ||
Galbraith | John Kenneth | Age of Uncertainty | 1977 | 978-0-23396-848-0 | BBC | economy | |
Galbraith | John Kenneth | The Affluent Society | Houghton Mifflin Company (USA) | economy | |||
Galbraith | John Kenneth | A Journey Through Econmic Time | 1994 | 978-0-39563-752-0 | Houghton Mifflin Company (USA) | economy | |
Galbraith | John Kenneth | A history of economics | 1989 | 978-0-14022-809-0 | Penguin Books (UK) | economy | |
Galbraith | John Kenneth | Money: whence it came, where it went | 1976 | 978-0-14022-000-0 | Penguin Books (UK) | economy | |
Galbraith | John Kenneth | A short history of financial euphoria | 1994 | 978-0-14023-856-0 | Penguin Books (USA) | economy | |
Galbraith | John Kenneth | The nature of mass poverty | 1980 | 978-0-14022-289-0 | Pelican Books (UK) | economy | |
Galbraith | John Kenneth | The anatomy of power | 1985 | 978-0-55212-468-0 | Corgi | politics | |
Gallo | Carmine | Talk like TED: the 9 public speaking secrets of the world's top minds | 2014 | 978-1-44728-632-0 | Pan Books (UK) | future studies | |
Gamboa Hinestrosa | Pablo | La escultura en la sociedad agustiniana | 1982 | CIEC | art | ||
Gans | Herbert J. | Deciding what's news: a study of CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, Newsweek and Time | 1980 | 978-0-39474-355-0 | Vintage Books (USA) | future studies | |
Garcia Camarero | Ernesto | La polemica de la ciencia espanola. | 1970 | Editorial Alianza | history | ||
García Guinea | Miguel Ángel | El románico en Santander | 1979 | 978-8-48542-910-0 | Ediciones de Librería Estudio | art | |
Gardner | Richard N. | Sterling-Dollar Diplomacy | McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK) | economy | |||
Gardner | Richard L. | Evolution Through the Tarot | 1981 | 978-0-87728-371-0 | Red Wheel | occult sciences | |
Garlick | Mark A. | The Illustrated Atlas Of The Universe | 2006 | 978-1-74089-377-0 | Fog City Press | astronomy/astrology | |
Garnier | François | Le Langage de l'image au Moyen-Age. Signification et symbolique | 1996 | 978-2-86377-015-0 | Le Leopard d'or | symbols | |
Garrison | James A. | America as Empire: Global Leader or Rogue Power? | 2004 | 978-1-57675-281-0 | Berrett-Koehler Publishers | politics | |
Gartz | Ludwig | Fliessende Geld: die Geburt des Goldenen Zeitalters | 978-3-98125-070-0 | Aragorn Verlag (St. Augustin, Allemagne) | economy | ||
Gary | Tracy | inspired Philantropy | 2007 | 978-0-78799-653-0 | Jossey-Bass (USA) | future studies | |
Gary arela | Francisco | Ethical Know-How | 1999 | 978-0-80473-033-0 | Stanford University Press | psychology | |
Gaskell | G.A. | Dictionary of All Scriptures & Myths | 1981 | 978-0-51734-663-0 | Avenel | western philo/religion | |
Gastor | Theodor Herzl Theodore | The Dead Sea Scriptures | 1976 | 978-0-38508-860-0 | Anchor | western philo/religion | |
Gates | Donna | Linda Schatz | The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity | 1996 | 978-0-96384-589-0 | Body Ecology | medicine |
Gates | Jeff | Guilt by association | 2008 | 978-0-98213-150-0 | State Street Publications | politics | |
Gaudin | Thierry | 2100, Odyssee de l'Espece | 1993 | 978-2-22888-718-0 | Editions Payot & Rivages (Paris) | future studies | |
Gaudin | Thierry | L'impératif du vivant | 2013 | 978-2-80980-992-0 | l'Archipel | future studies | |
Gaudin | Thierry | L'Écoute des silences | 1979 | 978-2-26400-971-0 | Union générale d'éditions | future studies | |
Gaudin | Thierry | Pensée, modes d'emploi | 2008 | 978291574114X | Les Editions Ovadia | western philo/religion | |
Gaudin | Thierry | Prospective des religions | 2006 | 978-2-91574-102-0 | Les Editions Ovadia (France) | western philo/religion | |
Gaudin | Thierry | Pensee, modes d'emploi | 978291574114X | Les Editions Ovadia (France) | western philo/religion | ||
Gaudin | Thierry | La prospective | 978-2-13062-014-0 | Presses Universitaires de France (France) | western philo/religion | ||
Gaudin | Thierry | Francois L'Yvonnet | Discours de la methode creatrice | 2003 | 978-2-90969-888-0 | Le Relie (France) | western philo/religion |
Gauthier | Maarie-Madeleine | Emaux du moyen age occidental | 1972 | Office Du Livre | art | ||
Gawain | Shakti | Living in the Light: A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation | 1985 | 978-0-93143-215-0 | New World Library | self help | |
Gay | Carlo T.E. | Mezcala architecture in miniature (Memoires de la Classe de beaux-arts. Collection in-8) | 1987 | 978-2-80310-061-0 | Palais des Académies | architecture | |
Geden | A.S. | Stephen Ronan | Mithraic Sources in English | 1989 | 978-0-94836-621-0 | Chthonios Books | western philo/religion |
Gendlin | Eugene T. | Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams | 1985 | 978-0-93302-902-0 | Chiron Publications | history | |
Gendlin | Eugene T. | Focusing | 1982 | 978-0-55327-833-0 | Bantam Books | self help | |
Gendrop | Paul | Doris Heyden | Architecture mésoaméricaine | 1980 | Berger-Levrault | architecture | |
George | Susan | A Fate Worse Than Debt | 1988 | 978-0-14022-790-0 | Pelican / Penguin Books | economy | |
Georges | André | Le pèlerinage à Compostelle en Belgique et dans le Nord de la France | 1971 | Palais des Académies | western philo/religion | ||
Gérard | Jo | Bruxelles 979-1979 | 1978 | 978-2-87013-028-0 | Les Ateliers d'Art Graphique Meddens | architecture | |
Gerardin | Lucien | Le mystere des nombres: Arithmetique et geometrie sacrees (Collection Horizons esoteriques) (French Edition) | 1985 | 978-2-70330-280-0 | Editions Dangles | symbols | |
Gerber | Richard | Vibrational Medicine | 1988 | 978-0-93968-047-0 | Bear & Co | medicine | |
Gérôme | Paul | Les anatomies fantastiques | 1981 | Editions Michel Bettex | new age philosophy | ||
Gerson | Horst | Rembrandt paintings | 1968 | Reynal & co | rembrandt | ||
Gerzon | Mark | Leaders beyond borders | 1976 | future studies | |||
Gerzon | Mark | American citizen, global citizen | 2010 | 978-0-98409-301-0 | Spirit Scope Pub. | future studies | |
Gesell | Silvio | L'ordre economic naturel | Jacques & Demontrond (France) | economy | |||
Getty | Adele | Goddess | 1990 | 978-0-50081-033-0 | Thames & Hudson | women in culture | |
Ghyka | Matila C. | The Geometry of Art and Life | 1977 | 978-0-48623-542-0 | Dover Publications | architecture | |
Ghyka | Matila C. | Philosophie Et Mystique Du Nombre | 1978 | 978-2-22817-290-0 | Payot | architecture | |
Ghyka | Matila C. | Le nombre d'or | 1959 | Editions Gallimard | occult sciences | ||
Giarini | Orio | Itinerary to the third age | The Risk Institute (Switzerland) | economy | |||
Giarini | Orio | Itinerary to the third age | 2013 | The Risk Institute (Switzerland) | future studies | ||
Gibson | Walter S. | Bruegel (World of Art) | 1985 | 978-0-50020-156-0 | Thames & Hudson | art | |
Gies | Frances | Joseph Gies | Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel | 1995 | 978-0-06092-582-0 | Perennial | architecture |
Gilbert | Robert J. | Sacred Geometry | 2006 | symbols | |||
Gillabert | Émile | Jésus et la gnose | 2007 | 978-2-84454-506-0 | Éd. Dervy | western philo/religion | |
Gillabert | Emile | et al. | Evangelie selon Thomas | 1979 | Metanoia | western philo/religion | |
Gillette | Douglas | Robert L. Moore | The lover within | 1993 | 978-0-38072-071-0 | Avon Books (USA) | psychology |
Gimbutas | Marija | The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe | 1982 | 978-0-52004-656-0 | University of California Press | women in culture | |
Gimpel | Jean | Les bâtisseurs de cathédrales | 1980 | 978-2-02005-663-0 | Seuil | architecture | |
Giordano | Carlos | The expiatory temple of La Sagrada Familia | 2005 | 978-8-49339-835-0 | Dosdeart | architecture | |
Girard | Rene | Des choses cachées depuis la fondation du monde | 1978 | 978-2-24600-583-0 | Grasset | western philo/religion | |
Girardet | Herbert | The Gaia Atlas of cities: new directions for sustainable urban living | 1992 | 978-1-85675-065-0 | Gaia Books Limited (UK) | future studies | |
Girardet | Herbert | Jakob von Uexküll | Creating the World Future Council | 2004 | 978-1-90399-846-0 | Green Books for World Future Council Initiative | future studies |
Giraud | Gael | Illusion financiere | 2013 | 978-2-70824-233-0 | Les Editions de l'Atelier (France) | economy | |
Gitlin | Todd | Inside Prime Rime: how the networks decide about the shows that rise and fall in the real world behind the tv screen | 1985 | 978-0-39473-787-0 | Pantheon Books (USA) | economy | |
Gladwell | Malcolm | The Tipping Point | 2002 | 978-0-34911-346-0 | Abacus | psychology | |
Gleick | James | Chaos | 1988 | 978-0-14009-251-0 | Penguin Books | natural sciences | |
Goblet d'Alviella | Eugène F. | La migration des symboles | 1983 | 978-2-87083-011-0 | Musin | symbols | |
Godwin | Joscelyn | Mystery Religions in the Ancient World | 1982 | 978-0-06063-141-0 | HarperCollins | occult sciences | |
Goerner | Sally J. | Robert G. Dyck, Dorothy Lagerroos | The new science of sustainability | 2008 | 978-0-97986-831-0 | Triangle Center for Complex Systems (USA) | future studies |
Goerner | Sally J. | After the clockwork universe | 1999 | 978-0-86315-290-0 | Floris | natural sciences | |
Goetghebeur | Frans | Alles verandert | 2003 | 978-9-07715-513-0 | Kunchab | future studies | |
Goicoechea Arrondo | Eusebia | El camino de Santiago | 1988 | 978-8-42414-270-0 | Everest | western philo/religion | |
Golas | Thaddeus | Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment, The | 1983 | 978-0-55326-359-0 | Bantam | new age philosophy | |
Golday | Adrienne | The Almighty Dollar Bill | 1985 | 978-0-93050-902-0 | Wisdom Book Pub Inc | economy | |
Goldberg | Jeff | Anatomy of a scientific discovery | 1989 | 978-0-55334-631-0 | Bantam Books | new age philosophy | |
Goldsmith | James | The Trap | 1995 | 978-0-78670-263-0 | Carroll & Graf Publishers (USA) | economy | |
Goleman | Daniel | Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than Iq | 1995 | 978-0-55309-504-0 | Bantam | psychology | |
Goleman | Daniel | Emotional Development And Emotional Intelligence: Educational Implications | 1997 | 978-0-46509-587-0 | Basic Books | psychology | |
Gombrich | E.H. | Symbolic images | 1978 | 978-0-71481-831-0 | Phaidon | symbols | |
Gombrich | E.H. | Gombrich on the Renaissance, Vol. 2: Symbolic Images | 1985 | 978-0-71482-381-0 | Phaidon Press Ltd | symbols | |
Goodrich | Norma Lore | Medieval Myths | 1977 | Mentor | history | ||
Gordon | E.O. | Prehistoric London | 1946 | The Covenant Publishing | archaeology | ||
Gordon | Stuart | Gordonstown, a new design for America | 1980 | 978-0-96039-420-0 | Gordonstown Press | future studies | |
Gordon | Richard | Quantum-touch | 2013 | 978-1-58394-365-0 | North Atlantic Books | new age philosophy | |
Gore | Al | Earth in the balance | 1992 | 978-0-39557-822-0 | Houghton Mifflin Company (USA) | future studies | |
Göring | L.W. | H.J Lamers | Band I: "einheitliche theorie der gesamten materie" "Das physische system des menschen" | 1992 | vesta | medicine | |
Gorman | Peter | Pythagoras: A Life | 1978 | 978-0-71000-006-0 | Routledge Kegan & Paul | natural sciences | |
Gorringe | Timothy | Fair Shares | 1999 | 978-0-50028-115-0 | Thames & Hudson | economy | |
Gosebruch | Martin | Der Braunschweiger Dom und seine Bildwerke | 1980 | 978-3-78454-220-0 | Langewiesche | architecture | |
Gossart | Jacques | Les Atlantes | 1986 | 978-2-22105-160-0 | R. Laffont | new age philosophy | |
Gossart | Jacques | La longue marche du svastika | 2002 | 978-2-84454-202-0 | Dervy | symbols | |
Gossen | Gary H. | Chamulas in the World of the Sun | 1984 | 978-0-88133-092-0 | Waveland Press | anthropology | |
Gouiran | Robert | La Porte des dieux | 1976 | 978-2-85076-024-0 | Dervy | architecture | |
Gould | Peter | Rodney White | Mental Maps | 1974 | 978-0-14021-688-0 | Penguin Books - Pelican Books | psychology |
Gourevitch | Peter | Politics in hard times: comparative responses to international economic crises | 1986 | 978-0-80149-437-0 | Cornell University Press | economy | |
Gout | Jean-François | S. Feneuille | Paroles D'eternite | 2008 | 978-2-27106-638-0 | CNRS | occult sciences |
Govinda | Lama A. | Psycho-cosmic Symbolism of the Buddhist Stupa | 1976 | 978-0-91354-637-0 | Dharma Publishing | symbols | |
Grabar | Oleg | The Formation of Islamic Art | 1988 | 978-0-30004-046-0 | Yale University Press | art | |
Grad | A.D. | La veritable cantique de Salomon | 1970 | G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose | western philo/religion | ||
Grad | A.D. | Pierre Gordon | Essais: les vierges noires, Mélusine, l'origine et le sens des contes de fées | 1983 | Arma Artis | women in culture | |
Graeber | David | Debt | 2010 | 978-1-93363-386-0 | Melville House (USA) | economy | |
Graham | F. Lanier | Goddesses in Art | 1997 | 978-0-89660-068-0 | Artabras Publishers | women in culture | |
Granet | Marcel | La Pensée chinoise | 1999 | 978-2-22610-475-0 | Albin Michel | eastern philo/religion | |
Granet | Marcel | La civilisation chinoise: La vie publique et la vie privee (Bibliotheque de "L'Evolution de l'humanite") (French Edition) | 1994 | 978-2-22606-931-0 | A. Michel | eastern philo/religion | |
Granquist | Bruce | Julian Davison | Balinese temples | 1999 | 978-9-62593-197-0 | Periplus | architecture |
Grant | Michael | Dictionnaire de la mythologie | 1981 | 978-2-50100-096-0 | Nouvelles | history | |
Grapin | Jacqueline | Jean-Bernard Pinatel | La Guerre Civile Mondiale | 1976 | 978-2-70210-157-0 | Calmann-Levy | economy |
Grass | Antonio | Diseno precolombino colombiano el circulo | 1972 | Editora Arco | anthropology | ||
Grass | Antonio | Los rostros del pasado | 1982 | Arco | archaeology | ||
Graves | Robert | The Greek Myths: 2 | 1971 | 978-0-14020-509-0 | Penguin Books | anthropology | |
Graves | Tom | Needles of Stone | 1983 | 978-0-58604-966-0 | HarperCollins (UK) | archaeology | |
Graves | Tom | Needles of Stone Revisited | 1986 | 978-0-90636-208-0 | Gothic Image Publications | occult sciences | |
Graves | Robert | La déesse blanche | 1979 | 978-2-26800-034-0 | Editions du Rocher | women in culture | |
Gray | Henry | Gray's anatomy | 1977 | Bounty Books | medicine | ||
Gray | Robert | The colon health handbook | 1985 | Emerald Publishing | medicine | ||
Greco | Thomas H. | Money: understanding and creating alternatives to legal tender | 2001 | 978-1-89013-238-0 | Chelsea Green Publishing Company (Vermont, USA) | economy | |
Greco | Thomas H. | New money for healthy communities | 1994 | 978-0-96252-082-0 | 0.0 | economy | |
Greco | Thomas H. | Money and Debt: a solution to the global crisis | 1990 | 978-0-96252-082-0 | Thomas H. Greco (USA) | economy | |
Green | Peter | Alexander of Macedon, 356-323 B.C. | 1991 | 978-0-52007-165-0 | University of California Press | history | |
Green | Michael | De historia et veritate unicornis =: On the history and truth of the unicorn | 1983 | 978-0-89471-217-0 | Running Press | occult sciences | |
Greenspan | Alan | The age of turbulence | 2007 | 978-1-59420-132-0 | The Penguin Press (USA) | economy | |
Grégoire | François | L'au-delà | 1957 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | new age philosophy | ||
Greider | William | Who will tell the people: the betrayal of american society | 1993 | 978-0-67186-741-0 | Touchstone (USA) | politics | |
Gresser | Julian | European Journal of Law Reform: Vol. 2, Iss. 4: strategic alliance mediation - creating value from difference and discord in global business | Kluwer Law INternational (UK/USA/Netherlands) | economy | |||
Gresser | Julian | Piloting through Chaos | 1996 | 978-1-88827-800-0 | Five Rings Press (USA) | future studies | |
Grey | Victor | Web Without a Weaver: How the Internet Is Shaping Our Future | 1997 | 978-0-96585-160-0 | Open Heart Press | politics | |
Gribbin | John R. | Timewarps | 1979 | 978-0-44008-510-0 | Delacorte Press/Eleanor Friede | new age philosophy | |
Gribbin | John R. | Our changing planet | 1979 | 978-0-34911-560-0 | Abacus | new age philosophy | |
Gribbin | John R. | Stephen H. Plagemann | The Jupiter Effect | 1975 | 978-0-39471-574-0 | Random House/Vintage | new age philosophy |
Griffin | Edward G. | The Creature from Jekyll Island: a second look at the federal reserve | American Media (USA) | economy | |||
Griscom | Chris | Time Is an Illusion | 1988 | 978-0-67166-335-0 | Fireside | new age philosophy | |
Griscom | Chris | Ecstasy Is a New Frequency | 1987 | 978-0-93968-041-0 | Bear & Co | self help | |
Grodecki | Louis | La Sainte-Chapelle | 1981 | 978-2-85822-037-0 | Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sites | architecture | |
Grodecki | Louis | Chartres | 1963 | Draeger et Verve | architecture | ||
Grof | Stanislav | When the Impossible Happens: Adventures in Non-ordinary Reality | 2006 | 978-1-59179-420-0 | Sounds True | new age philosophy | |
Grof | Stanislav | The Ultimate Journey | 2006 | 978-0-96600-199-0 | Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies | occult sciences | |
Grof | Stanislav | Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research (Suny Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology) | 2000 | 978-0-79144-622-0 | State University of New York Press | psychology | |
Grof | Stanislav | Beyond the brain | 1985 | 978-0-87395-954-0 | SUNY Press | psychology | |
Grof | Stanislav | Psychologie transpersonnelle | 1984 | 978-2-26800-291-0 | Editions du Rocher | psychology | |
Groote | Andre | Dineke Hulsegge | Dromen, Visioenen En Uittredingen: Paranormaal Belicht | 1987 | 978-9-02025-500-0 | Ankh-Hermes | new age philosophy |
Groslier | Bernard Philippe | Indochine, carrefour des arts | 1961 | Albin Michel | art | ||
Grousset | René | Bilan de l'histoire | 1946 | Plon | history | ||
Groves | Derham | Feng Shui and Western Building Ceremonies | 1991 | 978-9-97149-244-0 | Graham Brash (Pte.) Ltd ,Singapore | eastern philo/religion | |
Guaita | Stanislas de | Le serpent de la genèse | 1990 | 978-2-85707-003-0 | Éd. de la Maisnie | occult sciences | |
Guénon | René | Formes traditionnelles et cycles cosmiques | 1970 | Gallimard | symbols | ||
Guénon | René | Le roi du monde | 1958 | Gallimard | western philo/religion | ||
Guénon | René | Saint Bernard | 1977 | Editions Traditionnelles | western philo/religion | ||
Guenther | Herbert V. | Matrix of mystery | 1984 | 978-0-39454-073-0 | Shambhala | eastern philo/religion | |
Guenther | Herbert | The Tantric View of Life | new age philosophy | ||||
Guérin | Michel | La peinture effarée | 2011 | 978-2-35051-061-0 | LES | rembrandt | |
Gugenberger | Eduard | Hitlers Visionäre. | 2001 | 978-3-80003-793-0 | Ueberreuter | occult sciences | |
Guggenheim | Alexandra | Le Testament Rembrandt (french Edition) | 2006 | 978-2-91532-083-0 | City Editions | rembrandt | |
Guignard | Maurice | Les architectes odinistes des cathedrales, les chanoinesses et les eveques odinistes dans les dioceses saxon-normands | 1969 | architecture | |||
Guillain | France | Bains Dérivatifs et poche de gel | 2007 | 978-2-91654-804-0 | Les Editions Demeter | medicine | |
Guillermou | Alain | Les jésuites | 1963 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | western philo/religion | ||
Guilmot | Max | Documents insolites en egypte ancienne | 1983 | Rossel | occult sciences | ||
Guinguand | Maurice | mysteérieuses cathédrales | 1978 | Editions Robert Laffont (France) | architecture | ||
Guirdham | Arthur | Les cathares et la réincarnation | 1971 | Editions Payot (France) | western philo/religion | ||
Guitel | Genevieve | Histoire Comparee Des Numerations ecrites | 1975 | 978-2-08211-104-0 | Flammarion | symbols | |
Gurgand | Jean-Noel | Pierre Barret | Les tournois de Dieu | 1981 | 978-2-25302-713-0 | Laffont | western philo/religion |
Guttmann | Robert | How credit-money shapes the economy | 1994 | 978-1-56324-102-0 | M.E. Sharpe | economy | |
Guyatt | Nicholas | Encore un siècle américain ? | 2002 | 978-2-70823-635-0 | Editions de l'Atelier | politics | |
Haas | Ernst | The Creation | 1976 | 978-0-14004-285-0 | Penguin (Non-Classics) | natural sciences | |
Habermas | Jürgen | La Technique et la Science comme "idéologie" | 1990 | 978-2-07071-943-0 | Gallimard | western philo/religion | |
Hacker | Andrew | Money: Who Has How Much and Why | 1997 | 978-0-68419-647-0 | Scribner | economy | |
Hackett | David A. | Der Buchenwald-Report | 2002 | 978-3-40647-599-0 | C.H.Beck Verlag | history | |
Hagel | John | John Seely Brown, Lang Davison | The power of pull | 2010 | 978-0-46501-936-0 | Basic Books (USA) | future studies |
Hague | Paul | The paragonian manifesto | 2004 | 978-9-19751-761-0 | Paragonian Publications | new age philosophy | |
Haich | Elisabeth | Initiation | 1979 | 978-0-04133-008-0 | Unwin | occult sciences | |
Haich | Elisabeth | Selvarajan Yesudian | Sexual Energy and Yoga | 1982 | 978-0-94335-803-0 | Aurora Press | self help |
Haidt | Jonathan | Happiness Hypothesis: Putting Ancient Wisdom to the Test of Modern Science | 2007 | 978-0-09947-890-0 | Arrow Books Ltd | self help | |
Halévy | Marc | Prospective 2015-2025 | 2013 | 978-2-70331-017-0 | Dangles | future studies | |
Haley | Jay | Uncommon Therapy: Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H.Erickson, M.D. | 1987 | 978-0-39330-424-0 | W W Norton & Co Ltd | psychology | |
Hall | Edward T. | The Hidden Dimension | 1990 | 978-0-38508-476-0 | Anchor | architecture | |
Hall | Donald | As the eye moves.... | Harry N Abrams | art | |||
Hall | James | Kenneth Clark | Hall's Dictionary of Subjects & Symbols in Art | 1996 | 978-0-71954-148-0 | John Murray | art |
Hall | Brian P. | Values shift: a guide to personal & organizational transformation | 978-1-88543-500-0 | Twin Lights Publishers (USA) | future studies | ||
Hall | Manly Palmer | Lost Keys of Freemasonry: Or, the Secret of Hiran Abiff | 1994 | 978-0-88053-045-0 | Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, | occult sciences | |
Hall | Manly Palmer | An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic Hermetic Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy | 1977 | 978-0-89314-541-0 | The Philosophical Research Society Inc | occult sciences | |
Hall | Manly Palmer | The secret destiny of America | 978-0-89314-522-0 | Philosophical Research Society | occult sciences | ||
Hall | Nor | The Moon and the Virgin | 1981 | 978-0-06090-794-0 | HarperCollins Publishers | women in culture | |
Hallsmith | Gwendolyn | Lietaer, Bernard | Creating wealth: growing local economys with local currencies | 2011 | 978-0-86571-667-0 | New Society Publishers (Canada) | economy |
Hallsmith | Gwendolyn | Lietaer, Bernard | Creating Wealth | 2011 | 978-0-86571-667-0 | New Society Publishers (Canada) | economy |
Hambidge | Jay | The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry (Dover Books on Art Instruction) | 1967 | 978-0-48621-776-0 | Dover Publications | architecture | |
Hamilton | David | Souvenirs | 1978 | Collins | art | ||
Hamilton | David | La jeune fille | 1978 | Editions Robert Laffont (France) | art | ||
Hamilton | David | Sisters | 1977 | 978-0-68805-166-0 | William Morrow & Co | art | |
Hamilton | Edith | La mythologie | 1962 | Marabout | western philo/religion | ||
Hancock | Graham | Fingerprints of the Gods | 1995 | 978-0-51759-349-0 | Crown Publishers, Inc. | archaeology | |
Hancox | Joy | The Byrom collection | 1992 | 978-0-22403-046-0 | The Byrom collection | architecture | |
Handy | Charles | The empty raincoat: making sense of the future | 1995 | 978-0-09930-126-0 | Arrow Business Books (UK) | future studies | |
Handy | Charles B. | Myself and Other More Important Matters | 2006 | 978-0-43401-595-0 | William Heinemann | future studies | |
Handy | Charles B. | Age of Unreason | 1995 | 978-0-09954-832-0 | ARROW BOOKS | future studies | |
Hankel | Wilhelm | Caesar | 1992 | 978-3-54834-883-0 | Ullstein | economy | |
Harari | Yuval Noah | Sapiens | 2015 | 978-2-22625-702-0 | Albin Michel | history | |
Harari | Yuval Noah | Homo Deus | 2017 | 978-1-78470-394-0 | Vintage | history | |
Harding | Mary Esther | The I and the Not-I | 1974 | 978-0-69101-797-0 | Princeton University Press | new age philosophy | |
Harding | Mary Esther | Woman's Mysteries Ancient and Modern | 1976 | 978-0-06090-526-0 | HarperCollins | women in culture | |
Hardy | Christine | Etienne Guille | L'alchimie De La Vie: Biologie Et Tradition | 1983 | 978-2-26800-264-0 | Editions du Rocher | occult sciences |
Harleston | Hugh | The keystone: a search for understanding | 1984 | archaeology | |||
Harman | Willis | Global mind change | 1998 | 978-1-57675-029-0 | Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc. (USA) | future studies | |
Harman | Willis | Hormann, John | Creative work | 1990 | 978-0-94170-513-0 | World Business Academy (USA) | future studies |
Harman | Willis | Global mind change: the new age revolution in the way we think | 1988 | 978-0-44639-147-0 | Warner Books (USA) | future studies | |
Harman | Willis | A Re-examination of the Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science (Research Report) | Institute of Noetic Sciences (USA) | western philo/religion | |||
Harris | Sam | The End Of Faith | 2005 | 978-0-39332-766-0 | W. W. Norton & Co | future studies | |
Harris | Rick | Easy Field Guide to Rock Art Symbols of the Symbols (Easy Field Guides) (Easy Field Guides) | 1995 | 978-0-93581-058-0 | Primer Publishers | symbols | |
Harrison | Fred | The Silver Bullet: there's only one way to kill poverty | 1942 | 978-0-90465-810-0 | The International Union for Land Value Taxation (UK) | economy | |
Hartmeier | Markus | Reboot! | 2007 | 978-3-03301-189-0 | Markus Hartmeier | future studies | |
Harvey | Andrew | Patrick Gaffney, Sogyal Rinpoche | The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying | 1992 | 978-0-06250-794-0 | HarperSanFrancisco | eastern philo/religion |
Harvey | Peter | An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values and Issues (Introduction to Religion) | 2000 | 978-0-52155-641-0 | Cambridge University Press | eastern philo/religion | |
Harvey | Andrew | A Walk with Four Spiritual Guides: Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Ramakrishna | 2003 | 978-1-89336-174-0 | Skylight Paths Publishing | new age philosophy | |
Harvey | Andrew | The Sun at Midnight: A Memoir of the Dark Night | 2002 | 978-1-58542-179-0 | Tarcher | new age philosophy | |
Hatot | Thierry | Bâtisseurs au Moyen âge | 1999 | 978-2-86404-071-0 | l'Instant durable | architecture | |
Hausmann | Axel | Kreis, Quadrat und Oktogon | 1998 | 978-3-89124-449-0 | Meyer & Meyer Fachverlag | occult sciences | |
Havelock | Eric | Preface to Plato (History of the Greek Mind,) | 1982 | 978-0-67469-907-0 | Belknap Press of Harvard University Press | western philo/religion | |
Hawken | Paul | The ecology of commerce: a declaration of sustainability | 1993 | 978-0-88730-656-0 | Harper Business (USA) | future studies | |
Hawken | Paul | Amory Lovins, L. Lovins | Natural Capitalism | 2000 | 978-0-31635-301-0 | Back Bay Books | future studies |
Hawkes | Jacquetta | Prehistory | 1963 | George Allen & Unwin | archaeology | ||
Hawkins | Gerald S. | Stonehenge decoded | 1965 | Delta | archaeology | ||
Hawkins | Gerald S. | John B. White | Stonehenge Decoded | 1970 | 978-0-00612-316-0 | Fontana | archaeology |
Hawkins | David R. | The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing Is Hidden | 2001 | 978-0-96432-619-0 | Veritas Publishing | new age philosophy | |
Hawkins | Gerald S. | Mindsteps to the cosmos | 1983 | 978-0-06015-156-0 | Harper & Row | occult sciences | |
Hawkins | David R. | Power vs. Force | 2002 | 978-1-56170-934-0 | Hay House | psychology | |
Hawrylyshyn | B. Liliane | Les Itineraires du futur | 1983 | 978-2-13037-863-0 | PUF | future studies | |
Hay | Louise | You Can Heal Your Life | 1984 | 978-0-93761-101-0 | Hay House | self help | |
Head | Joseph | S.L. Cranston | Reincarnation | 1977 | 978-0-51752-894-0 | Julian Press | new age philosophy |
Heath | Chip | Dan Heath | Switch | 2010 | 978-1-84794-032-0 | Random House | economy |
Heers | Jacques | Esclaves et domestiques au moyen age | 1996 | 978-2-01278-777-0 | Hachette Littérature | history | |
Heggie | Douglas C. | Megalithic Science: Ancient Mathematics and Astronomy in North-west Europe | 1982 | 978-0-50027-211-0 | Thames & Hudson Ltd | archaeology | |
Heider | John | The tao of Leadership | 1986 | 978-0-55325-788-0 | Bantam | eastern philo/religion | |
Heilbroner | Robert L. | Business civilization in decline | 1977 | 978-0-14022-016-0 | Penguin Books (UK) | economy | |
Heilbroner | Robert L. | The future as history: the historic currents of our time and the direction in which they are taking America | Harper & Row (USA) | economy | |||
Heilbroner | Robert L. | An Inquiry into the Human Prospect | 1974 | 978-0-39309-217-0 | W. W. Norton & Company (USA) | future studies | |
Heisbourg | Francois | La Fin De L'occident: L'Amerique, L'Europe Et Le Moyen-Orient | 2005 | 978-2-73811-571-0 | Odile Jacob | politics | |
Heisenberg | Werner | Physique et philosophie | 1958 | Albin Michel | natural sciences | ||
Held | Julius S. | Rembrandt's Aristotle and other Rembrandt studies | 1969 | Princeton University Press | rembrandt | ||
Heline | Corinne | Bible and the Tarot | 1981 | 978-0-87516-443-0 | DeVorss & Company | occult sciences | |
Heline | Corinne | Sacred Science of Numbers | 1981 | 978-0-87516-443-0 | DeVorss & Company | symbols | |
Hellinger | Bert | Love's Hidden Symmetry | 1998 | 978-1-89194-400-0 | Zeig, Tucker & Theisen | self help | |
Henderson | Hazel | Paradigms in progress: life beyond economics | 1991 | 978-0-94170-522-0 | Knowledge Systems (Indianapolis, USA) | economy | |
Henderson | Hazel | Ethical Markets: growing the green economy | 2007 | 978-1-93339-223-0 | Chelsea Green Publishing Company (Vermont, USA) | economy | |
Henderson | Hazel | Creating alternative futures | 1980 | 978-0-39950-424-0 | Perigee Books (USA) | economy | |
Henderson | Hazel | Building a win-win world | 1996 | 978-1-88105-291-0 | berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc. (USA) | economy | |
Henderson | Hazel | Creating alternative futures | 1996 | 978-1-56549-060-0 | Kumarian Press (USA) | economy | |
Henderson | Hazel | Beyond Globalization: Shaping a Sustainable Global Economy | 1999 | 978-1-56549-108-0 | Kumarian Press | economy | |
Henne | A. | A. Wauters | Histoire de la Ville de Bruxelles | 1969 | Editions Culture et Civilisation Bruxelles | history | |
Henneman | Pepik | Debora Timmerman, Ben Nieuwenstain | Burgermeesterleerboek | SpringerUit Drukwerk (Pays-Bas) | politics | ||
Henry | Sébastien | Ensemble - Agir Pour Soi Et Pour Les Autres | 2017 | 978-2-35204-718-0 | Les Arènes | self help | |
Herbert | Nick | Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics | 1987 | 978-0-38523-569-0 | Anchor | natural sciences | |
Herkenhoff | Paulo | O Brasil e os Holandeses | 1999 | 978-8-58679-626-0 | Sextante Artes | art | |
Herlihy | David | Women, family and society in medieval Europe | 1995 | 978-1-57181-024-0 | Berghahn Books | women in culture | |
Herman | Arthur | The Idea of Decline in Western History | 1997 | 978-0-68482-792-0 | Free Press | future studies | |
Herrera | Amilcar | Catastrophe or new society? | 1976 | 978-0-88936-084-0 | International Development Research Centre | future studies | |
Herrigel | Gustie L. | Zen in the Art of Flower Arrangement | 1974 | 978-0-71007-943-0 | Routledge | self help | |
Hersey | George | The Lost Meaning of Classical Architecture: Speculations on Ornament from Vitruvius to Venturi | 1988 | 978-0-26258-089-0 | The MIT Press | architecture | |
Hersh | Seymour M. | The Target is Destroyed | 1987 | 978-0-39475-527-0 | Vintage | politics | |
Hertz | Noreena | The Debt Threat: How Debt Is Destroying the Developing World | 2005 | 978-0-06056-052-0 | Collins | economy | |
Hervieu | Bertrand | Les orphelins de l'exode rural | 978-2-75260-403-0 | Editions de l'Aube (France) | future studies | ||
Hessel | Stéphane | Indignez vous ! | 2010 | 978-2-91193-976-0 | Indigene | politics | |
Heussinger | Werner H. | Elliot-Wave-Finanzmarktanalyse | 1997 | Gabler | economy | ||
Heyden | Doris | Paul Gendrop | Architektur Der Hochkulturen Mittelamerikas | 1975 | 978-3-76301-713-0 | Belser | architecture |
Heymans | Vincent | Les maisons de la Grand-Place de Bruxelles | 2011 | 978-2-93001-890-0 | CFC-Éditions | architecture | |
Hicks | Clive | The Green Man | 2000 | 978-0-95170-382-0 | Compass Books | symbols | |
Hill | Bernice H. | Money and the spiritual warrior | 2004 | 978-0-97445-691-0 | Five Centuries Press (USA) | economy | |
Hill | Bernice H. | Money and the Spiritual Warrior | 2004 | 978-0-97445-691-0 | Five Centuries Foundation | economy | |
Hillard | Pierre | Minorites et regionalismes dans l'Europe federale des Regions | 978-2-75540-558-0 | F.-X. de Guibert (France) | politics | ||
Hillman | James | Emotion: A Comprehensive Phenomenology of Theories and Their Meanings for Therapy | 1992 | 978-0-81011-020-0 | Northwestern University Press | psychology | |
Hillman | James | The Soul's Code | 1996 | 978-0-67944-523-0 | Random House | self help | |
Hills | Christopher B. | Nuclear Evolution | 1999 | 978-0-91643-810-0 | Planetary Publishing Company | self help | |
Hills | Christopher B. | Creative conflict | 1980 | 978-0-91643-836-0 | University of the Trees Press | self help | |
Hilton | Rodney Howard | Class conflict and the crisis of feudalism | 1990 | 978-0-86091-999-0 | Verso | history | |
Hinckley Allen | Richard | Star Names | 1963 | 978-0-48621-080-0 | Dover Publications | astronomy/astrology | |
Hirsch | E.D. Jr. | Cultural Literacy | 1987 | 978-0-39543-096-0 | Houghton Mifflin Company (USA) | future studies | |
Hitti | Philip K. | Islam and the West | 1962 | Nostrand | eastern philo/religion | ||
Hock | Dee | One from many | 2005 | 978-1-57675-332-0 | Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc. (USA) | economy | |
Hock | Dee | Birth of the chaordic age | 1999 | 978-1-57675-074-0 | Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc. (USA) | economy | |
Hodgson Brown | Ellen | Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth About Our Money System -- The Sleight of Hand That Has Trapped Us in Debt and How We Can Break Free | 2007 | 978-0-97956-080-0 | Third Millennium Press | economy | |
Hoedl | P. Franz Xaver | Altötting | Franziskusverlag Altötting | architecture | |||
Hoeller | Stephan | Freedom: Alchemy for a Voluntary Society | 1992 | 978-0-83560-678-0 | Quest Books | politics | |
Hoeller | Stephan | Jung and the Lost Gospels | 1989 | 978-0-83560-646-0 | Quest Books | psychology | |
Hoetink | H.R. | tekeningen van Rembrandt en zijn school | 1969 | gemeentedrukkerij Rotterdam | rembrandt | ||
Hoffman | Ivan | The Tao of Money | 1994 | 978-1-55958-436-0 | Prima Publishing (USA) | economy | |
Hoffmann | Konrad | The year 1200: the exhibition | 1970 | Metropolitan Museum of Art | history | ||
Hofstadter | Douglas R. | Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid | 1980 | 978-0-14005-580-0 | Penguin | new age philosophy | |
Hofstätter | Hans H. | Gothique | 1964 | Office Du Livre | architecture | ||
Holbeche | Soozi | The Power of Gems and Crystals: How They Can Transform Your Life | 1990 | 978-0-86188-955-0 | Piatkus Books | occult sciences | |
Holbecq | André-Jacques | Derudder, Philippe | La dette publique, une affaire rentable: á qui profite le système? | 978-2-91349-297-0 | Editions Yves Michel (France) | economy | |
Holemans | Dirk | Sara Engelen, Marleen Waynants | Welvaren zonder groei: concrete ideen voor een groene economy | 978-9-08172-970-0 | Crosstalks VUB (Bruxelles) | economy | |
Holemans | Dirk | De leefbaarheid op aarde | 1997 | 978-9-05350-540-0 | Garant Uitgevers | future studies | |
Holmes | C.J. | Notes on the art of rembrandt | 1881 | Chatto & Windus | rembrandt | ||
Holroyd | Stuart | Stuart Holroyd, Phyllis V. Schlemmer | The Nine | 2003 | 978-1-88094-198-0 | Old King's Road Press | new age philosophy |
Homer | Sidney | Sylla, Richard | A history of interest rates | 1996 | 978-0-81351-629-0 | Rutgers University Press (USA) | economy |
Homer-Dixon | Thomas | The upside of down | 2007 | 978-0-28563-795-0 | Souvenir Press (UK) | future studies | |
Homet | Marcel | Chan Chan, la misteriosa | 1977 | 978-8-42700-406-0 | Ediciones Martinez Roca | anthropology | |
Hongbing | Song | La guerre des monnaies: la Chine et le nouvel ordre mondial | 2013 | 978-2-35512-054-0 | Editions le Retour au Source (France) | economy | |
Hopkins | Rob | Ils changent le monde! | 978-2-02116-328-0 | Editions du Seuil (Paris) | economy | ||
Hopkins | Andrea | The book of courtly love | 1994 | 978-1-85538-423-0 | Aquarian | women in culture | |
Horne | Alex | King Solomon's Temple in the Masonic Tradition, (Masonic classics) | 1972 | 978-0-85030-053-0 | Aquarian Press | occult sciences | |
Houston | Jean | The Passion of Isis and Osiris | 1996 | 978-0-34539-780-0 | Ballantine Books | women in culture | |
Howe | E. Graham | War Dance | 1937 | Faber & Faber | psychology | ||
Hu | Hsiang-Fan | China - Land zwischen Himmel und Erde | 978-3-78319-535-0 | Theseus | eastern philo/religion | ||
Huang | Alfred | The Complete I Ching: The Definitive Translation by the Taoist Master Alfred Huang | 2004 | 978-0-89281-146-0 | Inner Traditions | eastern philo/religion | |
Huang | Kerson | I Ching | 1987 | 978-0-89480-319-0 | Workman Publishing Company | eastern philo/religion | |
Hubert | Eva-Maria | Tauschringe und Marktwirtschaft: eine ökonomische Analyse lokaler Komplementärökonomien | 978-3-42811-501-0 | Duncker & Humblot (Berlin) | economy | ||
Huddle | Norie | Surviving: the best game on earth | 1984 | 978-0-80523-872-0 | Schocken Books (USA) | future studies | |
Hudson | Michael | The bubble and beyond | 2012 | 978-3-98148-420-0 | Islet Verlag (Allemagne) | economy | |
Hudson | Michael | Finance capitalism and its discontents (interviews and speeches, 2003-2012) | 2012 | 978-3-98148-421-0 | Islet Verlag (Allemagne) | economy | |
Huffman | Carl A. | Philolaus of Croton | 1993 | 978-0-52141-526-0 | Cambridge University Press | western philo/religion | |
Huizinga | Johan | L'automne du moyen age | 1980 | 978-2-22833-730-0 | Payot | history | |
Hunt | Valerie V. | Infinite Mind | 1996 | 978-0-96439-882-0 | Malibu Publishing | occult sciences | |
Huntington | Samuel P. | The Clash of Civilizations: And the Remaking of World Order | 1998 | 978-0-68481-988-0 | Pocket Books | future studies | |
Hutchens | Rex R. | A Bridge to light | 1988 | occult sciences | |||
Hutchinson | Frances | Mary Mellor, Wendy Olsen | The Politics of Money: Towards Sustainability and Economic Democracy | 2002 | 978-0-74531-720-0 | PLUTO PRESS | economy |
Hutin | Serge | La vie quotidienne des alchimistes au Moyen Age | 1977 | 978-2-01003-226-0 | Hachette | occult sciences | |
Hutin | Serge | Les sociétés secrètes | 1954 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | occult sciences | ||
Huttisch | Carlo | L'etoile flamboyante | 2006 | Archives d'Architecture Moderne (AAM) | symbols | ||
Hutton | Will | World We're in | 2002 | 978-0-31685-872-0 | Little Brown and Company | future studies | |
Huxley | Francis | The Dragon | 1988 | 978-0-50081-020-0 | Thames & Hudson | occult sciences | |
Huyghe | René | Dialogue avec le visible | 1955 | Flammarion | art | ||
Huynen | Jacques | La mascarade sacrée | 1979 | Louis Musin | symbols | ||
Hyde | Lewis | The Gift: imagination and the erotic life of property | 1983 | 978-0-39471-519-0 | Random House (USA) | economy | |
Hyde | Lewis | The Gift | 1983 | 978-0-39471-519-0 | Vintage | psychology | |
Hymans | Louis | Bruxelles a travers les ages (2 volumes) | Bruylant-Christophe et cie | history | |||
Ibarra Grasso | Dick Edgar | La verdadera interpretacion del calendario azteca | 1978 | Editorial Kier | anthropology | ||
ibn Paḳuda | Baḥya ben Joseph | Les devoirs du coeur | 1978 | 978-2-22002-168-0 | Desclée de Brouwer | western philo/religion | |
Ichazo | Oscar | Between Metaphysics and Protoanalysis: A Theory for Analyzing the Human Psyche | 1982 | 978-0-91655-406-0 | Afica Institute Press | psychology | |
Ifrah | Georges | Histoire universelle des chiffres: L'intelligence des hommes racontee par les nombres et le calcul (Tome I et II) | 1994 | 978-2-22107-839-0 | R. Laffont | symbols | |
Iglesias | Cristina | Diepe Fontein | 978-9-08586-491-0 | BAI | art | ||
Iglesias Janeiro | J. | La arcana de los numeros | 1981 | Editorial Kier | symbols | ||
Ikeda | Daisaku | Rene Huyghe | La Nuit Appelle L'aurore: Dialogue Orient-Occident Sur La Crise Contemporaine | 1980 | 978-2-08064-282-0 | Flammarion | western philo/religion |
Inayat Khan | Hazrat | The soul, whence and whither | 1977 | 978-0-93087-201-0 | Sufi Order Publications | new age philosophy | |
Ions | Veronica | Le grand livre des mythologies | Elsevier Séquoia | anthropology | |||
Isaac | Guy | The Benefits of the New Economy | 2012 | 978-1-89744-873-0 | Natl Book Network | economy | |
Itoh | Teiji | Spaces and illusion in the japanese garden | 1973 | 978-0-83481-522-0 | Weatherhill | art | |
Ivanova | Barbara | Golden Chalice: A Collection of Writings by the Famous Soviet Parapsychologist and Healer | 1986 | 978-0-93042-002-0 | H S Dakin Co | psychology | |
Jackson | Andrew | Dyson, Ben | Modernising Money: why our monetary system is broken and how it can be fixed | 2012 | 978-0-95744-480-0 | Positive Money (UK) | economy |
Jackson | Kevin | Money | 1996 | 978-0-19282-510-0 | Oxford University Press (UK) | economy | |
Jackson | Ross | Occupy World Street: a global roadmap for radical economic and political reform | 2011 | 978-1-60358-389-0 | CHelsea Green Publishing Company (Vermont, USA) | economy | |
Jackson | Tim | Welvaart zonder groei | 2010 | 978-9-06224-494-0 | Uitgeverij Jan van Arkel | economy | |
Jackson | Ross JT | We can do it! We will do it! And we are doing it! Building an ecovillage future | 0.0 | future studies | |||
Jackson | John J. | Bermuda | 1988 | 978-0-87052-497-0 | David & Charles | natural sciences | |
Jackson | Ross | Gaia Quest | 1986 | new age philosophy | |||
Jackson | Adam J. | Ten secrets of abundant happiness | 1998 | 978-0-72253-690-0 | Thorsons | psychology | |
Jackson | Hildur | Creating harmony | 1999 | 978-1-85623-015-0 | Gaia Trust | self help | |
Jackson | Adam J. | Ten secrets of abundant happiness | 1998 | 978-0-72253-690-0 | Thorsons | self help | |
Jackson Freemantle | Anne | The Unicorn Tapestries | 1983 | 978-0-52522-644-0 | Dutton | art | |
Jacobi | Jolande | Die Psychologie von C. G. Jung: Eine Einführung in das Gesamtwerk | 1977 | 978-3-59626-365-0 | Fischer | psychology | |
Jacobs | Jane | Cities and the Wealth of Nations | 1988 | 978-0-39472-911-0 | Random House | economy | |
Jacobs | Jane | Cities and the wealth of nations | 1988 | 978-0-39472-911-0 | Vintage Books (USA) | economy | |
Jacq | Christian | Le Message des constructeurs de cathédrales | 1980 | 978-2-26800-064-0 | Editions du Rocher | architecture | |
Jacq | Christian | Patrice Delaperriere | de sable et d'or | 1976 | editions des trois mondes | occult sciences | |
Jacquemin | Alexis | Capitalisme, compétition, coopération | 1994 | Université Libre de Bruxelles | politics | ||
Jaikaran | Jacques S. | Debt virus: a compelling solution to the world's debt problems | 978-0-94443-536-0 | Glenbridge Publishing (USA) | economy | ||
Jakobi-Reike | Irmhild K. | Die Wewelsburg 1919 bis 1933 | 1991 | 978-3-92535-569-0 | Kreis Paderborn | architecture | |
Jalaluddin | Abub Khair Mohamad | The role of government in an islamic economy | 1991 | A.S. Noordeen | economy | ||
James | John | Chartres les contructeurs | 1977 | société archeologique d'eure-et-loir | architecture | ||
James | David N. | John Button, Peter Gauld, Thomas Pennant | Celtic art | 1979 | 978-0-90619-126-0 | Thule Press | art |
James | Oliver | The selfish capitalist | 2008 | 978-0-09192-382-0 | Vermilion | future studies | |
Jamnitzer | Wentzel | Perspectiva corporum regularium | 1981 | Gutenberg Reprints | architecture | ||
Jampolsky | Gerald | Good-Bye to Guilt | 1985 | 978-0-55334-574-0 | Bantam | self help | |
Jampolsky | Gerald | Love is Letting Go of Fear | 1984 | 978-0-55324-519-0 | Bantam | self help | |
Janes | Julian | The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind | 1982 | 978-0-39532-440-0 | Houghton Mifflin Company | psychology | |
Janosh | De kunst van creëren | 2007 | 978-9-02028-474-0 | Ankh-Hermes | self help | ||
Janssens | J.B. | Cinquantenaire du Collège Saint-Michel 1905-1955 | 1955 | history | |||
Janssens de Bisthoven | A. | De Vlaamse Primitieven | 1957 | Uitgeverij De Sikkel | art | ||
Japikse | Carl | Robert R. Leichtman | Burbank Returns | 1983 | 978-0-89804-072-0 | Ariel Press | new age philosophy |
Jardine | Lisa | Worldly Goods | 1996 | 978-0-33363-810-0 | Macmillan | history | |
Jarmey | Chris | Acupressure For Common Ailments: A Gaia Original | 1991 | 978-0-67173-136-0 | Fireside | medicine | |
Jay | Antony | Management and Machiavelli | 1969 | Bantam Books | economy | ||
Jennings | James | The Presence at the Center: Twelve Steps and the Journey Deep Within | 1994 | 978-1-56838-002-0 | Hazelden Information & Educational Services | self help | |
Jesus Christ | New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity | 1987 | 978-0-93714-701-0 | Spiritual Education Endeavors Pub. Co. | western philo/religion | ||
Jinarajadasa | C. | l'évolution occulte de l'humanité | 1923 | La famille Theosophique | occult sciences | ||
Joannes | Marie | Louis Musin, Gaston Bogaert | Le ciel est pour demain | 1981 | LME | art | |
Johari | Harish | Tools for Tantra | 1988 | 978-0-89281-055-0 | Inner Traditions | eastern philo/religion | |
Johari | Harrish | Leela | 1975 | Coward, McCann & Geoghegan | self help | ||
Johnson | Anne Akers | The Buck Book | 1993 | 978-1-87825-751-0 | Klutz | economy | |
Johnson | Chalmers | James Carroll | The Sorrows of Empire | 2004 | 978-0-80507-004-0 | Metropolitan Books | future studies |
Johnson | Kenneth Rayner | The Fulcanelli phenomenon | 1980 | 000-0-85978-051-1 | Neville Spearman Ltd | occult sciences | |
Johnson | Ro | She | 1986 | 978-0-06097-058-0 | Harper & Row | psychology | |
Johnson | K. Paul | The Masters Revealed: Madame Blavatsky and the Myth of the Great White Lodge | 1994 | 978-0-79142-064-0 | State University of New York Press | western philo/religion | |
Johnston | David | Green Remodelling: changing the world one room at a time | 2004 | 978-0-86571-498-0 | New Society Publishers (Canada) | future studies | |
Johnston | William | The Mirror Mind | 1983 | 978-0-00626-589-0 | Fount | new age philosophy | |
Johnston | Robert A. | He | 1986 | 978-0-06097-057-0 | Harper & Row Publishers | psychology | |
Johnston | Robert A. | We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love | 1985 | 978-0-06250-436-0 | Harper & Row | psychology | |
Johnston | Robert A. | Contentment: A Way to True Happiness | 1999 | 978-0-06251-593-0 | HarperOne | self help | |
Johnston | Charles M. | Necessary wisdom | 1991 | 978-0-89087-650-0 | ICD Press | self help | |
Joly | Louis | Les polyèdres | 1979 | Albert Blanchard | architecture | ||
Joly | Luc | El signo y la forma | 1982 | Universidad de Lima | symbols | ||
Jonas | Hans | The Gnostic Religion | 1971 | 978-0-80705-800-0 | Beacon Press | western philo/religion | |
Jones | David M. | Politics of money | 1991 | 978-0-13601-634-0 | Simon & Schuster (USA) | economy | |
Jonker | Geert | Efficient and equitable exchange in air traffic management plan repair using spender-signed currency | 978-9-03934-908-0 | Gildeprint Drukkerijen (Netherlands) | economy | ||
Jorion | Paul | L'argent, mode d'emploi | 2009 | 978-2-21364-404-0 | Fayard | economy | |
Joseph | Lawrence E. | Gaia | 1990 | 978-0-31204-319-0 | St. Martin's Press | future studies | |
Jourard | Sidney M. | The Transparent Self | 1971 | 978-0-44224-193-0 | Van Nostrand Reinhold | psychology | |
Jouven | Georges | L'Architecture cachée : Tracés harmoniques | 1990 | 978-2-85076-104-0 | Dervy | architecture | |
Jouven | Georges | La forme initiale: Symbolisme de l'architecture traditionnelle | 1990 | 978-2-85076-196-0 | Dervy | architecture | |
Jouven | Georges | Nombres caches (les) | 1997 | 978-2-85076-094-0 | Dervy | occult sciences | |
Jullien | Francois | Du "temps". Elements d'une philosophie du vivre | 2001 | 978-2-24656-282-0 | Grasset | western philo/religion | |
Jung | Carl G. | Sigmund Freud | Freud/Jung Letters, The: The Correspondence Between Sigmund Freud and C. G. Jung (Bollingen Series) | 1974 | 978-0-69109-891-0 | Princeton U.P. | psychology |
Jung | Carl G. | Joseph Campbell | The Portable Jung | 1983 | 978-0-14015-070-0 | Penguin (Non-Classics) | psychology |
Jurriaanse | D. | The practical pendulum book | 1986 | 978-0-87728-518-0 | S. Weiser | occult sciences | |
Kabat-Zinn | John | Wherever You Go There You Are | 1920 | 978-0-78688-100-0 | Hyperion Books | self help | |
Kagan | Robert | Paradise & Power: America and Europe in the new world order | 2003 | 978-1-84354-178-0 | Atlantic Books (USA) | politics | |
Kahan | Théo | Les ondes hertziennes | 1974 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | natural sciences | ||
Kahn | Herman | Wiener, Anthony J. | The year 2000: a framework for specualtion on the next thirty-three years | The Macmillan Company (USA) | future studies | ||
Kahneman | Daniel | Thinking, Fast and Slow | 2011 | 978-0-37427-563-0 | Farrar Straus & Giroux | future studies | |
Kalisky | René | Le monde arabe | 1968 | Marabout | history | ||
Kals | W.S. | The Stargazer's Bible | 1980 | 978-0-38513-058-0 | DoubleDay | astronomy/astrology | |
Kalt | Hansje | Een onvoorwaardelijk basisinkomen in utopisch perspectief | 2014 | De Columnist | economy | ||
Kamenetzky | Mario | The invisible player | 1999 | 978-0-89281-665-0 | Inner Traditions / Bear & Company | economy | |
Kamil | Jill | Luxor: A Guide to Ancient Thebes | 1983 | 978-0-58278-339-0 | Longman Group United Kingdom | archaeology | |
Kaplan | John | Marijuana | 1970 | Pocket Books | politics | ||
Karim | Ibrahim | Back to a Future for Mankind | 2010 | 978-1-44996-396-0 | BioGeometry | occult sciences | |
Karta | Lama | Lamdrog | 978-9-07481-513-0 | Kunchab | self help | ||
Katelijne | Rotsaert | Tussen Eva en Maria | 1992 | 978-9-05364-016-0 | Emiel Decock | women in culture | |
Kaufmann | William J. | The cosmic frontiers of general relativity | 1977 | Little Brown & Co | natural sciences | ||
Kazuomi Tashiro | Joshua Jannes | Wege zum Urvertrauen | 2002 | Allmende | psychology | ||
Keegan | William | The Spectre of Capitalism | 1993 | 978-0-09987-061-0 | Vintage | economy | |
Kelly | Kevin | The Home Planet | 1988 | 978-0-20115-198-0 | Addison-Wesley | art | |
Kelly | Marjorie | The divine right of capital | 2001 | 978-1-57675-125-0 | Berret-Koehler Publishers (USA) | economy | |
Kelly | Kevin | New Rules for the New Economy: 10 Radical Strategies for a Connected World | 1998 | 978-0-67088-112-0 | Viking Adult | economy | |
Kelly | Kevin | Out Of Control | 1997 | 978-0-20148-341-0 | Addison-Wesley | economy | |
Kelly | Eamonn | Powerful Times: Rising to the Challenge of Our Uncertain World | 2005 | 978-0-13185-520-0 | Wharton School Publishing | future studies | |
Kempf | Hervé | Comment les riches détruisent la planète | 2009 | 978-2-75781-217-0 | Points | future studies | |
Kennedy | Gavin | Adam Smith's lost legacy | 2005 | 978-1-40394-790-0 | Palgrave (USA) | economy | |
Kennedy | Margrit | Geld ohne Zinsen und Inflation: ein Tauschmittel das jedem dient | 2006 | 978-3-44212-341-0 | Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag (München) | economy | |
Kennedy | Margrit | Occupy money: damit wir zukünftig alle die Gewinner sind | 2011 | 978-3-89901-596-0 | J. Kamphausen Verlag (Allemagne) | economy | |
Kennedy | Margrit | Occupy money: damit wir zuk?nftig alle die Gewinner sind | 2012 | 978-0-86571-731-0 | New Society Publishers (Canada) | economy | |
Kennedy | Margrit | Interest and inflation free money | 1995 | 978-0-86571-319-0 | New Society Publishers (Canada) | economy | |
Kennedy | Margrit | Interest and Inflation free money | Permakultur Institut (Allemagne) | economy | |||
Kennedy | Margrit | Le poison des interets | 2013 | 978-2-36429-028-0 | Editions Yves Michel (France) | economy | |
Kennedy | Margrit | Bernard Lietaer | Regionalwährungen | 2004 | 978-3-57050-052-0 | Riemann Verlag (Allemagne) | economy |
Kennedy | Margrit | Bernard Lietaer | Monedas regionales | 978-8-46138-600-0 | La Hirna de Ledra Ediciones (Espagne) | economy | |
Kennedy | Margrit | Bernard Lietaer, John Rogers | People money: The promise of regional currencies | 2012 | 978-1-90800-976-0 | Tiarchy Press (UK) | economy |
Kennedy | Paul M. | Preparing for the Twenty-first Century | 1993 | 978-0-00215-706-0 | HarperCollins | future studies | |
Kennedy | Paul M. | The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers | 1987 | 978-0-39454-674-0 | Random House | history | |
Kent | Deirdre | Healthy Money, Healthy Planet | 2005 | 978-1-87733-329-0 | Craig Potton Publishing (New Zealand) | economy | |
Kerenyi | Carl | Apollo: The Wind, the Spirit, and the God : Four Studies | 1983 | 978-0-88214-217-0 | Spring Pubns | western philo/religion | |
Kerenyi | Carl | Eleusis | 1991 | 978-0-69101-915-0 | Princeton University Press | women in culture | |
Kern | Hermann | Labyrinthe: Erscheinungsformen Und Deutungen 5000 Jahre Gegenwart Eines Urbilds | 1983 | 978-3-79130-615-0 | Prestel-Verlag | symbols | |
Kerr | Alex | Dogs and Demons: tales from the dark side of Japan | 2002 | 978-0-80903-943-0 | Hill and Wang (USA) | future studies | |
Kersschot | Jan | Coming home | 2000 | 978-9-08025-034-0 | Inspiration | self help | |
Keyes | Ken | A Conscious Person's Guide To Relationships | 1985 | 978-0-91597-207-0 | Living Love Pubns | self help | |
Keynes | J.M | Theorie generale de l'emploie, de l'interet et de la monnaie | 1977 | 978-2-22831-393-0 | Petite Bibliotheque Payot (France) | economy | |
Khan | Muzaffar | Racing towards excellence | 2009 | 978-0-95625-661-0 | Leveraged Pub. | self help | |
Khayyam | Omar | Rubā'iyāt. Englis | 1988 | 978-0-00410-551-0 | Collins | eastern philo/religion | |
Kidder | Tracy | The Soul of a New Machine | 1981 | 978-0-31649-171-0 | Little Brown & Co | politics | |
Kieran | Brian L. | The lawless Caymanas | 1992 | 978-9-76801-291-0 | Brian L Kieran | history | |
Kimball | Robert J. | Media usage by the vals types | Values and Lifestyles Program (USA) | future studies | |||
Kinder | Terryl | Architecture of Silence | 2000 | 978-0-81094-117-0 | Harry N. Abrams | architecture | |
Kinder | George | Seven stages of money maturity | 2000 | 978-0-44050-834-0 | Dell Publishing ( USA) | economy | |
Kindleberger | Charles P. | Essays in International Finance: No. 208: Economic and financial crises and transformations in sixteenth-cenutry europe | 1998 | 978-0-88165-116-0 | Princeton University Press (USA) | economy | |
Kindleberger | Charles P. | Manias, panics and crashes: a history of financial crises | 1989 | 978-0-46504-405-0 | Basic Books (USA) | economy | |
Kindleberger | Charles P. | Power and Money | Basic Books (USA) | economy | |||
King | Mervyn | The End of Alchemy | 2016 | 978-0-39324-702-0 | W. W. Norton & Company (UK) | economy | |
King | Francis | Magic | 1984 | 978-0-50081-009-0 | Thames and Hudson | occult sciences | |
King | Serge | Earth Energies: A Quest for the Hidden Powers of the Planet | 1992 | 978-0-83560-682-0 | Quest Books | occult sciences | |
King | C.W. | Gnostics and Their Remains (Secret Doctrine Reference Series) | 1987 | 978-0-91351-035-0 | Wizards Bookshelf | western philo/religion | |
Kingsley | Peter | Reality | 2004 | 978-1-89035-009-0 | The Golden Sufi Center | occult sciences | |
Kingsley | Peter | Ancient Philosophy, Mystery and Magic | 1996 | 978-0-19815-082-0 | Oxford University Press | western philo/religion | |
Kinsley | David R. | Goddesses Mirror | 1988 | 978-0-88706-836-0 | State University of New York Press | women in culture | |
Kirchgassner | Alfons | La puissance des signes | 1962 | Mame | symbols | ||
Kissinger | Henry | A la Maison-Blanche, 1968-1973, tome 2 | 1979 | 978-2-21300-826-0 | Fayard | politics | |
Kiyosaki | Robert | Rich dad, poor dad | 2000 | 978-0-44667-746-0 | Warner Books (USA) | economy | |
Kiyosaki | Robert T. | Lechter, Sharon L. | Rich dad's prophecy | 2002 | 978-0-44653-087-0 | Warner Business Books (USA) | economy |
Kiyoshi | Seike | Une note japonaise dans votre jardin | 978-2-70660-742-0 | Flammarion | self help | ||
Klein | H. Arthur | Graphic Worlds of Peter Bruegel The Elder | 1963 | 978-0-48621-133-0 | Dover Publications | art | |
Klein | Naomi | This changes everything | 2015 | 978-0-24195-618-0 | Penguin Books (USA) | economy | |
Klossowski | Pierre | Die Lebende Münze | 1998 | 978-3-93165-913-0 | Kulturverlag Kadmos (Germany) | economy | |
Klossowski de Rola | Stanislas | Alchimie | 1974 | 978-2-02002-932-0 | Éd. du Seuil | occult sciences | |
Koelliker | Theo | Symbolism et nombre d'or | 1957 | les editions des champs elysées | architecture | ||
Koenig | Peter | 30 lies about money | 2003 | 978-0-59529-236-0 | iUniverse (USA) | economy | |
Koepf | Hans | La sculpture en europe | 1964 | Hachette | art | ||
Koestler | Arthur | Act of Creation | 1975 | 978-0-33024-447-0 | Picador | new age philosophy | |
Koestler | Arthur | Ghost in the Machine (Picador Books) | 1975 | 978-0-33024-447-0 | Macmillan | psychology | |
Koestler | Arthur | Janus | 1979 | 978-2-70210-288-0 | Calmann-Levy | western philo/religion | |
Kolber | Jonathan | A Celebration Society | 2015 | 978-0-69255-239-0 | Inciti Publishing | future studies | |
Kolos | Daniel | Hany Assaad | The name of the dead | 1979 | 978-0-92080-801-0 | Benben | occult sciences |
Konraad | Sandor | Classic Tarot Spreads | 1985 | 978-0-91491-865-0 | Para Research | new age philosophy | |
Kooistra | Pieter | Het ideale eigenbelang: een UNO-Marshallplan voor alle mensen | 1993 | 978-9-03910-574-0 | Kok Agora (Pays-Bas) | economy | |
Kormondy | Edward John | Concepts of ecology | 1984 | 978-0-13166-710-0 | Prentice-Hall | natural sciences | |
Korten | David C. | The Great Turning: from empire to earth community | 2006 | 978-1-88720-808-0 | Berret-Koehler Publishers (USA) | economy | |
Korten | David C. | When Corporations Rule the World (Kumarian Press Books for a World That Works) | 1995 | 978-1-88720-800-0 | Berrett-Koehler | economy | |
Kourik | Robert | Designing and maintaining your edible landscape naturally | 1986 | 978-0-96158-480-0 | Metamorphic Press | self help | |
Koval | Barbara | Time And Money | 1993 | 978-0-87542-365-0 | Llewellyn Publications | new age philosophy | |
Kramer | Samuel Noah | Diane Wolkstein | Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth | 1983 | 978-0-06090-855-0 | Harper & Row | women in culture |
Kranewitter | Margit | Aspects de la peinture visionnaire initiatique | 1980 | ULB | occult sciences | ||
Krings | Karl Heinz | Hohes Venn | art | ||||
Krishnamurti | J. | Aux pieds du maître | 1981 | Adyar | eastern philo/religion | ||
Krishnamurti | La première et dernière liberté | 1979 | 000-2-23401-026-8 | Stock | eastern philo/religion | ||
Krugman | Paul | Peddling Prosperity | 1995 | 978-0-39331-293-0 | W.W. Norton & Company (USA) | economy | |
Krugman | Paul | The Accidental Theorist | 1998 | 978-0-39304-638-0 | W.W. Norton & Company (USA) | economy | |
Krugman | Paul | Sortez-nous de cette crise... maintenant! | 2013 | 978-2-08129-619-0 | Flammarion (France) | economy | |
Krugman | Paul | The Great Unraveling | 2003 | 978-0-39305-850-0 | W. W. Norton & Company | future studies | |
Krugman | Paul | The Age of Diminished Expectations: U.S. Economic Policy in the 1990's | 1994 | 978-0-26261-093-0 | MIT Press | future studies | |
Krumm-Heller | El tatwametro o las vibraciones del eter | 1979 | Editorial Kier | occult sciences | |||
Krupp | E.C. | Echoes of the Ancient Skies | 1983 | 978-0-06015-101-0 | Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. | astronomy/astrology | |
Kruta | Venceslas | Los celtas | 1992 | 978-8-47166-551-0 | Edaf | anthropology | |
Kübler-Ross | Elisabeth | On Death & Dying | 1970 | 978-0-02089-131-0 | Macmillan | psychology | |
Kulananda | Houlder, Dominic | Mindfulness and money: the buddhist path of abundance | 2003 | 978-0-76790-915-0 | Broadway Books (USA) | self help | |
Kumar | Krishan | Stephen Bann | Utopias and the Millennium (Critical Views) | 1997 | 978-0-94846-244-0 | Reaktion Books | new age philosophy |
Kung | Hans | Freud and the Problem of God | 1980 | 978-0-30002-350-0 | Yale University Press | psychology | |
Kunstler | James Howard | The Long Emergency | 2006 | 978-0-80214-250-0 | Grove Press | future studies | |
Kurtzman | Joel | The Death of Money | 1993 | 978-0-67168-799-0 | Simon & Schuster (USA) | economy | |
Kurtzman | Joel | Unleashing the Second American Century | 2014 | 978-1-61039-310-0 | Publicaffairs | economy | |
Kusch | Rodolfo | Esbozo de una antropologia filosofica americana | 1978 | Castaneda | anthropology | ||
Kwa | Chunglin | De ontdekking van het weten | 2005 | 978-9-08506-141-0 | Boom | natural sciences | |
Kwok | Man-Ho | The Elements of Feng Shui (Elements of ...) | 1994 | 978-1-85230-221-0 | Element Books | eastern philo/religion | |
L'Yvonnet | François | Thierry Gaudin | L'avenir de l'esprit | 2001 | 978-2-22612-618-0 | A. Michel | future studies |
La Maya | Jacques | La Médecine de l'habitat : Comment détecter et neutraliser les ondes nocives pour retrouver mieux-ëtre et vitalité | 1999 | 978-2-70330-254-0 | Dangles | self help | |
Laading | Isabelle | L'Astrologie chinoise | 1991 | 978-2-71521-726-0 | Mercure de France | astronomy/astrology | |
Labrot | Jacques | Une histoire économique et populaire du Moyen âge | 1989 | 978-2-90344-299-0 | Errance | economy | |
Lacarriere | J. | En suivant les dieux | 1996 | 978-2-01012-113-0 | Hachette Littérature | new age philosophy | |
Lachat | Louis | La Franc-maconnerie operative | 1990 | 978-2-85707-341-0 | Guy Tredaniel Editeur | occult sciences | |
Lafaurie | Baron | Mes souvenirs: La vérité sur Meyerling | 1937 | Les editions de france | history | ||
Laing | Alastair | Monasteries of Western Europe | 1972 | 978-0-69100-314-0 | Princeton : Princeton University Press | architecture | |
Lakoff | George | Moral Politics: What Conservatives Know That Liberals Don't | 1997 | 978-0-22646-805-0 | University of Chicago Press | politics | |
Lakoff | George | Moral Politics: how liberals and conservatives think | 2002 | 978-0-22646-772-0 | The University of Chicago Press (USA) | politics | |
Laloup | Jean | Louis Darms | Interstances: Communiquer a Contresens | 1983 | 978-2-87077-166-0 | Cabay | western philo/religion |
Lamboray | Jean-Louis | Qu'est-ce qui nous rend humains ? | 2013 | 978-2-70824-226-0 | Editions de l'Atelier | future studies | |
Lamont | Michele | Money, Morals & Manners | 1992 | 978-0-22646-817-0 | The University of Chicago Press (UK/USA) | future studies | |
Lamy | Lucie | Egyptian Mysteries | 1989 | 978-0-50081-025-0 | Thames & Hudson | archaeology | |
Lange | Kurt | Max Hirmer | Ägypten | 1978 | 978-3-49202-390-0 | Hirmer Verlag | art |
Langs | Robert | Decoding Your Dreams: A Revolutionary Technique For Understanding Your Dreams | 1989 | 978-0-34536-432-0 | Ballantine Books | psychology | |
Lao Tzu | Tao Te Ching | 1990 | 978-0-55334-935-0 | Bantam | eastern philo/religion | ||
Lapatin | Kenneth | Mysteries Of The Snake Goddess: Art, Desire, And The Forging Of History | 2003 | 978-0-30681-328-0 | Da Capo Press | women in culture | |
Larsson | Mats | The Limits of Business Development and Economic Growth | 2005 | 978-1-40394-240-0 | Palgrave Macmillan | economy | |
Laszlo | Ervin | The Systems View of the World | 1996 | 978-1-57273-053-0 | Hampton Press | new age philosophy | |
Laszlo | Ervin | Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything | 2004 | 978-1-59477-042-0 | Inner Traditions | western philo/religion | |
Lauer | Jean-Philippe | Saqqarah | 1976 | 978-2-23500-000-0 | Tallandier | archaeology | |
Laughland | John | The death of politics: france under mitterand | 1994 | 978-0-71810-028-0 | Penguin Group (UK) | politics | |
Laurence | Theodor | Sexual Key to Tarot | 1971 | 978-0-80650-243-0 | Citadel Press | occult sciences | |
Lauterbach | Iris | Bürokratie und Kult | 1995 | 978-3-42206-164-0 | Dt. Kunstverl | architecture | |
Lavier | Jacques | Bio-énergétique chinoise | 1976 | maloine | eastern philo/religion | ||
Lawlor | Robert | Voices of the First Day: Awakening in the Aboriginal Dreamtime (Inner Traditions) | 1991 | 978-0-89281-355-0 | Inner Traditions | anthropology | |
Lawlor | Robert | Sacred Geometry (Illustrated Library of Sacred Imagination) | 1982 | 978-0-82450-067-0 | Crossroad Publishing Company | architecture | |
Le Blevec | Daniel | l'an mil | 1976 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | history | ||
Le Clézio | J.M.G. | les prophéties du Chilam Balam | 1976 | Gallimard | anthropology | ||
Le Comte du Noüy | L'homme et sa destinée | 1948 | La Colombe | western philo/religion | |||
Le Corbusier | Le Modulor | 1977 | 978-2-28230-108-0 | Fondation Le Corbusier | architecture | ||
Le Goff | Jacques | Your Money or Your Life | 1990 | 978-0-94229-915-0 | Zone Books | economy | |
Le Goff | Jacques | La civilisation de l'occident médiéval | 1977 | Arthaud | history | ||
Le Goff | Jacques | Marchands et banquiers du Moyen Age | 2001 | 978-2-13051-479-0 | Presses universitaires de France | history | |
Le Roy Ladurie | Emmanuel | histoire du climat depuis l'an mil | 1967 | Flammarion | future studies | ||
Le Saux | Henri | La rencontre de l'hindouisme et du christianisme | 1966 | Éd. du Seuil | eastern philo/religion | ||
Lebret | L.J | Suicide ou Survie de l'Occident | Les Editions Ouvrieres (France) | future studies | |||
Leclercq | Jean | St Bernard et l'esprit cistercien | 1998 | 978-2-02000-291-0 | HACHETTE BNF | western philo/religion | |
Lecomte du Nouy | P. | Entre savoir et croire | 1964 | Gonthier | natural sciences | ||
Lecoq | Anne-Marie | Jean Robert Armogathe, Marc Fumaroli | La querelle des anciens et des modernes | 2001 | 978-2-07038-753-0 | Gallimard | western philo/religion |
Ledit | Charles J. | A l'orient des cathédrales | 1983 | Cahiers Bleus | architecture | ||
Leen | Jason | The death of the prophet | 1988 | 978-0-93569-903-0 | Illumination Arts Pub. Co. | new age philosophy | |
Lefébure | Francis | Développement de la voyance par le phosphénisme | 1983 | 978-2-90452-301-0 | Éditions Nasrodin | occult sciences | |
Lengyel | Lancelot | Le secret des Celtes | 1969 | Robert Morel | archaeology | ||
Lenoble | Robert | Histoire de l'idee de nature | 1969 | Albin Michel | naturals sciences | ||
Lenoir | Frederic | La guérison du monde | 2012 | 978-2-21366-135-0 | Fayard | economy | |
Leonard | Jean | La grande initiation secrète | 1967 | Editions P.I.C | new age philosophy | ||
Leonard | George | The Life We Are Given (Inner Work Book) | 2005 | 978-0-87477-792-0 | Tarcher/Putnam | self help | |
Lerner | Gerda | The Creation of Patriarchy | 1987 | 978-0-19505-186-0 | Oxford University Press | women in culture | |
Les Frères Servranx | Cours pratique de radionique et d'action à distance | Editions Jacques Bersez | occult sciences | ||||
Leshikar | Margaret Elaine | The wreck of the ten sail, cayman islands, british west indies | 1993 | anthropology | |||
Lesourne | J. | Les systemes de destin | Dalloz (France) | economy | |||
Letellier | Marcel | Histoire d'une vierge noire | 1969 | Robert Morel | women in culture | ||
Levallois | Patrice | Daniel Boublil, Patrick Van Eersel, Sylvain Michelet | Le jeu du tao : Comment devenir le héros de sa propre légende | 2004 | 978-2-22615-158-0 | Albin Michel | western philo/religion |
Lewis | Bernard | The Muslim Discovery of Europe | 1985 | 978-0-39330-233-0 | W W Norton & Co Inc | history | |
Lewis | H. Spencer | Ensayos de un mistico moderno | 1962 | Gran Logia suprema de Amorc | occult sciences | ||
Lewis | Roger | Color and the Edgar Cayce readings | 1990 | A.R.E Press | occult sciences | ||
Lewis | Bernard | What Went Wrong? | 2003 | 978-0-06051-606-0 | Harper Perennial | politics | |
Lewis | H. Spencer | Les doctrines secrètes de Jésus | 1960 | Editions Rosicruciennes | western philo/religion | ||
Leymarie | Jean | Rey-Millet 1905-1959 | 1967 | Musée de l'Athenée | art | ||
Lhôte | Jean-Marie | Le Symbolisme Des Jeux | 1976 | 978-2-90026-902-0 | Berg-Bélibaste | symbols | |
Lievegoed | B.C.J. | Mystery Streams in Europe and the New Mysteries | 1982 | 978-0-88010-002-0 | Steiner Books | new age philosophy | |
Lifton | Robert Jay | Superpower Syndrome | 2003 | 978-1-56025-512-0 | Nation Books | politics | |
Lincoln | Henry | Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh | The Messianic Legacy | 1987 | 978-0-55213-183-0 | Corgi | western philo/religion |
Linssen | Robert | Au-delà du hasard et de l'anti-hasard | 1979 | 978-2-86423-002-0 | Éditions Arcturus | natural sciences | |
Linssen | Robert | La mutation spirituelle du III' millénaire | 1981 | 978-2-70290-121-0 | le Courrier du livre | new age philosophy | |
Linssen | Robert | Au-delà du hasard et de l'anti-hasard | 978-2-70290-120-0 | Courrier du livre | western philo/religion | ||
Lionel | Frederic | Revolution in Consciousness | 1984 | 978-0-71020-066-0 | Routledge & K. Paul | future studies | |
Lionel | Frederic | Mirrors of Truth: Reflections of Living Mastery | 1991 | 978-0-94413-510-0 | Archedigm Pub | self help | |
Lip | Evelyn | Chinese geomancy | 1984 | 978-9-97165-013-0 | Times Books International | occult sciences | |
Lipton | Bruce H. | Steve Bhaerman | Spontaneous Evolution | 2010 | 978-1-40192-631-0 | Hay House, Inc. | medicine |
Lipton | Bruce H. | Biologie des croyances | 2006 | 978-2-89626-019-0 | Ariane | new age philosophy | |
Lipton | Bruce H. | The Biology of Belief | 2001 | 978-1-78180-547-0 | Hay House | self help | |
Litwak | Jacques | Olivier Boruchowitch | Le train fou de la dette publique tout le monde descend | 2000 | Editions Luc Pire | economy | |
Livio | Mario | The Golden Ratio | 2002 | 978-0-76790-815-0 | Broadway | symbols | |
Lo Bello | Nino | The Vatican Empire | Pocket Books (USA) | politics | |||
Lobsang Rampa | T. | Les secrets de l'aura | 1965 | Editions j'ai lu | new age philosophy | ||
Lobsang Rampa | Tuesday | Le Dictionnaire de Rampa | 1979 | 978-2-25302-194-0 | le Livre de poche | occult sciences | |
Lodewijkx | A.J. | Leben ohne Krebs. | 2007 | 978-3-93257-665-0 | Sensei Verlag | self help | |
Loftas | Tony | The Last Resource Mans Exploitation of the Oceans | 1972 | 978-0-14021-518-0 | Penguin Books | natural sciences | |
Lonegren | Sig | Spiritual dowsing | 1986 | 978-0-90636-207-0 | Gothic Image Publications | occult sciences | |
Lopez | Jose Alvarez | El enigma de las piramides | 1979 | Editorial Kier | occult sciences | ||
Lorch | Anne | Les micro-organismes efficaces au quotidien | 2011 | 978-2-84058-400-0 | Le Souffle d'Or | natural sciences | |
Loubatiere | Jacques | Du point à la quadrature du cercle | 2009 | 978-2-84454-580-0 | Dervy | occult sciences | |
Louge | Carlos Fernando | Keynes & Gesell | 978-9-87011-904-0 | Errepar (Argentina) | economy | ||
Louge | Carlos Ferndando | Keynes & Gesell: nuevo paradigma | 978-9-87011-904-0 | Errepar (Argentina) | economy | ||
Lovejoy | Arthur O. | The Great Chain of Being | 1976 | 978-0-67436-154-0 | Harvard University Press | western philo/religion | |
Lovelock | James | The ages of Gaia | 1988 | 978-0-39302-584-0 | W.W. Norton | future studies | |
Lovelock | James | The Vanishing Face of Gaia | 2009 | 978-0-46501-550-0 | Basic Books | future studies | |
Loye | David | Darwin's lost theory | 2002 | Partnership Press | natural sciences | ||
Lübeck | Walter | The tao of Money | 2000 | 978-0-91495-563-0 | Lotus Press (USA) | economy | |
Lübeck | Walter | Het pendel handboek | 1993 | 978-9-06378-277-0 | Schors | occult sciences | |
Luis G. Lumbreras | Luis | la arqueologia como ciencia social | 1981 | Peisa | archaeology | ||
Lukacs | Philippe | Stratégie pour un futur souhaitable - Quatre créations exemplaires pour un management innovant: Quatre créations exemplaires pour un management innovant (Stratégies et management) (French Edition) | 2008 | 978-2-10049-643-0 | DUNOD | future studies | |
Lukas | J. Anthony | Common Ground: a turbulent decade in the lives of three american families | 1986 | 978-0-39474-617-0 | Vintage Books (USA) | future studies | |
Lumbreras | Luis Guillermo | Los Orígenes De La Civilización En El Perú | 2013 | 978-6-12465-488-0 | Ministerio De Cultura, Dirección Desconcentrada De Cultura De Cusco ; | archaeology | |
Lumbreras | Luis Guillermo | Chavin: Excavaciones Arqueologicas (Volume 1) | 2007 | 978-9-97221-031-0 | UAP, Universidad Alas Peruanas | archaeology | |
Lumbreras | Luis Guillermo | Chavin: Excavaciones Arqueologicas (Volume 2) | 2007 | 978-9-97221-031-0 | UAP, Universidad Alas Peruanas | archaeology | |
Lumbreras | Luis Guillermo | Excavaciones en la Plaza Circular y el Atrio del Lanzón en Chavín de Huántar | 2014 | 978-6-12463-323-0 | Antamina | archaeology | |
Luttwak | Edward N. | The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire: From the First Century A.D. to the Third (Johns Hopkins Paperbacks) | 1979 | 978-0-80182-158-0 | The Johns Hopkins University Press | history | |
Luyckx Ghisi | Marc | The Knowledge Society | 2009 | 978-8-18965-814-0 | Stone Hill Publishing | economy | |
Luyckx Ghisi | Marc | Surgissement d'un nouveau monde | 2010 | 978-2-75380-567-0 | Editions Alphee Jean-Paul Bertrand (France) | future studies | |
Lynch | Dudley | The Strategy of the Dolphin | 1989 | 978-0-68808-481-0 | William Morrow & Co | new age philosophy | |
Maalouf | Amin | Crusades through arab eyes | 1985 | 978-0-80520-834-0 | Schocken | history | |
Mabire | Jean | Thulé | 1978 | Editions Robert Laffont (France) | new age philosophy | ||
Macdonald | John D. | The Origins Of Value | 2005 | 978-0-19517-571-0 | Oxford University Press | economy | |
MacIntyre | Alasdair C. | The Macintyre Reader | 1998 | 978-0-26801-438-0 | University of Notre Dame Press | western philo/religion | |
Mack | Burton L. | The Lost Gospel | 1993 | 978-1-85230-455-0 | Element Books Ltd. | western philo/religion | |
Mackay | Charles | Extraordinary Popular Delusions And The Madness Of Crowds | 1980 | 978-0-51753-919-0 | Harmony Books | psychology | |
Maclean | Dorothy | To Hear The Angels Sing | 2008 | 978-0-93687-801-0 | Morningtown Press | self help | |
Macy | Joanna R. | Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General Systems Theory: The Dharma of Natural Systems (SUNY Series in Buddhist Studies) | 1991 | 978-0-79140-637-0 | State University of New York Press | eastern philo/religion | |
Macy | Joanna R. | Coming Back to Life: Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World | 1998 | 978-0-86571-392-0 | New Society Publishers | eastern philo/religion | |
Macy | Joanna | The dharma of natural systems | 1991 | 978-0-79140-637-0 | State University of New York Press (USA) | self help | |
Maddison | Angus | The world economy: a millenial perspective (development centre of the organisation for economic co-operation and development) | 2001 | 978-9-26418-609-0 | OECD (paris) | economy | |
Magaziner | Ira | Patinkin, Mark | The silent war: inside the global business battles shaping america's future | 1989 | 978-0-39456-980-0 | Random House (USA) | economy |
Mahoney | Maria F. | The meaning in dreams and dreaming | 1966 | 978-0-80650-096-0 | Citadel Press | psychology | |
Maillard | Elisa | les cahiers du nombre d'or: IV Botticelli | 1965 | Tournon et Cie | art | ||
Maillard | Elisa | les cahiers du nombre d'or: V le Parthénon | 1965 | Tournon et Cie | art | ||
Mails | Thomas E. | The Hopi Survival Kit: The Prophecies, Instructions and Warnings Revealed by the Last Elders | 1997 | 978-0-14019-545-0 | Penguin (Non-Classics) | anthropology | |
Maimonides | Moses | The Guide for the Perplexed | 2000 | 978-0-48620-352-0 | Dover Publications | western philo/religion | |
Mainelli | Michael | Harris, Ian | The Price of Fish | 2011 | 978-1-85788-571-0 | Nicholas Brealy Publishing (UK) | economy |
Majupuria | Trilok Chandra | Erawan Shrine and Brahma Worship in Thailand | Chalermnit | anthropology | |||
Mak | Geert Ludzer | Voyage d'un Européen à travers le XXe siècle | 2010 | 978-2-07012-764-0 | Gallimard | history | |
Mak | Geert Ludzer | In Europa | 2013 | 978-9-04670-422-0 | Olympus | history | |
Mak | In Europa | 2013 | 978-9-04670-423-0 | Olympus | history | ||
Malchair | Laure | Et si l'economy nous parlait du bonheur? | 978-2-87003-643-0 | Editions Couleur livres (Belgium) | economy | ||
Mâle | Émile | Notre-Dame de Chartres | 1983 | 978-2-08012-008-0 | Flammarion | architecture | |
Mâle | Émile | The Gothic Image | 1958 | 978-0-06430-032-0 | HarperCollins Publishers | art | |
Mallon | Theodore | The journey toward masterful philantropy | Five Centuries Press (USA) | future studies | |||
Malone | Caroline | English Heritage Book of Avebury | 1989 | 978-0-71345-961-0 | Batsford Ltd | archaeology | |
Mandel | Peter | Energy Emission Analysis: New Application of Kirlian Photography for Holistic Health | 978-3-92202-640-0 | Synthesis | medicine | ||
Mann | Charles C. | The Wizard And The Prophet: Two Groundbreaking Scientists And Their Conflicting Visions Of The Future Of Our Planet | 2018 | 978-1-50988-416-0 | Pan Macmillan | future studies | |
Mann | Charles C. | 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created | 2012 | 978-0-30727-824-0 | Vintage Books | history | |
Mann | A. | The Man Who Dreamed of Tomorrow | 1980 | 978-0-87477-279-0 | J. P. Tarcher | western philo/religion | |
Mann | Nicholas R. | His Story | 1995 | 978-1-56718-459-0 | Llewellyn Publications | women in culture | |
Maranon | G. | El Greco y Toledo | 1963 | Espasa-Calpe | art | ||
Marciniak | Barbara | Bringers of the Dawn | 1992 | 978-0-93968-099-0 | Bear & Company | occult sciences | |
Marciniak | Barbara | Earth | 1994 | 978-1-87918-121-0 | Bear & Company | occult sciences | |
Marcuse | Herbert | One-dimensional Man | Beacon Press (USA) | western philo/religion | |||
Marile | L'art et les mysteres | Les publications Idealistes | occult sciences | ||||
Markale | Jean | Le graal | 1982 | 978-2-72561-050-0 | Retz | occult sciences | |
Markale | Jean | La femme celte | 1984 | 978-2-22827-025-0 | Payot | women in culture | |
Markale | Jean | Mélusine ou l'Androgyne | 1983 | 978-2-72561-079-0 | Retz | women in culture | |
Marsh | David | The Euro: the politics of the new global currency | 2010 | 978-0-30016-401-0 | Yale University Press (UK) | economy | |
Marshall | Lisa J. | Speak the truth and point to hope | 2004 | 978-0-75750-823-0 | Kendall Hunt Publishing | self help | |
Marteau | Paul | Le Tarot de Marseille ... Exposé d'Eugène Caslaut. [With illustrations. | 1977 | Arts et Metiers Graphiques | occult sciences | ||
Martin | Roland | Monde grec | 1980 | 978-2-86425-000-0 | Office du livre | architecture | |
Marx Hubbard | Barbara | The Hunger of Eve: One Woman's Odyssey Toward the Future | 1989 | 978-0-94213-300-0 | Island Pacific Northwest | future studies | |
Marx Hubbard | Barbara | Conscious Evolution: Awakening Our Social Potential | 1998 | 978-1-57731-017-0 | New World Library | future studies | |
Marx Hubbard | Barbara | 52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution: A Process of Metamorphosis to Realize Our Full Potential Self | 2011 | 978-0-97962-591-0 | Awakened World Press | psychology | |
Marx Hubbard | Barbara | the book of co-creation: an evolutionary interpretation of the new testament | 1986 | western philo/religion | |||
Masague | Andres | Jorge Siles Salinas | Bolivia | 1982 | 978-8-47489-193-0 | Castell | natural sciences |
Masson | Herve | La Gnose, Une Et Multiple | 1982 | 978-2-26800-146-0 | Editions du Rocher | western philo/religion | |
Massotte | Pierre | Patrick Corsi | Sustainability calling: underpinning technologies | 978-1-84821-842-0 | Wiley (USA)/ ISTE (UK) | future studies | |
Massotte | Pierre | Patrick Corsi | Operationalizing sustainability | 978-1-84821-892-0 | Wiley (USA)/ ISTE (UK) | future studies | |
Massuh | Victor | La libertad y la violencia | 1976 | Coleccion Perspectivas | history | ||
Masters | Robert E.L. | The goddess Sekhmet | 1988 | 978-0-91634-939-0 | Amity House | women in culture | |
Masunaga | Shizuto | Wataru Ohashi | Zen Shiatsu | 1977 | 978-0-87040-394-0 | Japan Publications | self help |
Mattelaer | Johan J. | Le phallus dans l'art et la culture | 2002 | 978-9-07186-828-0 | Ed. Groeninghe | art | |
Matthew | Fox | Illuminations of Hildegard of Bingen | 1985 | 978-0-93968-021-0 | Bear & Company | women in culture | |
Matthews | Caitlin | John Matthews | The Western way | 1986 | 978-1-85063-017-0 | Law Book Co of Australasia | new age philosophy |
Matthews | Caitlin | Sophia, goddess of wisdom | 1992 | 978-1-85538-276-0 | The Aquarian Press | women in culture | |
Matton | Sylvie | Rembrandt's Whore: A Novel | 2003 | 978-1-84195-323-0 | Canongate U.S. | rembrandt | |
Maturana | Humberto | El arbol del conocimiento | 1984 | Editorial Universitaria | natural sciences | ||
Maturana | Humberto | El Sentido de lo Humano | 1998 | 978-9-56201-115-0 | Grancia, Ediciones, S.A. | natural sciences | |
Maury | E.A. | Soignez vous par le vin | 1974 | Jean-Pierre Delarge | self help | ||
May | Rollo | The courage to create | 1976 | 978-0-55324-222-0 | Bantam Books | self help | |
May | Rollo | Love & Will | western philo/religion | ||||
Maybury | Rick | Are You Liberal? Conservative? or Confused? (An "Uncle Eric" Book) | 1995 | 978-0-94261-724-0 | Bluestocking Press | politics | |
Mayer | Martin | The bankers: the next generation | 1997 | 978-0-52593-865-0 | Truman Talley/Dutton (USA) | economy | |
Mayer | Martin | The Fed: The Inside Story How World's Most Powerful Financial Institution Drives Markets | 2002 | 978-0-45228-341-0 | Plume | economy | |
McCabe | Andy | The gifted one: the journey begins | 2011 | 978-1-45250-045-0 | Balboa Press (USA) | new age philosophy | |
McCabe | Andy | The gifted one: the journey begins | 978-1-45250-045-0 | Balboa Press (USA) | self help | ||
McClain | Ernest G. | The myth of invariance | 1976 | 978-0-89254-004-0 | N. Hays | symbols | |
McClain | Ernest G. | The Pythagorean Plato | 1984 | 978-0-89254-010-0 | N. Hays | western philo/religion | |
McGarey | Gladys | William A. Mcgarey | Edgar Cayce's readings on home and marriage | 1987 | 978-0-55326-820-0 | Bantam Books | new age philosophy |
McGuire | James T. | The Sumerian Roots of the American Preamble | 1994 | 978-0-96408-801-0 | Lough Erne Press | archaeology | |
McLaughlin | Corinne | Gordon Davidson | Builders of the Dawn: Community Lifestyles in a Changing World | 1986 | 978-0-94026-702-0 | Knoll Publishing Company, Incorporated | future studies |
McLaughlin | Corinne | Spiritual politics | 1994 | 978-0-34536-983-0 | Ballantine Books | new age philosophy | |
Mcleish | John | The Story of Numbers | 1994 | 978-0-44990-939-0 | Ballantine Books | occult sciences | |
McLuhan | Marshall | The Gutenberg Galaxy | 1969 | Mentor | eastern philo/religion | ||
McLuhan | Marshall | Understanding media | 1964 | Signet (USA) | politics | ||
McLuhan | Marshall | Quentin Fiore | The medium is the massage | 1967 | Bantam | politics | |
McNutt | John | Lesley Boggs | Running Wild | 1997 | 978-1-86812-667-0 | Southern Book Publishers | natural sciences |
McQueen Grant | Robert | Gnose et les origines chrétiennes (la) | 1964 | 978-2-02003-089-0 | SEUIL | western philo/religion | |
McTaggart | Lynne | The Intention Experiment | 2007 | 978-1-41655-494-0 | Free Press | new age philosophy | |
Meadows | Donella | Dennis Meadows, Jorgen Randers | Beyond the Limits: confronting global collapse, envisioning a sustainable future | 1993 | 978-0-93003-163-0 | Chelsea Green Publishing (USA) | economy |
Meadows | Dennis L. | Donella H. Meadows, Jorgen Randers | Limits to Growth | 2004 | 978-1-93149-859-0 | Chelsea Green | economy |
Meehan | Bernard | The Book of Kells: Selection | 1980 | 978-0-50027-193-0 | Thames & Hudson Ltd | art | |
Mehu | Didier | Gratia dei: les chemins du moyen âge | 2003 | 978-2-76212-497-0 | FIDES INC. | history | |
Meijer | E.R. | rembrandt | 1958 | Larousse | rembrandt | ||
Meirieu | Philippe | Pierre Frackowiak | L'éducation peut-elle être encore au coeur d'un projet de société? | 2008 | Editions de l'Aube (France) | politics | |
Melville | Marion | La vie des Templiers | 1974 | Gallimard | occult sciences | ||
Melzer | Walter | Die Wewelsburg Vom Hohen Mittelalter Bis in Die Fruhe Neuzeit: Ergebnisse Einer Archaologischen Untersuchung Zu Den Anfangen Der Burg | 1992 | 978-3-92535-571-0 | Kreis Paderborn | archaeology | |
Menninger | Karl | Paul Broneer | Number words and number symbols | 1977 | 978-0-26263-061-0 | The MIT Press | symbols |
Mercier | Raymond | L'approche d'un nouvel age | 1984 | Editions Scriba | new age philosophy | ||
Mercier | Mario | Chamanisme et chamans | 1977 | 978-2-71441-099-0 | P. Belfond | new age philosophy | |
Mercier | Mario | Le monde magique des rêves | 1980 | 978-2-70330-216-0 | Dangles | psychology | |
Mereaux | Pierre | Carnac, une porte vers l'inconnu | 1981 | 978-2-22100-699-0 | R. Laffont | archaeology | |
Merz | Blanche | L'Ame du lieu | 978-2-82570-154-0 | Dervy-Livres | new age philosophy | ||
Mestrum | Francine | De rattenvanger van Hameln | 2005 | 978-9-06445-376-0 | EPO (Belgium) | economy | |
Mettra | Claude | Gitta Mallasz | Dialogues avec l'ange | 1976 | 270070052X | Aubier Montaigne | new age philosophy |
Meunier | Mario | Femmes pythagoriciennes | 1980 | 978-2-85707-061-0 | G. Tredaniel - Editions de la Maisnie | women in culture | |
Meurois-Givaudan | Anne | Daniel Meurois-Givaudan | Le voyage à Shambhalla : un pèlerinage vers soi | 1986 | 978-2-90461-608-0 | Éditions Arista | self help |
Meyer | Aubrey | Contraction & Convergence: the global solution to climate change | 2000 | 978-1-87009-895-0 | Green Books (UK) | future studies | |
Meyer | Marvin W. | The Ancient Mysteries: A Sourcebook : Sacred Texts of the Mystery Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean World | 1987 | 978-0-06065-576-0 | Harper San Francisco | western philo/religion | |
Meyl | Konstantin | Neutrino Power | 2018 | Indel | new age philosophy | ||
Meyrowitz | Joshua | No Sense of Place: The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behavior | 1986 | 978-0-19504-231-0 | Oxford University Press | politics | |
Michael | E.J. | Queen of the Sun: A Modern Revelation | 1995 | 978-0-06251-356-0 | HarperOne | women in culture | |
Michaud | Roland | La Chine dans un miroir | 2008 | 978-2-08120-330-0 | Flammarion | art | |
Michel | Louis | Afrique-Europe: l'indispensable alliance | Commission Européenne | politics | |||
Michel | Emile | Rembrandt, his life, his work, and his time | 1903 | William Heinemann | rembrandt | ||
Michell | George | The Hindu temple | 1977 | 978-0-06435-750-0 | Harper & Row | architecture | |
Michell | John F. | The New View over Atlantis | 2001 | 978-0-50027-313-0 | Thames & Hudson | occult sciences | |
Michell | John F. | The new view over Atlantis | 1983 | 978-0-50001-302-0 | Thames and Hudson | occult sciences | |
Michell | John | New Light on the Ancient Mystery of Glastonbury | 1997 | 978-0-90636-215-0 | Gothic Image Publications | occult sciences | |
Michell | John F. | The Dimensions of Paradise | 1988 | 978-0-06250-587-0 | HarperCollins | symbols | |
Michell | John F. | At the Center of the World: Polar Symbolism Discovered in Celtic, Norse and Other Ritualized Landscapes | 1994 | 978-0-50001-608-0 | Thames & Hudson | symbols | |
Milla Villena | Carlos | genesis de la cultura andina | 1983 | Fondo editorial C.A.P Colleccion Bienal | archaeology | ||
Miller | James G. | Behavorial science: The nature of living systems (Vol. 16, No. 4, July 1971, 277-301); Living systems: the organization (Vol. 17, No. 1, Jan. 1972, 1-182) | 0.0 | future studies | |||
Miller | E. | J. Hatcher | Medieval England | 1978 | 978-0-58248-547-0 | Longman | history |
Miller | D. | Facing Apocalypse | 1987 | 978-0-88214-329-0 | Spring Publications | new age philosophy | |
Miller | Alice | For your own good | 1985 | Farrar Straus & Giroux | psychology | ||
Miller | Perry | The New England Mind | 1983 | 978-0-67461-306-0 | Harvard University Press | western philo/religion | |
Milne | Robert D. | Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Headaches (Alternative Medicine Definative Guide) | 1996 | 978-1-88729-904-0 | Future Medicine Publishing | medicine | |
Minc | Alain | La mondialisation heureuse | 1999 | 978-2-26608-333-0 | economy | ||
Mini | John | The Aztec Virgin | 2000 | 978-0-96578-250-0 | Trans-Hyperborean Institute of Science | women in culture | |
Mipham | Sakyong | Ruling Your World | 2005 | 978-0-76792-065-0 | Morgan Road Books | eastern philo/religion | |
Mokyr | Joel | Lever of Riches | 2006 | 978-0-19507-477-0 | Oxford University Press | history | |
Mollard | Joseph | Comprendre - apprendre - pratiquer: la radiesthésie | 1983 | Dervy | occult sciences | ||
Mollison | Bill | Reny Mia Slay | PERMACULTURE: A Designers' Manual | 1997 | 978-0-90822-801-0 | Tagari Publications | natural sciences |
Monaghan | Patricia | The Book Of Goddesses & Heroines | 1990 | 978-0-87542-573-0 | Llewellyn Publications | women in culture | |
Monin | Yves | L'esoterisme du Petit Prince | 1975 | Editions A.-G. Nizet | occult sciences | ||
Monnet | Jean | Memoires | 2007 | 978-2-25312-186-0 | Fayard (France) | politics | |
Monod | Jacques | Le Hasard et la Nécessité | 1973 | 978-2-02000-619-0 | Seuil | natural sciences | |
Monroe | Robert | Far Journeys | 1987 | 978-0-38523-182-0 | DoubleDay | psychology | |
Monteyne | André | Les Bruxellois | 1982 | Vander | history | ||
Montgomery | Ruth | The world before | 1976 | Fawcett Crest | new age philosophy | ||
Montlaur | Pierre | Imhotep | 1984 | 978-2-22601-988-0 | A. Michel | anthropology | |
Moore | Robert L. | The warrior within | 1992 | 978-0-68809-592-0 | W. Morrow and Co. | psychology | |
Moore | Steve | Trigrams of Han | 1989 | 978-0-85030-808-0 | Thorsons Publishers | symbols | |
Moore | Thomas | Care Of The Soul | 1994 | 978-0-06092-224-0 | HarperPerenial | western philo/religion | |
Morales | Baltasar Gracian Y. | The Art of Worldly Wisdom | 1992 | 978-0-38542-132-0 | Currency | western philo/religion | |
Moran | Jim | The Wonders of Magic Squares | 1982 | 978-0-39474-799-0 | Vintage Books | occult sciences | |
Moravia | L'Inde comme je l'ai vue | 1963 | Flammarion (France) | eastern philo/religion | |||
Moreno Lara | Xavier | El Yoga Classico | 1979 | Mensajero | self help | ||
Morgan | N.J. | Richard Marks | The Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting, 1200-1500 | 1981 | 978-0-70112-540-0 | Chatto and Windus | art |
Morgan | Robin | Genevieve Vaughan | For-giving | 1997 | 978-0-91105-194-0 | Plain View Press | economy |
Morgan | Marlo | Mutant Message Down Under | 1991 | 978-1-88347-301-0 | M M CO. | new age philosophy | |
Morin | Francois | Le nouveau mur de l'argent | 2006 | 978-2-02086-871-0 | Editions du Seuil (France) | economy | |
Morin | Edgar | Ceruti, Mauro | Notre Europe: decomposition ou metamorphose | 2014 | 978-2-21367-847-0 | Fayard (France) | future studies |
Morin | Edgar | Introduction à la pensée complexe | 2005 | 978-2-02066-838-0 | Seuil | western philo/religion | |
Morin-Barde | Mireille | Le Maroc étincelant | Editions Marcus | natural sciences | |||
Morizot | Pierre | The school of Chartres | 1987 | St. George Publications | architecture | ||
Morrall | John. B. | political thought in medieval times | 1958 | Hutchinson | politics | ||
Morris | Desmond | The naked ape | 1967 | McGraw-Hill (USA) | natural sciences | ||
Morris | Richard | Time's arrows | 1984 | 978-0-67150-159-0 | Simon and Schuster | western philo/religion | |
Morris | Christine | Lucy Goodison | Ancient Goddesses | 1998 | 978-0-71411-761-0 | British Museum Press | women in culture |
Morrison | Philip | Phylis Morrison | Powers of Ten | 1985 | 978-0-71676-003-0 | W.H. Freeman & Company | astronomy/astrology |
Moss | Thelma | Probability of the Impossible: Scientific Discoveries and Explorations in the Psychic World | 1979 | 978-0-58608-300-0 | Flamingo | new age philosophy | |
Moss | Robert | Dreamways of the Iroquois: Honoring the Secret Wishes of the Soul | 2004 | 978-1-59477-034-0 | Destiny Books | psychology | |
Mourgues | Raoul | Rembrandt kabbaliste | 1948 | La presse francaise et etrangere | rembrandt | ||
Moustakas | Clark | Loneliness and Love (Spectrum Book) | 1972 | 978-0-13540-245-0 | Prentice Hall | self help | |
Moyers | Bill | Healing and the Mind | 1995 | 978-0-38547-687-0 | Main Street Books | medicine | |
Muchery | Georges | Méthode pour jouer à la lotterie | 1981 | Editions du Chariot | self help | ||
Muhlenkamp | Ron | Harvesting Profits on Wall Street: Essays in Investing | 2006 | 978-0-96530-153-0 | Muhlenkamp & Company, Inc. | economy | |
Muller | Hans Wolfgang | Roland Martin, Seton Lloyd | Ancient Architecture: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Crete, Greece (History of World Architecture) | 1974 | 978-0-81091-020-0 | Harry N. Abrams | architecture |
Muller | M. | zo leefde rembrandt in de gouden eeuw | 1968 | Hollandia | rembrandt | ||
Mullins | Eustace | The secrets of the federal reserve | Bankers Research Institute (USA) | economy | |||
Mullins | Eustace | The Secrets of the Federal Reserve | 2009 | 978-0-97991-765-0 | Bankers Research Institute (USA) | economy | |
Murchie | Guy | Music of the spheres | 1967 | Dover Publications | natural sciences | ||
Murchie | Guy | Music of the Spheres: The Material Universe From Atom to Quaser, Simply Explained (Volume II: The Microcosm: Matter, Atoms, Waves, Radiation, Relativity) | 1967 | 978-0-48621-811-0 | Dover Publications, Inc | new age philosophy | |
Murchie | Guy | The seven mysteries of life | 1979 | 978-0-09138-292-0 | Random House | western philo/religion | |
Murray | Charles | In Pursuit | 1994 | 978-1-55815-298-0 | ICS Press | future studies | |
Musaios | The Lion Path: You Can Take It With You | 1989 | 978-0-96151-171-0 | Golden Sceptre Publishing | occult sciences | ||
Muzaffar | Chandra | Paul F. Knitter | Subverting greed | 2002 | 978-1-57075-446-0 | orbis books | economy |
Myers | Norman | Ultimate security | 1993 | 978-0-39303-545-0 | W.W. Norton | future studies | |
n.n. | 45 congreso internacional de americanistas | 1985 | Universidad de los Andes | anthropology | |||
n.n. | Monuments, sites et curiosites d'Uccle | 1978 | Cercle d'histoire, archeologie et folklore d'uccle et environs | architecture | |||
n.n. | Bruton Parish Churchyard | 1976 | Bruton Parish Chruch | architecture | |||
n.n. | Les batisseurs de cathedrales | 2010 | Historia | architecture | |||
n.n. | Middeleeuwse tegelvloeren in confrontatie met schilderijen van de Vlaamse primitieven | 1985 | architecture | ||||
n.n. | La cathédrale de Chartres | 1981 | 978-2-90382-701-0 | C.E.L.J. | architecture | ||
n.n. | La cathédrale de Chartres | 1981 | C.E.L.J. | architecture | |||
n.n. | Millénaire du Mont Saint-Michel 966-1966 | 1966 | Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sites | architecture | |||
n.n. | Bruegel: une dynastie de peintres | 1980 | Musées royaux des beaux arts de Belgique | art | |||
n.n. | The Hermitage Leningrad - West European Art | 1984 | Aurora Art Publishers Leningrad | art | |||
n.n. | La Cathedrale de Chartres dans ses rapports avec l'art sacre, la croix celtique, le symbolisme d'Hermes, de Pythagore et de Platon | 1981 | 978-2-90382-701-0 | C.E.L.J. | art | ||
n.n. | Le Coran | 1963 | Payot | eastern philo/religion | |||
n.n. | El proceso como paradigma | Laboral | eastern philo/religion | ||||
n.n. | Couleurs de Bruxelles | Editions Charles Dessart | future studies | ||||
n.n. | Bruxelles... 1000 ans de rayonnement de la culture française | 1979 | Rossel | history | |||
n.n. | Teneriffa | 978-3-76543-509-0 | GeraNova Bruckmann | history | |||
n.n. | Dogme et rituel de la haute magie | natural sciences | |||||
n.n. | Geomantie und Landwirtschaft | 2002 | Kulturell Kreative | new age philosophy | |||
n.n. | Les chevaliers Teutoniques, les chevaliers de Malte, les ordres militaires et hospitaliers | Le Scorpion | occult sciences | ||||
n.n. | Les Templiers | Le Scorpion | occult sciences | ||||
n.n. | Acta Masonica | 1993 | Grande Loge Régulière de Belgique | occult sciences | |||
n.n. | L'occultisme | 1976 | 978-2-25301-464-0 | Le Livre De Poche | occult sciences | ||
n.n. | On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy | 1993 | occult sciences | ||||
n.n. | Psicotronica de los mayas | occult sciences | |||||
n.n. | Directory of European political scientists | European Consortium for Political Research | occult sciences | ||||
n.n. | Encyclopédie Alpina illustrée: Rembrandt, eaux-fortes | 1942 | Alpina | rembrandt | |||
n.n. | the age of Rembrandt | 1966 | Joh. Enschedé en Zonen | rembrandt | |||
n.n. | Rembrandt et son temps | 1971 | Musées royaux des beaux arts de Belgique | rembrandt | |||
n.n. | Rembrandt: drawings from American collections | 1960 | Pierpont Morgan Library | rembrandt | |||
n.n. | Rembrandt etchings | Boston Book and Art Shop | rembrandt | ||||
n.n. | Rembrandt tentoonstelling ter herdenking van de geboorte van Rembrandt op 15 juli 1606 | 1956 | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam | rembrandt | |||
n.n. | Exposition Autour de Rembrandt | 1969 | Stad Knokke | rembrandt | |||
n.n. | Rembrandt et la figure du Christ | 2011 | 978-8-88985-468-0 | Louvre | rembrandt | ||
n.n. | Tripied du vitriol philosophique | 1976 | Archè | symbols | |||
n.n. | La revelation de la revelation | 1969 | Bourdeaux-Capelle | western philo/religion | |||
n.n. | L'abbé Jules Monchanin | 1960 | Casterman | western philo/religion | |||
Na | Seyyed Hossein | An introduction to Islamic cosmological doctrines | 1978 | 978-0-50027-217-0 | Thames and Hudson | eastern philo/religion | |
Nadler | Steven | Rembrandt's Jews | 2003 | 978-0-22656-736-0 | University of Chicago Press | rembrandt | |
Naipul | V.S. | Among Believers | 1981 | 978-0-39450-969-0 | Knopf | history | |
Naisbitt | John | Global Paradox: the bigger the world economy, the more powerful its smallest players | 1994 | 978-0-68812-792-0 | William Morrow and Copany (USA) | economy | |
Naisbitt | John | Patricia Aburdene | Megatrends 2000 | 1990 | 978-0-68807-225-0 | William Morrow & Co | future studies |
Naito | Akira | Takeshi Nishikawa | Katsura | 1979 | Office Du Livre | architecture | |
Nakano | Y.Yoshiko | Miraculous Life Chain: Essence of Evolution from the Universe to Mankind | 1994 | 978-1-89827-100-0 | Helix Editions | future studies | |
Naranjo | Claudio | Consciousness and creativity | 1977 | 978-0-89496-009-0 | Pan / Proteus | psychology | |
Nash | E.B. | fundamentos de terpeutica homeopatica | 1984 | El Ateneo | medicine | ||
Nasr | Seyyed Hossein | Islamic science | 1976 | 978-0-90503-502-0 | World of Islam Festival Publishing Co. Ltd | natural sciences | |
Nataf | Georges | Symboles, signes et marques | 1981 | 978-2-90026-919-0 | Berg International | symbols | |
Nathan | Fernand | Inca | 1977 | anthropology | |||
Natter | B. | Rembrandt mijn vader | 2005 | 978-9-06005-594-0 | Thomas Rap | rembrandt | |
Neal | Judi | Edgewalkers | 2006 | 978-0-27598-920-0 | Preager Publishers (USA) | future studies | |
Needleman | Jacob | Money and the meaning of Life | 1994 | 978-0-38526-242-0 | Doubleday (USA) | economy | |
Needleman | Jacob | The American soul | 2002 | 978-1-58542-138-0 | J.P. Tarcher/Putnam | western philo/religion | |
Needleman | Jacob | À la recherche du christianisme perdu | 1990 | 978-2-22604-044-0 | A. Michel | western philo/religion | |
Needleman | Jacob | Jean-Yves Leloup, Joseph Rowe | The Gospel of Mary Magdalene | 2002 | 978-0-89281-912-0 | Inner Traditions | western philo/religion |
Neillo | Michel | La symphonie symbolique | 1989 | 978-2-85371-022-0 | Éd. du Chariot | symbols | |
Neumann | Erich | The Origins and History of Consciousness (Mythos Books) | 1995 | 978-0-69101-762-0 | Princeton University Press | psychology | |
Neville | E.W. | Tarot for Lovers | 1987 | 978-0-91491-875-0 | Schiffer Pub Ltd | new age philosophy | |
Newbert | Christopher | Paul Berry | Within a rainbowed sea | 1984 | 978-0-94183-153-0 | Beyond Words Pub. Co. | art |
Newton | Helmut | White women | 1976 | 978-0-70432-140-0 | Quartet Books | art | |
Neyton | Andre | Les Clefs Paiennes Du Christianisme | 1979 | 978-2-25133-404-0 | Les Belles Lettres | western philo/religion | |
Nicholas | David | Medieval Flanders | 1992 | 978-0-58201-678-0 | Longman | history | |
Nicholson | Shirley | The Goddess Reawakening (Quest Book) | 1989 | 978-0-83560-642-0 | Quest Books | women in culture | |
Niel | Fernand | Connaissance des mégalithes | 1976 | Editions Robert Laffont (France) | archaeology | ||
Nietzsche | Friedrich | The Birth of Tragedy & The Genealogy of Morals | 1956 | 978-0-38509-210-0 | Doubleday Anchor Books | western philo/religion | |
Nijeboer | Arjen | Vrijheid, gelijkheid en broederschap | 978-9-07331-084-0 | Nearchus (Pays-Bas) | economy | ||
Nimosus | Christiama | Étude sur des nombres occultes | 1985 | 978-2-85707-159-0 | G. Trédaniel | symbols | |
Nimosus | Christiama | Meditations numeriques (French Edition) | 1988 | 978-2-85707-269-0 | G. Trédaniel | symbols | |
Nitsch | Twylah | Entering into the silence | 1976 | Seneca Indian Historical Society | self help | ||
Nitsch | Twylah | Language of the trees | 1982 | Seneca Indian Historical Society | self help | ||
Noel | Daniel | Seeing Castaneda | 1976 | G.P. Putnam's Sons (USA) | psychology | ||
Noel | Daniel C. | Paths To The Power Of Myth | 1994 | 978-0-82451-389-0 | Crossroad Publishing Company | western philo/religion | |
Nora | Simon | Alain Minc | L'informatisation de la société | 1978 | 978-2-02004-974-0 | Seuil | future studies |
Norelli-Bachelet | Patrizia | The Gnostic Circle | 1994 | 978-0-87728-412-0 | Aeon Books | occult sciences | |
North | John | Stonehenge | 1997 | 978-0-68484-513-0 | Free Press | archaeology | |
North | Douglas C. | Understanding the Process of Economic Change | 2005 | 978-0-69111-806-0 | Princeton University Press (USA) | economy | |
North | Peter | Money and Liberation | 2007 | 978-0-81664-962-0 | University of Minnesota Press (USA) | economy | |
North | Douglass C. | Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions) | 1990 | 978-0-52139-735-0 | Cambridge University Press | economy | |
Nottale | Laurent | Jean Chaline, Pierre Grou | Les arbres de l'évolution | 2000 | Hachette | future studies | |
Nouveau-Piobb | M.F. | La Rose + Croix johannite | 1960 | Omnium Litteraire | western philo/religion | ||
Nugent Lawrence Brooke | Christopher | Europe in the Central Middle Ages, 962-1154 (General History of Europe Series) | 1987 | 978-0-58249-392-0 | Longman Publishing Group | history | |
O'Leary | Brian | The Second Coming of Science: An Intimate Report on the New Science | 1992 | 978-1-55643-152-0 | North Atlantic Books | new age philosophy | |
O'Neill | Jessie | The golden ghetto: the psychology of affluence | 1997 | 978-1-56838-119-0 | Hazelden (USA) | economy | |
Offer | Avner | Söderberg, Gabriel | The Nobel Factor: The prize in economics, social democracy and the markt turn | 978-0-69116-603-0 | Princeton UNiversity Press (UK) | economy | |
Ogden | Charles K. | The Meaning of Meaning | 1989 | 978-0-15658-446-0 | Harcourt | symbols | |
Ollala | Julio | From knowledge to wisdom | 2004 | Newfield Network | self help | ||
Olmert | Michael | Official Guide to Colonial Williamsburg | 1985 | 978-0-87935-111-0 | Colonial Williamsburg Foundation | natural sciences | |
ondriau | Julien T | 20 objets tibétains de culte et de magie | Musées Royaux d'art et d'histoire | eastern philo/religion | |||
Onerhem | Mayuri | Money, spirituality, consciousness | 2012 | 978-1-45876-379-0 | 0.0 | economy | |
Onimus | Jean | Face au monde actuel | Editions Desclee de Brouwer (France) | western philo/religion | |||
Ophuls | William | A. Stephen Boyan | Ecology and the Politics of Scarcity Revisited: The Unraveling of the American Dream | 1992 | 978-0-71672-313-0 | W H Freeman & Co | future studies |
Orr | David W. | The last refuge | 2005 | 978-1-59726-033-0 | Island Press | politics | |
Orser | Mary | Richard A. Zarro | Changing Your Destiny | 1989 | 978-0-06250-676-0 | HarperCollins | self help |
Ortega y Gasset | José | Meditación de europa | 1966 | El Arquero | politics | ||
Osborn | Marijane | Rune Games | 1983 | 978-0-71009-304-0 | Routledge & Kegan Paul Books Ltd | new age philosophy | |
Osherson | Samuel | Finding Our Fathers | 1987 | 978-0-44990-248-0 | Ballantine Books | self help | |
Ostrom | Elinor | Governing the Commons | 1990 | 978-0-52140-600-0 | Cambridge University Press (UK) | economy | |
Otte | Max | Der Crash kommt | 2008 | 978-3-54836-975-0 | Ullstein | economy | |
Otte | Klaus | Lager Soltau: Das Kriegsgefangenen- Und Interniertenlager Des Ersten Weltkriegs (1914-1921) Geschichte Und Geschichten | 1999 | 978-3-93380-202-0 | Mundschenk | history | |
Oursel | Raymond | Univers roman | 1980 | 978-2-86425-010-0 | Office Du Livre | archaeology | |
Overbeck | Stefanie B. | What on earth is sustainability? | 2012 | global allience of technological universities | future studies | ||
Pacioli | Luca | Divine proportion | 1980 | Librairie du compagnonnage | architecture | ||
Pacioli | Luca | Abhandlung über die Buchhaltung 1494. | 2009 | 978-3-79101-188-0 | Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag | economy | |
Packer | Duane | Sanaya Roman | Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide (Roman, Sanaya) | 1993 | 978-0-91581-105-0 | HJ Kramer | self help |
Padovan | Richard | Proportion: Philosophy, Science and Architecture | 1999 | 978-0-41922-781-0 | Routledge | architecture | |
Page | Michael | The power of ch'i | 1988 | 978-0-85030-764-0 | Aquarian Press | eastern philo/religion | |
Pagels | Heinz R. | The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature | 1984 | 978-0-55324-625-0 | Bantam | natural sciences | |
Pagels | Elaine H. | Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis: Heracleon's Commentary on John (Monograph Series (Society of Biblical Literature)) | 1989 | 978-1-55540-335-0 | Scholars Press | new age philosophy | |
Pagels | Elaine H. | Karen L. King | Reading Judas | 2007 | 978-0-67003-846-0 | Viking Adult | occult sciences |
Pagels | Elaine H. | Gnostic Gospels | 1980 | 978-0-29777-709-0 | George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Limited (UK) | western philo/religion | |
Pagels | Elaine H. | The Gnostic Gospels | 1981 | 978-0-39474-043-0 | Vintage Books | western philo/religion | |
Pagot | Jean | Radiesthesie Et emission De Forme | 1978 | 978-2-22400-490-0 | Maloine | occult sciences | |
Palladio | Andrea | The Four Books of Architecture (Dover Pictorial Archives) | 1965 | 978-0-48621-309-0 | Dover Publications | architecture | |
Palmer | Parker J. | Let Your Life Speak | 1999 | 978-0-78794-735-0 | Jossey-Bass | self help | |
Paneth | Ludwig | La Symbolique des nombres dans l'inconscient | 1976 | 978-2-22832-871-0 | Payot | symbols | |
Panikkar | Raymond | Lettre sur l'Inde | 1963 | Casterman | eastern philo/religion | ||
Panikkar | Raimundo | Die vielen götter und der eine herr | Weilheilm | eastern philo/religion | |||
Panofsky | Erwin | Abbot Suger | 1979 | Princeton : Princeton University Press | western philo/religion | ||
Parker | Derek | Julia Parker | Aquarius | Mayflower | occult sciences | ||
Parks | Tim | Medici Money: banking, metaphysics and art in fifteenth-century Florence | Profile Books (UK) | economy | |||
Parks | Alexia | Rapid Evolution: A Training Manual For Accelerating Your Personal Evolution | 2002 | 978-1-93041-803-0 | Education Exchange | future studies | |
Passelecq | Georges | The Hidden Encyclical of Pius XI | 1997 | 978-0-15100-244-0 | Harcourt | western philo/religion | |
Passet | René | Les grandes representations du monde et de l'economie a travers l'histoire | 2010 | 978-2-91859-709-0 | Les liens qui liberent (France) | economy | |
Patterson | Doris T. | Violet M. Shelley | be your own psychic | 1975 | Edgar Cayce Foundation | self help | |
Paul | Maela | Patrick Paul | Le chant sacré des énergies | 1983 | 978-2-90169-631-0 | Presence | new age philosophy |
Paul | Jordan | From conflict to caring | 1989 | 978-0-89638-158-0 | CompCare Publishers | self help | |
Paul | Jordan | Margaret Paul | From conflict to caring | 1988 | 978-0-91238-901-0 | Evolving Publications | self help |
Pauwels | Jacques R. | Een geschiedenis van de namen van landen en volkeren | 2006 | 978-9-06445-399-0 | EPO | history | |
Pawek | Karl | De Vrouw | 1968 | Gruner & Jahr | art | ||
Pearce | Joseph Chilton | The crack in the cosmic egg | 1976 | 978-0-67180-622-0 | Pocket Books (USA) | self help | |
Pearson | John | The Sun's Birthday | 1973 | 978-0-38507-412-0 | DoubleDay | art | |
Peck | M. Scott | People Of The Lie | 1985 | 978-0-67152-816-0 | Simon & Schuster | psychology | |
Pedrazzani | Jean-Michel | Le Mystérieux sixième sens des animaux | 1980 | 978-2-71441-287-0 | P. Belfond | natural sciences | |
Pedreira | João Gil | Resgate das Famílias e Empresa | 2013 | 978-9-72870-882-0 | Sopa de Letras | economy | |
Peellaert | L.J. | La représentation maçonnique dans la collection philatélique de belgique | 1977 | Eureka | occult sciences | ||
Pellequer | Bernard | Petit guide du ciel | 1990 | 978-2-02011-557-0 | Seuil | astronomy/astrology | |
Pelton | Robert W. | The Complete Book of Dream Interpretation | 1987 | 978-0-66805-736-0 | Arco N.Y. | psychology | |
Pencréach | Roger | Vers une radiesthesie du 3eme millenaire | 1986 | Desforges | occult sciences | ||
Pennick | Nigel | The Mysteries of King's College Chapel | 1982 | 978-0-85030-332-0 | The Aquarian Press Ltd., Wellingborough UK | architecture | |
Pennick | Nigel | Prudence Jones | A History of Pagan Europe | 1995 | 978-0-41509-137-0 | Routledge | history |
Pennick | Nigel | The ancient science of geomancy | 1979 | 978-0-50027-215-0 | Thames and Hudson | occult sciences | |
Penrose | Roger | The emperors new mind | 1990 | Oxford University Press (UK) | natural sciences | ||
Pérez | Carlos Andrés | Redefining wealth and progress | 1994 | 978-0-94285-025-0 | The Bootstrap Press | economy | |
Périllier | Louis | La patrie planetaire | 1976 | Editions Robert Laffont (France) | future studies | ||
Perkins | John | Confessions of an Economic Hit Man | 2004 | 978-1-57675-302-0 | Berrett-Koehler Publishers | economy | |
Permeke | Constant | Constant Permeke | 2012 | 978-9-06153-846-0 | Fonds Mercator | art | |
Pernety | Antoine Joseph | Les fables égyptiennes et grecques dévoilées & réduites au même principe | 1982 | 978-2-90396-501-0 | Éditions La Table d'émeraude | history | |
Pernety | Antoine Joseph | Les fables égyptiennes et grecques dévoilées & réduites au même principe | 1982 | 978-2-90396-501-0 | Éditions La Table d'émeraude | history | |
Pernoud | Regine | Pour en finir avec le Moyen Age | 1979 | 978-2-02005-075-0 | Seuil | history | |
Perrot | Etienne | Les Rêves et la vie | 1979 | 978-2-90270-707-0 | La fontaine de pierre | psychology | |
Persigout | Jean-Paul | Dictionnaire De Mythologie Celtique: Dieux Et Heros | 1985 | 978-2-26800-350-0 | Editions du Rocher | western philo/religion | |
Pert | Candace B. | Molecules of Emotion | 1997 | 978-0-68483-188-0 | Scribner | psychology | |
Peters | Edgar E. | Chaos and Order In the Capital Markets (Wiley Finance Editions) | 1991 | 978-0-47153-373-0 | Wiley, John Sons | economy | |
Petit | Jean-Pierre | Enquête sur les OVNI | 1990 | 978-2-22604-120-0 | Albin Michel | new age philosophy | |
Petrella | Riccardo | Le bien commun | 1998 | 978-2-80401-111-0 | Editions Labor (Belgium) | economy | |
Peukert | Helge | Die Grosse Finanzmarkt- und Staatsschuldenkrise | 978-3-73161-014-0 | Metropolis Verlag (Germany) | economy | ||
Peyrefitte | Alain | quand la Chine s'eveillera... | 1973 | Fayard | future studies | ||
Pfleiderer | Beatrix | Die Kraft der Verbundenheit: Plädoyer für ein heilsames neues Körperbewußtsein | 2009 | 978-3-92736-938-0 | Drachen Verlag | medicine | |
Phaure | Jean | Introduction à la géographie sacrée de Paris | 1985 | 978-2-90472-405-0 | Editions du Borrego | architecture | |
Phillips Brooks | Frederick | The Mythical Man-Month | 1975 | 978-0-20100-651-0 | Addison-Wesley | future studies | |
Picard | Gilbert | Empire Romain | 1965 | Office Du Livre | architecture | ||
Picard | Michel | Bali: Cultural Tourism and Touristic Culture | 1998 | 978-9-81301-894-0 | archipelago press | art | |
Pickover | Clifford A. | Le beau livre des maths | 2010 | 978-2-10054-640-0 | Dunod | natural sciences | |
Pinchbeck | Daniel | 2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl | 2006 | 978-1-58542-483-0 | Jeremy P. Tarcher | new age philosophy | |
Pine-Coffin | R.S. | Saint Augustine | Confessions | 1961 | 978-0-14044-115-0 | Penguin Books | western philo/religion |
Pinker | Steven | The Better Angels of Our Nature | 2011 | 978-0-67002-295-0 | Viking Pr | psychology | |
Pitroda | Sam | Mehul Desai | March of mobile money | 978-1-59121-005-0 | Literate World (USA) | economy | |
Plato | Timée, Critias | 1925 | Sociétee d'éditions Les Belles Lettres | western philo/religion | |||
Platon | Nicholas | Crète | 1966 | Nagel | archaeology | ||
Platt | Colin | The Atlas of Medieval Man | 1979 | 978-0-33327-079-0 | Macmillan | anthropology | |
Plummer | L. Gordon | By the holy tetraktys! | 1982 | 000-0-09130-044-4 | Point Loma | architecture | |
Plummer | L. Gordon | The mathematics of the cosmic mind; | 1970 | 978-0-83560-031-0 | Theosophical Pub. House | symbols | |
Plutarque | Isis et Osiris | 1979 | 978-2-85707-045-0 | Editions de la Maisnie | women in culture | ||
Pogacnik | Marko | Geheimnis Venedig | 1997 | 978-3-42401-385-0 | Diederichs | architecture | |
Poisson | ALbert | Theories & symboles des alchimistes | 1978 | Editions Traditionnelles | occult sciences | ||
Pope | Joya | Upcoming Changes: The Next Twenty Years (A Michael Book Series) | 1992 | 978-0-94253-134-0 | Emerald Wave | future studies | |
Porter | W. Arthur | The knowledge seekers | The IC2 Institute (USA) | economy | |||
Porter | Michael E. | Competitive Advantage Of Nations | 1990 | 978-0-02925-362-0 | Free Press | economy | |
Postan | M.M. | The medieval economy and society | 1993 | 978-0-14013-748-0 | Penguin Books | economy | |
Poster | Mark | The Mode of Information | 1990 | 978-0-22667-596-0 | Polity Press (UK) | natural sciences | |
Postins | M.W. | Stonehenge | 1982 | archaeology | |||
Postman | Neil | Technopoly | 1992 | 978-0-39458-273-0 | Knopf | future studies | |
Postman | Neil | Amusing ourself to Death: public discourse in the age of showbusiness | 1986 | 978-0-14009-438-0 | Penguin Books (USA) | future studies | |
Powell | Neill | Alchemy, the ancient science | 1976 | Aldus Books | occult sciences | ||
Powell | James N. | The Tao of Symbols | 1982 | 978-0-68801-355-0 | William Morrow & Co | symbols | |
Praudel | Andoche | Etes-vous raku ? (French Edition) | 2006 | 978-2-84279-276-0 | YOU FENG | art | |
Prezzolini | Guiseppe | Vie de Nicolas Machiavel | 1929 | Plon | western philo/religion | ||
Prieur | Jean | Les symboles universels | 1982 | fernand lanore | symbols | ||
Prigogine | Stengers, Isabelle | La nouvelle alliance: métamorphose de la science | 1979 | 978-2-07028-750-0 | Gallimard (France) | future studies | |
Prigogine | Ilya | La fin des certitudes | 1996 | 978-2-73810-331-0 | Editions O. Jacob | natural sciences | |
Prigogine | Ilya | Stengers, Isabelle | Order out of Chaos: man's new dialogue with nature | 1984 | 978-0-55334-082-0 | Bantam Books (USA) | natural sciences |
Pringle | Robert | The money trap: escaping the grip of global finance | 978-1-13736-690-0 | Palgrave Macmillan (UK) | economy | ||
Progoff | Ira | The dynamics of hope | 1985 | 978-0-87941-013-0 | Dialogue House Library | psychology | |
Progoff | Ira | Jung, synchronicity, & human destiny; noncausal dimensions of human experience | 1973 | 978-0-87097-057-0 | The Julian Press | psychology | |
Prophet | Elizabeth Claire | Mark L. Prophet | Saint Germain on Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation | 1986 | 978-0-91676-669-0 | Summit University Press,U.S. | occult sciences |
Prophet | Elizabeth Clare | The Great White Brotherhood: In the Culture, History and Religion of America | 1976 | 978-0-91676-616-0 | Summit University Press | western philo/religion | |
Prunelle de Lière | Léonard Joseph | Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Nicole Jacques-Chaquin | Les Nombres d'après le manuscrit Prunelle de Lière | 1983 | 978-2-90229-645-0 | Belisane | architecture |
Puech | Henri Charles | En quête de la Gnose. 2, Sur l'Évangile selon Thomas | 1978 | 978-2-07029-770-0 | Editions Gallimard | new age philosophy | |
Purce | Jill | The Mystic Spiral | 1980 | 978-0-50081-006-0 | Thames & Hudson | occult sciences | |
Quackenbush | Thomas R. | Relearning to see | 1997 | 978-1-55643-206-0 | North Atlantic Books | self help | |
Qualls-Corbett | Nancy | The Sacred Prostitute | 1988 | 978-0-91912-331-0 | Inner City Books | women in culture | |
Querido | Rene | The golden age of Chartres | 1987 | 978-0-86315-059-0 | Floris Books | women in culture | |
Quero | Julio Gisbert | Vivir sin empleo | 2010 | 978-8-49370-388-0 | Los Libros del Lince | economy | |
Querrien | Anne | L'ecole Mutuelle: Une Pedagogie Trop Efficace | 2005 | 978-2-84671-133-0 | Les empecheurs de penser en rond | history | |
Querrien | Anne | L'ecole Mutuelle: Une Pedagogie Trop Efficace | 2005 | 978-2-84671-133-0 | Les empêcheurs de penser en rond | history | |
Quinn | Daniel | Beyond Civilization | politics | ||||
Quinn Avery | Kevin | The Numbers of Life | 1977 | 978-0-38512-630-0 | DoubleDay | new age philosophy | |
Quinton | Anthony | Francis Bacon | 1980 | 978-0-19287-524-0 | Oxford University Press | western philo/religion | |
Quinze | Arne | CityScape: The Book | 2008 | 978-3-89955-203-0 | Gestalten Verlag | architecture | |
Rabhi | Pierre | Vers la sobriété heureuse | 2013 | 978-2-33001-808-0 | Actes Sud | future studies | |
Rabhi | Pierre | Le gardien du feu | 2003 | 978-2-22613-838-0 | Albin Michel | new age philosophy | |
Rabhi | Pierre | Parole de terre : Une initiation africaine | 1996 | 978-2-22608-733-0 | Albin Michel | new age philosophy | |
Rabhi | Pierre | Du Sahara aux Cévennes : Itinéraire d'un homme au service de la Terre-Mère | 2002 | 978-2-22613-318-0 | Albin Michel | new age philosophy | |
Racek | Alfred | Befreiungsphilosophy des geldes | Druck- und Verlaghaus Thaur (Allemagne) | economy | |||
Rachline | Francois | Que l'argent soit | 1993 | 978-2-70212-252-0 | Calmann-Levy (France) | economy | |
Radermacher | Franz Josef | BALANCE OR DESTRUCTION . Ecosocial Market Economy as the Key to Global Sustainable Development | 2004 | 978-3-20000-080-0 | Oekosociales Forum Europa | economy | |
Radermacher | Franz Josef | Global Marshall Plan: a planetary contract | 2004 | 978-3-98097-231-0 | Global Marshall Plan Foundation (Germany) | future studies | |
Rajan | Raghuram | Fault Lines | 2010 | 978-8-17223-973-0 | HarperCollins | economy | |
Raleigh | A.S. | Occult Geometry | 1981 | 978-0-87516-449-0 | DeVorss & Company | occult sciences | |
Ralston Saul | John | Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West | 1993 | 978-0-67974-820-0 | Vintage | western philo/religion | |
Rama | Choosing A Path | 1982 | 978-0-89389-077-0 | Himalayan Institute Press | self help | ||
Ramala | The Revelation of Ramala | 2004 | 978-0-85978-035-0 | C W Daniel Company | new age philosophy | ||
Rambach | Pierre | Vitold de Marie-Golish | L'Inde | 1954 | Arthaud | eastern philo/religion | |
Ramsay | Jay | Man-Ho Kwok, Martin Palmer | Tao te ching | 1994 | 978-1-85230-484-0 | Element | eastern philo/religion |
Rangel | Carlos | L'Occident et le tiers-monde | 1982 | 978-2-22101-092-0 | Robert Laffont | economy | |
Ranke-Heinemann | Uta | Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven | 1990 | 978-0-38526-527-0 | DoubleDay | western philo/religion | |
Raphaell | Katrina | Crystal Healing, Vol. 2 | 1987 | 978-0-94335-831-0 | Aurora Press | self help | |
Ravenne | Michel | initiation a la meditation | 1970 | Editions presence | occult sciences | ||
Ravenscroft | Trevor | The cup of destiny | 1982 | 978-0-87728-546-0 | S. Weiser | occult sciences | |
Ravenscroft | Trevor | La lance du destin | 1973 | Albin Michel | occult sciences | ||
Ravier | Guy-Charles | Lecture Orientale Des Sites Et Constructions D'occident Par Le Feng-shui (fengshui), Géographie Et Médecine Populaire Chinoise | 1987 | 978-2-95019-181-0 | CREF | eastern philo/religion | |
Ravier | Guy-Charles | TRAITE PRATIQUE DU FENG SHUI - MEDECINE CHINOISE DU PAYSAGE ET DE L'HABITAT | 1991 | 978-2-88108-079-0 | Editions de l'aire | self help | |
Ray | Paul H. | The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World | 2000 | 978-0-60960-467-0 | Harmony | future studies | |
Raymond Abellio | Raymond | Introduction a une theorie des nombres bibliques: Essai de numerologie kabbalistique (Les Essais) (French Edition) | 1984 | 978-2-07070-084-0 | Gallimard | symbols | |
Read | Herbert | A concise history of modern painting | 1968 | Praeger Publishers | art | ||
Read | Anne | Edgar Evans Cayce | Edgar Cayce on Jesus and His Church | 1988 | 978-0-44635-106-0 | Warner Books | western philo/religion |
Redfield | James | The Celestine Prophecy | 1994 | 978-0-44651-863-0 | Warner Books | new age philosophy | |
Reeves | Hubert | Patience dans l'azur | 1981 | 978-2-02005-924-0 | Seuil | natural sciences | |
Reich | Robert B. | The Work of Nations | 1992 | 978-0-67973-616-0 | Vintage | economy | |
Reich | Charles A. | Reflections | 1970 | The New Yorker | future studies | ||
Reichel-Dolmatoff | Gerardo | Los Kogi | 1985 | Procultura | anthropology | ||
Reichel-Dolmatoff | Gerardo | El Chamán y el Jaguar | 1978 | 978-9-68230-286-0 | Siglo Veintiuno | anthropology | |
Reichen | Charles-Albert | Histoire de la chimie | 1965 | Rencontre | natural sciences | ||
Reifler | Sam | I Ching: A New Interpretation for Modern Times | 1985 | 978-0-55325-220-0 | Bantam | eastern philo/religion | |
Reijngoud | Tobias | Het nieuwe bankieren: de duurzame oplossingen van bankier Peter Blom | 2009 | 978-9-02154-680-0 | Kosmos Uitgevers (Netherlands) | economy | |
Reinhart | Carmen M. | Rogoff, Kenneth S. | This Time is Different: Eight centuries of financial folly | 2009 | 978-0-69114-217-0 | Princeton University Press (USA) | economy |
Reju | Daniel | La Quete Des Templiers Et L'Orient | 1979 | 978-2-26800-040-0 | Editions du Rocher | occult sciences | |
Relin | David Oliver | Greg Mortenson | Three Cups Of Tea | 2007 | 978-0-14303-825-0 | Penguin | eastern philo/religion |
Renard | Pierre | Le Pouvoir formateur de la femme ou la Galvanoplastie spirituelle | 1984 | 978-2-85566-303-0 | Prosveta | self help | |
Renard-Barckhausen | Yvonne | Le rôle spirituel de la femme dans la Bible | 1990 | 978-2-90509-438-0 | Atlantic | women in culture | |
Rendell | Ruth | Introduccion a Los Chakras (Spanish Edition) | 1981 | 978-8-47166-708-0 | Edaf S.A. | self help | |
Renou | Louis | L'hindouisme | 1958 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | eastern philo/religion | ||
Reps | Paul | Zen flesh, Zen bones | 1971 | 978-0-14021-284-0 | Penguin Books | eastern philo/religion | |
resco | Jacque F | The Best That Money Can't Buy: Beyond Politics, Poverty, & War | 2002 | 978-0-96488-067-0 | Global Cyber-Visions | economy | |
Rheingold | Howard | The Virtual Community | 1994 | 978-0-06097-642-0 | Perennial | politics | |
Rhone | Christine | John Michell | Twelve-Tribe Nations | 1991 | 978-0-50001-488-0 | Thames & Hudson Ltd | occult sciences |
Ribadeau Dumas | François | L'œuf cosmique | 1979 | 978-2-70330-205-0 | Éditions Dangles | symbols | |
Richards | Steve | Levitation - | occult sciences | ||||
Richer | Jean | Sacred geography of the ancient Greeks | 1994 | 978-0-79142-025-0 | State University of New York Press | architecture | |
Riegel | E. C. | Flight from inflation: the monetary alternative | The Heather Foundation (USA) | economy | |||
Riegel | E. C. | Flight from inflation: the monetary alternative | The Heather Foundation (USA) | economy | |||
Riegel | E. C. | The New Approach to Freedom | 1976 | 978-0-96003-007-0 | Heather Foundation | economy | |
Riegel | E.C. | Flight from inflation: the monetary alternative | The Heather Foundation (Los Angeles) | economy | |||
Riegel | E.C. | The New Approach to Freedom | 1976 | 978-0-96003-007-0 | The Heather Foundation (USA) | economy | |
Riesterer | Peter P. | The golden treasures of Tut Ankh Amun | Lennert & Landrock | archaeology | |||
Riffard | Pierre A. | L'Esotérisme | 1990 | 978-2-22105-464-0 | Robert Laffont | occult sciences | |
Rifkin | Jeremy | The Empathic Civilization: the race to global consciousness in a world in crisis | 2010 | 978-0-74564-146-0 | Polity Press (UK) | future studies | |
Ring | Kenneth | Heading Toward Omega | 1985 | 978-0-68806-268-0 | Quill | new age philosophy | |
Ring | Kenneth | Life at death | 1982 | 978-0-68801-253-0 | Quill | psychology | |
Rischard | J.F | High Noon: twenty global problems, twenty years to solve them | 2002 | 978-0-46507-009-0 | Basic Books (USA) | economy | |
Risler | Jacques | L'islam moderne | 1963 | Payot | eastern philo/religion | ||
Rivoire | Jean | Le système financier international | 978-2-13045-540-0 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | economy | ||
Rizzo | Pantaleo | L'economie sociale et solidaire face aux experimentations monetaires | 978-2-74754-959-0 | L'Harmattan (Paris) | economy | ||
Robbins | Anthony | Unlimited Power | 1991 | 978-0-44990-281-0 | Fawcett Books | self help | |
Robert | Jean Noel | Les Plaisirs à Rome | 1986 | 978-2-25133-803-0 | Les Belles Lettres | history | |
Roberts | Jane | Seth speaks | 1972 | Bantam | new age philosophy | ||
Roberts | Jane | Unknown Reality: v. 1 | 1978 | 978-0-13938-704-0 | Prentice Hall | new age philosophy | |
Roberts | Jane | The Nature of Personal Reality : A Seth Book | 1978 | 978-0-55310-696-0 | Bantam Books | new age philosophy | |
Roberts | Jane | The Further Education of Oversoul Seven | 1985 | 978-0-67160-197-0 | new age philosophy | ||
Roberts | Jane | The Education of Oversoul 7 | 1987 | 978-0-67164-319-0 | new age philosophy | ||
Roberts | Jane | Psychic Politics | 1979 | 978-0-13731-746-0 | Prentice-Hall | new age philosophy | |
Roberts | Jane | Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness | 1986 | 978-0-91329-926-0 | Stillpoint Pub | new age philosophy | |
Robertson | James | The same alternative: a choice of futures | 1983 | 978-0-95059-621-0 | James Robertson (UK) | economy | |
Robertson | James | Transforming Economic Life | 1998 | 978-1-87009-872-0 | Green Books (UK) | economy | |
Robertson | James | Bunzl, John | Monetary Reform: making it happen! | 2004 | 978-0-95467-271-0 | International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (London) | economy |
Robertson | James | Future Work | 1985 | 978-0-85117-261-0 | Ashgate Publishing Group | future studies | |
Robins | Gay | Women in Ancient Egypt | 1993 | 978-0-71410-956-0 | British Museum Press | women in culture | |
Robinson | James M. | The Nag Hammadi Library In English | 1984 | 978-9-00407-186-0 | Brill Archive | western philo/religion | |
Rocard | Michel | Lettre aux generations futures, en esperant qu'elles nous pardonneront | 2015 | 978-2-22748-773-0 | Bayard (France) | future studies | |
Roddier | François | Thermodynamique de l'évolution | 2012 | 978-2-91714-133-0 | Parole éditions | natural sciences | |
Rodgerson | Sidney | Propaganda in the next war (orginally published in 1938) | Geoffrey Bles (UK) | future studies | |||
Roger Marx | Claude | Rembrandt | 1960 | Universe Books | rembrandt | ||
Rolfe | David | Peter Brent | Silent Witness | 1978 | 978-0-70881-438-0 | Futura Pubns. | new age philosophy |
Rolfe | Mona | The Spiral of Life | 1992 | 978-0-85435-432-0 | Neville Spearman Ltd | symbols | |
Roman | Sanaya | Duane Packer | Creating Money | 1988 | 978-0-91581-109-0 | HJ Kramer | future studies |
Romdhani | Mahfoudh | "Ta gueule, mon amour!" | 2009 | 978-2-93041-838-0 | Mémogrames | self help | |
Rosa | José Alberto | Nathaniel Altman | finding your personal Power spots | 1986 | 978-0-85030-475-0 | Aquarian | occult sciences |
Roscam Abbing | Michiel | Rembrandt | 2006 | 978-2-70001-439-0 | Gründ | rembrandt | |
Rosen | David H. | The Tao of Jung: The Way of Integrity | 1996 | 978-0-67086-069-0 | Viking Adult | psychology | |
Rosenberg | Jakob | Rembrandt life & work | 1964 | Phaidon | rembrandt | ||
Rosinski | Philippe | Coaching across cultures | 2003 | 978-1-85788-302-0 | Nicholas Brealy Publishing (UK) | future studies | |
Roskis | Edgar | Paul Watzlawick | La réalité de la réalité | 1978 | 978-2-02004-842-0 | Seuil | new age philosophy |
Rossbach | Sarah | Interior design with feng shui | 1987 | 978-0-52548-299-0 | E.P. Dutton | self help | |
Rosselet | Claude | Intuition et Management | 2014 | Versus | psychology | ||
Rossiaud | Jacques | Medieval prostitution | 1995 | 978-0-63119-992-0 | Blackwell | history | |
Rothschild | Michael | Bionomics: Economy As Ecosystem | 1995 | 978-0-80501-980-0 | Henry Holt & Company | economy | |
Rouart | Denis | Renoir | 1985 | 978-2-09284-693-0 | Nathan | art | |
Rougier | Louis Auguste Paul | La religion astrale des pythagoriciens (Gnose) (French Edition) | 1984 | 978-2-26800-293-0 | Editions du Rocher | astronomy/astrology | |
Rowbotham | Michael | Goodbye America: globalisation, debt and the dollar empire | 2000 | 978-1-89776-657-0 | Jon Carpenter (UK) | economy | |
Rowen | Robert | Ronald MacDonald | They Own It All (Including You)!: By Means of Toxic Currency | 2009 | 978-1-43923-361-0 | BookSurge Publishing | economy |
Rudhyar | Dane | L'Histoire au rythme du cosmos | 1992 | 978-2-71130-244-0 | editions universitaires | occult sciences | |
Rudolph | Kurt | Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism | 1987 | 978-0-06067-018-0 | HarperOne | western philo/religion | |
Rühl | Christian | Heussinger, Werner | Intelligent investieren mit Zertifikaten | 978-3-93211-479-0 | FinanzBuch Verlag (Allemagne) | economy | |
Rundle Clark | Robert Thomas | Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt | 1991 | 978-0-50027-112-0 | Thames & Hudson | symbols | |
Ruskin | Jerome | USBEK & RICA N04 (04) (French Edition) | 978-2-95362-770-0 | USBEK ET RICA | art | ||
Russell | Peter | The TM technique | 1977 | 978-0-71008-672-0 | Routledge & K. Paul | new age philosophy | |
Russell | Bertrand | Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy | 1993 | 978-0-48627-724-0 | Dover Publications | western philo/religion | |
Ruyer | Raymond | La Gnose de Princeton | 1977 | Fayard | new age philosophy | ||
Ruyer | Raymond | La Gnose de Princeton | 1977 | 978-2-25301-650-0 | Le Livre de Poche | occult sciences | |
Ruysbroeck | Juan | Tratado Del Reino De Los Amadores De Dios | 1983 | 978-9-50911-107-0 | Libro de edicion | western philo/religion | |
Ryback | David | Laetitia Sweitzer | Les rêves prémonitoires | 1990 | 978-2-71070-448-0 | Tchou | psychology |
s Handy | Charle | The Hungry Spirit | 1998 | 978-0-76790-187-0 | Broadway | future studies | |
Sachs | Jeffrey D. | The End of Poverty | 2005 | 978-1-59420-046-0 | Penguin Press | economy | |
Sacks | Jonathan | The Dignity of Difference | 2003 | 978-0-82646-850-0 | Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd. | future studies | |
Sadananda | Swami | Yogânusâsanam | 1979 | 978-2-70290-084-0 | le Courrier du livre | eastern philo/religion | |
Sadhu | Mouni | The tarot | 1973 | Wilshire Book Company | occult sciences | ||
Sagan | Samuel | Entity Possession: Freeing the Energy Body of Negative Influences | 1997 | 978-0-89281-612-0 | Destiny Books | self help | |
Sahtouris | Elisabet | Earth Dance: living systems in evolution | 1996 | 978-0-96546-080-0 | Metalog Books (USA) | future studies | |
Sahtouris | Elisabet | Gaia | 1989 | 978-0-67168-002-0 | Pocket Books | new age philosophy | |
Said | Edward W. | Culture and Imperialism | 2007 | 978-0-09996-751-0 | Vintage | history | |
Sakaiya | Taichi | The Knowledge Value Revolution of a History of the Future | 1992 | 978-4-77001-702-0 | Kodansha International (Japan/USA) | future studies | |
Salsman | Richard M. | Breaking the Banks: Central Banking problems and free Banking solutions | American Institute for Economic Research (USA) | economy | |||
Sams | Jamie | Midnight Song | 1988 | 978-0-93968-050-0 | Bear & Co | self help | |
Sanat | Aryel | The Inner Life of Krishna Murti: Private Vision and Perennial Wisdom | 2002 | 978-8-17769-058-0 | Pilgrims Publishing | eastern philo/religion | |
Sandars | N.K. | Sea Peoples | 1978 | 978-0-50002-085-0 | Thames & Hudson Ltd | anthropology | |
Sansom | G.B. | Western World and Japan | 1974 | 978-0-39471-304-0 | Random House Trade | history | |
Sarah | Les cahiers de Sarah | 1986 | 978-2-98008-110-0 | Éditions Atlanta | self help | ||
Saramago | José | Het evangelie volgens Jezus Christus | 1993 | 978-9-02953-751-0 | De Arbeiderspers | western philo/religion | |
Sardello | Robert J. | Severson, Randolph | Money and the soul of the world | 1983 | 978-0-91100-503-0 | The Pegasus Foundation (USA) | economy |
Sarrade | Marie-Thérèse | Sur les connaissances mathématiques des bâtisseurs de cathédrales | 1986 | 978-2-90136-207-0 | Librairie du compagnonnage | architecture | |
Sasagawa | Eisuke | L'habitat et l'energie cosmique | 1987 | Dervy | occult sciences | ||
Satir | Virginia | New Peoplemaking | 1988 | 978-0-83140-070-0 | Science and Behavior Books | psychology | |
Schama | Simon | Landscape & Memory | 1995 | 978-0-00215-898-0 | HarperCollins | art | |
Schatborn | Peter | Rembrandt | 1991 | 978-0-30005-151-0 | The National Gallery | rembrandt | |
Schatz | Paul | Rhythmusforschung Und Technik | 1998 | 978-3-77251-627-0 | Freies Geistesleben | natural sciences | |
Scheidig | Walter | Rembrandt's drawings | E.A. Seemann | rembrandt | |||
Scherer | Klaus | Am Ende der Eiszeit | 2013 | 978-3-49205-618-0 | Piper Verlag GmbH | future studies | |
Schirnig | Heinz | Die sieben Steinhäuser bei Fallingbostel | 1982 | 978-3-78481-913-0 | Lax | archaeology | |
Schmidt | Jeremy | Thomas Schmidt | Saga Of Lewis And Clark | 2001 | 978-0-78948-077-0 | Dorling Kindersley Ltd. | anthropology |
Schmidt | Margarethe | Warum ein Apfel, Eva? | 2000 | 978-3-79541-304-0 | Schnell + Steiner | symbols | |
Schmitt | Gladys | Rembrandt | 1961 | Dell | rembrandt | ||
Schneider | Michael S. | A Voyage from 1 to 5 | 2003 | architecture | |||
Schneider | Michael S. | A voyage from 6 to 12 | 2003 | architecture | |||
Schneider | Michael S. | Fibonacci numbers and the golden mean | 2006 | architecture | |||
Schneider | Michael S. | Dynamic rectangles | 2006 | architecture | |||
Schneider | Michael S. | Constructing the cosmological circle | 2006 | architecture | |||
Schneider | Michael S. | A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science | 1995 | 978-0-06092-672-0 | Harper Paperbacks | occult sciences | |
Schneider | Wolfgang | Lexikon alchemistisch-pharmazeutischer Symbole | 1981 | 978-3-52725-899-0 | Verlag Chemie | symbols | |
Scholten de d'ébneth | Maria | Chavin de Huantar | 1982 | Editorial Juan Mejia Baca | archaeology | ||
Scholten de d'ébneth | Maria | Chavin de Huantar | 1982 | Editorial Juan Mejia Baca | astronomy/astrology | ||
Scholten de d'ébneth | Maria | La Ruta de Wirakocha | 1977 | symbols | |||
Schor | Juliet B. | La veritable richesse: une economy du temps retrouve | 2013 | 978-2-84377-174-0 | Editions Charles Leopold Meyer (Paris) | economy | |
Schor | Armand-Denis | La monnaie unique | 1995 | 978-2-13046-905-0 | Presses universitaires de France | economy | |
Schor | Juliet B. | The Overspent American | 1998 | 978-0-46506-057-0 | Basic Books | economy | |
Schouten | J. | The pentagram as a medical symbol | 1968 | De Graaf | symbols | ||
Schuitemaker | Lisette | De 5 kindconclusies | 2011 | 978-9-07913-805-0 | Chevigny (Netherlands) | future studies | |
Schuiten | Luc | Vegetal city | 2009 | 978-2-80470-013-0 | Mardaga | architecture | |
Schulman | Martin | Noeuds de la lune et réincarnation | 1985 | Editions Michel Bettex | astronomy/astrology | ||
Schultes | Richard Evans | Atlas des plantes hallucinogènes du monde | 1978 | 978-0-88532-148-0 | Editions de l'Aurore | psychology | |
Schuon | Frithjof | The Transcendent Unity of Religions (Quest Book) | 1984 | 978-0-83560-588-0 | Quest Books | eastern philo/religion | |
Schuon | Frithjof | Sufism - Veil and Quintessence | new age philosophy | ||||
Schuré | Edouard | Les grands initiés | 1960 | Librairie academique Perrin | new age philosophy | ||
Schüren | Hermann-Josef | Willi Filz | Les hautes-fagnes | 1992 | Duculot | art | |
Schwaller de Lubicz | Isha | Her-Bak "disciple" de la sagesse égyptienne | 1956 | Flammarion (France) | occult sciences | ||
Schwaller de Lubicz | R.A. | Le miracle égyptien | 1963 | Flammarion (France) | occult sciences | ||
Schwaller de Lubicz | R.A. | The temple in man | 1977 | 978-0-39473-429-0 | Autumn Press | occult sciences | |
Schwaller de Lubicz | R.A. | A Study of Numbers: A Guide to the Constant Creation of the Universe | 1986 | 978-0-89281-112-0 | Inner Traditions | symbols | |
Schwaller de Lubicz | R.A. | Propos Sur esoterisme Et Symbole | 1987 | 978-2-85076-044-0 | Dervy-Livres | symbols | |
Schwaller de Lubicz | Isha | Her-Bak "Pois Chiche" - Visage vivant de l'ancienne Egypte | 1993 | 978-2-08081-103-0 | Flammarion | western philo/religion | |
Schwartz | Peter | The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World | 1996 | 978-0-38526-733-0 | Currency | future studies | |
Schwartz | Peter | The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World | 1996 | 978-0-38526-733-0 | Currency | future studies | |
Schwartz | Stephan A. | Le projet Alexandrie | 1985 | Sand | occult sciences | ||
Schwartz | Gary D. | The Complete Etchings of Rembrandt | 1995 | 978-0-48628-181-0 | Dover Publications Inc. | rembrandt | |
Schwarz | Fernand | Géographie sacrée de l'Égypte ancienne | 1979 | 978-2-73040-030-0 | oswald | occult sciences | |
Schwarz | Fernand | Egypte: Les Mysteres Du Sacre | 1986 | 978-2-86645-027-0 | Félin | occult sciences | |
Schwarz | Jack | Voluntary controls | 1978 | 978-0-52547-494-0 | Dutton | self help | |
Schwermer | Heidemarie | Das Sterntaler-experiment: mein Leben ohne Geld | 2001 | 978-3-57050-016-0 | Riemann Verlag | economy | |
Scully | Vincent Joseph | The earth, the temple, and the gods | 1979 | 978-0-30002-398-0 | Yale University Press | architecture | |
Sechrist | Elsie | Dreams Your Magic Mirror | 1986 | 978-0-44634-600-0 | Warner | psychology | |
Sedlacek | Tomas | Economics of Good and Evil | 2011 | 978-0-19976-720-0 | Oxford University Press (UK) | economy | |
Seiss | Joseph A. | The great pyramid: a miracle in stone | 1973 | Rudolf Steiner Press | history | ||
Sejourne | Laurette | El pensamiento nahuatl cifrado por los calendarios (Spanish Edition) | 1999 | 978-9-68231-058-0 | Siglo XXI | archaeology | |
Seligman | Martin E.P. | Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life | 1992 | 978-0-67174-159-0 | self help | ||
Sen | K.M. | l'Hindouisme | 1961 | Payot | eastern philo/religion | ||
Sen | Amartya | Development As Freedom | 2000 | 978-0-38572-027-0 | Anchor | economy | |
Senf | Bernd | Der Nebel um das Geld | 978-3-87998-435-0 | Gauke (Germany) | economy | ||
Senge | Peter M. | C. Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski , Betty Sue Flowers | Presence | 2004 | 978-0-97423-902-0 | Society for Organizational Learning | future studies |
Serres | Michel | Petite poucette | 2012 | 978-2-74650-605-0 | Éd. le Pommier | future studies | |
Servan-Schreiber | Jean Jacques | Le Defi mondial | 1980 | 978-2-21300-938-0 | Fayard | future studies | |
Servan-Schreiber | Jean-Jacques | Le defi americain | Editions Denoel (France) | politics | |||
Settegast | Mary | Plato Prehistorian | 2000 | 978-0-94026-235-0 | Lindisfarne Books | history | |
Shah | Idries | Cuentos de los derviches / Tales of the Dervishes: Tales of the Dervishes (Paidos Orientalia) | 2003 | 978-8-47509-079-0 | Ediciones Paidos Iberica | eastern philo/religion | |
Shakespeare | Rodney | Challen, Peter | Seven steps to justice | 2002 | 978-1-87241-027-0 | New European Publications (UK) | future studies |
Shakespeare | Rodney | The Modern Universal Paradigm | 2007 | 978-9-79363-414-0 | Money Books | future studies | |
Sharkey | John | Celtic Mysteries: The Ancient Religion | 1987 | 978-0-50081-010-0 | Thames & Hudson | occult sciences | |
Sharon | Douglas | El chamán de los cuatro vientos | 1980 | 978-9-68231-006-0 | Siglo XXI | anthropology | |
Sharpe | Bill | economys of life: patterns of health and wealth | 2010 | 978-0-95626-318-0 | Triarchy Press (UK) | economy | |
Sheehy | Gail | Passages (Predictable Crises of Adult Life) | 1978 | 978-0-55312-196-0 | Bantam | self help | |
Sheely | Rob | The People's Republic: Stories of Boulder, Colorado | 2003 | 978-0-97471-001-0 | Boulder Weekly Press | anthropology | |
Sheldrake | Rupert | The Presence of the Past | 1989 | 978-0-39475-991-0 | Vintage | natural sciences | |
Sheldrake | Rupert | A New Science of Life: Hypothesis of Formative Causation (Paladin Books) | 1987 | 978-0-58608-584-0 | Paladin | new age philosophy | |
Shelton | Judy | Money Meltdown: Restoring Order to the Global Currency System | 1994 | 978-0-02929-112-0 | The Free Press | economy | |
Shiller | Robert J. | Irrational Exuberance | 2000 | 978-0-69105-062-0 | Princeton University Press (USA) | economy | |
Shiller | Robert J. | George A. Akerlof | Animal Spirits | 2009 | 978-0-69114-233-0 | Princeton University Press | economy |
Shklar | Judith | After Utopia: the decline of political faith | Princeton University Press (USA) | future studies | |||
Shlain | Leonard | The Alphabet Versus the Goddess | 1998 | 978-0-67087-883-0 | Viking Adult | women in culture | |
Shlain | Leonard | Sex, Time and Power: How Women's Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution | 2003 | 978-0-67003-233-0 | Viking Adult | women in culture | |
Shone | Ronald | Creative Visualization | 1984 | 978-0-72250-830-0 | Thorsons | self help | |
Shonfield | Andrew | Modern Capitalism | 1965 | Oxford University Press | economy | ||
Shu Chih | Chuang | Joe Deisher | Chinese secrets of longevity | Shufunotomo | self help | ||
Siebert | Patrick | Vernunft der wirtschaftlichen Kritik | 2009 | 978-3-83912-840-0 | BoD – Books on Demand | economy | |
Siebert | Patrick | Walter Siebert | Gleitfahrt | 2007 | western philo/religion | ||
Siebigs | Pit | Walter Maas | Der Aachener Dom | 2001 | 978-3-77430-326-0 | Greven | art |
Sikora | Joachim | Hoffmann, Günter | Vision: einer Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie - auf der Grundlage einer komplementären Zeit-Währung | 978-3-92756-625-0 | Katholisch-Soziales Institut der Erzdiözese Köln (Allemagne) | economy | |
Silva | Freddy | Secrets in the Fields | 2002 | 978-1-57174-322-0 | Hampton Roads Pub Co | new age philosophy | |
Silver | Morris | Economic structures of the ancient Near East | 1986 | 978-0-38920-597-0 | Barnes & Nobles (USA) | economy | |
Simmel | Georg | The philosophy of Money | 1990 | 978-0-41504-641-0 | Routledge (USA/UK) | economy | |
Simon | Martin | Your money, your life: time for both | 978-0-95665-561-0 | Freedom Favours (UK) | economy | ||
Simon | Herbert A. | The Sciences of the Artificial | 1996 | 978-0-26269-192-0 | MIT Press | symbols | |
Sitchin | Zecharia | The 12th Planet (The Earth Chronicles, Book 1) | 1999 | 978-0-38039-363-0 | Avon Books (USA) | new age philosophy | |
Sivananda Radha | Swami | Kundalini, yoga for the West | 1981 | 978-0-39474-885-0 | Shambhala | self help | |
Sivanandan | A. | Heresies and prophecies | 1996 | institute of race relations | politics | ||
Skinner | Stephen | The living earth manual of feng-shui | 1982 | 978-0-71009-078-0 | Routledge & K. Paul | occult sciences | |
Skinner | B.F. | Beyond freedom & dignity | 1971 | Bantam | psychology | ||
Skinner | J. Ralston | The Source of Measures: Key to the Hebrew Egyptian Mystery | 1982 | 978-0-91351-048-0 | Wizards Bookshelf | symbols | |
Slater | Philip Elliot | The wayward gate | 1977 | 978-0-80702-956-0 | Beacon Press | new age philosophy | |
Slawson | David | Secret Teachings in the Art of Japanese Gardens: Design Principles, Aesthetic Values | 1987 | 978-0-87011-799-0 | Kodansha America | art | |
Slive | Seymour | Drawings of Rembrandt I en II | 1965 | Dover Publications | rembrandt | ||
Slosman | Albert | Le zodiaque de Dendérah | 1980 | 978-2-26800-063-0 | Editions du Rocher | astronomy/astrology | |
Slosman | Albert | Elisabeth Bellecour | La grande hypothèse | 1982 | 978-2-22100-875-0 | ROBERT LAFFONT | new age philosophy |
Slosman | Albert | La vie extraordinaire de Pythagore | 1979 | 978-2-22100-309-0 | R. Laffont | occult sciences | |
Slosman | Albert | Le biblion de Pythagore (French Edition) | 1980 | 978-2-22100-544-0 | Editions Robert Laffont (France) | western philo/religion | |
Slosman | Albert | Et Dieu ressuscita à Dendérah, ou, La théologie primordiale restituée | 1980 | 978-2-22100-463-0 | R. Laffont | western philo/religion | |
Smart | Ninian | Beyond ideology | 1981 | 978-0-06067-402-0 | Harper & Row | future studies | |
Smedt | Marc | Kama Sutra: Erotic Figures In Indian Art | 1984 | 978-0-51730-709-0 | Crescent | art | |
Smets | Irène | Rubens à Anvers | 2004 | 978-9-05544-514-0 | Ludion. | art | |
Smith | Mary Elizabeth | Picture Writing from Ancient Southern Mexico: Mixtec Place Signs and Maps (Civilization of American Indian) | 1974 | 978-0-80611-030-0 | University of Oklahoma Press | archaeology | |
Smith | Bradley | l'Art érotique des maitres | 1998 | 978-2-72420-365-0 | France loisirs | art | |
Smith | Adam | Paper Money | 1982 | 978-0-70882-163-0 | Futura (UK) | economy | |
Smith | David | The risa and fall of monetarism: the theory and politics of an economic experiment | 1991 | 978-0-14013-528-0 | Penguin Books (UK) | economy | |
Smith | Morton | Jesus the Magician | 1981 | 978-0-06067-414-0 | HarperCollins | new age philosophy | |
Smith | Michael G. | Crystal Power (Llewellyn's Psi-Tech) | 1997 | 978-0-87542-726-0 | Llewellyn Publications | occult sciences | |
Smith | Huston | Forgotten Truth : The Primordial Tradition | 1977 | 978-0-06132-054-0 | Harpercollins College Div | western philo/religion | |
Smith | Morton | The Secret Gospel | 1985 | 978-0-85030-440-0 | Aquarian | western philo/religion | |
Smith | Morton | Secret Gospel | 1981 | 978-0-91392-255-0 | Dawn Horse Press | western philo/religion | |
Smith | Adam | The theory of moral sentiments | 1984 | 978-0-86597-012-0 | Liberty Fund (USA) | western philo/religion | |
Smith | Huston | Beyond the Post-Modern Mind | 1982 | 978-0-82450-457-0 | The Crossroad Publishing Company (USA) | western philo/religion | |
Smolan | Rick | One Digital Day | 1998 | 978-0-81293-031-0 | Times Books | art | |
Smoley | Richard | Forbidden Faith: The Gnostic Legacy from the Gospels to the Da Vinci Code | 2006 | 978-0-06078-340-0 | Harper San Francisco | occult sciences | |
Snijders | C.J. | De gulden snede | 1992 | 978-9-06030-519-0 | De Driehoek | architecture | |
Solomon | Elinor Harris | Virtual Money: understanding the power and risks of money's high-speed journey into electronic space | 1997 | 978-0-19509-747-0 | Oxford University Press (USA) | economy | |
Solomon | Steven | The confidence game | 1995 | 978-0-68480-183-0 | Simon & Schuster (USA) | economy | |
Sorkin | Andrew Ross | Too big to fail: inside the battle to save wall street | 2010 | 978-0-14104-317-0 | Penguin Books (UK) | economy | |
Soros | George | The alchemy of finance | 1988 | 978-0-29779-331-0 | George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Limited (UK) | economy | |
Soros | George | The Crisis of Global Capitalism | 1998 | 978-1-89162-027-0 | PublicAffairs (USA) | economy | |
Soros | George | Soros on Soros: staying ahead of the curve | 1995 | 978-0-47111-978-0 | John Wiley & Sons (USA) | economy | |
Sotto | Alain | Varinia Oberto | Au-Dela De La Mort: Nouvelles Recherches Parapsychiques | 1977 | 978-2-85616-077-0 | Presses de la renaissance | psychology |
Souilhé | Joseph | Platon: oeuvres complètes | 1977 | Société d'éditions Les Belles Lettres | western philo/religion | ||
Sourdel | Dominique | L'Islam | 1962 | Presses universitaires de France | eastern philo/religion | ||
Soustelle | Jacques | Les Olmèques | 1983 | 978-2-70030-268-0 | Arthaud | anthropology | |
Spencer-Brown | G. | Laws of Form | 1979 | 978-0-52547-545-0 | E P Dutton | natural sciences | |
Spies | Werner | Christo - The running fence | 1977 | Verlag Gerd Hatje | art | ||
Spinola | Roland | Mit Schwung in die Zukunft | 2005 | 978-3-89749-517-0 | GABAL Verlag (Germany) | economy | |
Spreen | Allan | Tomorrow's Cancer Cures Today | 2009 | 978-1-89143-442-0 | Health Sciences Institute | medicine | |
Spufford | Peter | Money and its use in medieval Europe | 1989 | 978-0-52137-590-0 | Cambridge University Press (UK) | economy | |
Staehlé | Jacques | Relieve your pain | 1981 | Editions universitaires Jacques Delarge | medicine | ||
Stanley Alder | Vera | The fifth dimension | 1940 | 978-0-09149-952-0 | Rider | future studies | |
Starck | Marcia | Gynne Stern | The Dark Goddess | 1993 | 978-0-89594-603-0 | Crossing Press | women in culture |
Stearn | Jess | Soulmates | 1985 | 978-0-55325-150-0 | Bantam | new age philosophy | |
Steiger | Brad | Francie Steiger | The Star People | 1987 | 978-0-42510-604-0 | Berkley | new age philosophy |
Steinbrecher | Edwin C. | The Inner Guide Meditation | 2006 | 978-0-87728-658-0 | Red Wheel / Weiser | self help | |
Steiner | Rudolf | Le Goetheanum, un langage des formes | 1986 | Goetheanum | art | ||
Steiner | Rudolf | World-economy | 1972 | 978-0-85440-266-0 | Rudolf Steiner Press | economy | |
Steiner | Rudolf | Sociale toekomst | 978-9-06038-507-0 | Uitgeverij Vrij Geestesleven (Netherlands) | future studies | ||
Steiner | Rudolf | Egyptian myths and mysteries | 1971 | Anthroposophic Press | new age philosophy | ||
Steiner | Rudolf | tratado de cienca oculta | 1983 | Dedalo | occult sciences | ||
Steiner | Tej | Heart Circles | 2006 | 978-0-97443-917-0 | Interactive Media Publishing | occult sciences | |
Steiner | Rudolf | The Essential Steiner: Basic Writings of Rudolf Steiner | 1984 | 978-0-06065-345-0 | Harper San Francisco | western philo/religion | |
Stengler | Mark | The Stengler cancer-reversing protocol | 2014 | Health Revelations | medicine | ||
Stéphane | Henri | Introduction à l'ésotérisme chrétien | 1979 | 978-2-85076-088-0 | Dervy-Livres | western philo/religion | |
Stevens | John | Sacred calligraphy of the East | 1981 | 978-0-39474-832-0 | Shambala | art | |
Stevens Curl | James | Architectures maçonniques : Grande-Bretagne, France, Etats-Unis, Belgique | 2005 | 978-2-87143-169-0 | Archives d'Architecture Moderne (AAM) | occult sciences | |
Stewart | Rory | The Places In Between | 2006 | 978-0-15603-156-0 | Harvest Books | anthropology | |
Stewart | Michael | Keynes and After | Penguin Books (USA) | economy | |||
Stewart | Thomas A. | Intellectual Capital | 1998 | 978-1-85788-184-0 | Nicholas Brealey Publishing | economy | |
Stierlin | Henri | Le monde de l'Amérique précolombienne | 1979 | 978-2-85961-052-0 | Gonthier | archaeology | |
Stierlin | Henri | Maya | 1964 | Office Du Livre | architecture | ||
Stierlin | Henri | Architektur des Islam | 1979 | 978-3-76110-564-0 | Atlantis | architecture | |
Stierlin | Henri | Die Architektur Der Welt: Plan Und Bauwerk | 1977 | 978-3-77742-901-0 | Hirmer | architecture | |
Stiglitz | Joseph E. | Globalization and Its Discontents | 2003 | 978-0-14101-038-0 | Penguin Books Ltd | economy | |
Stiglitz | Joseph E. | Making Globalization Work | 2006 | 978-0-39306-122-0 | W. W. Norton | economy | |
Stiglitz | Joseph E. | L'euro | 2016 | 979-1-02090-406-0 | LLL Les liens qui libèrent | economy | |
Stiglitz | Joseph E. | The Roaring Nineties | 2003 | 978-0-39305-853-0 | W. W. Norton & Company | history | |
Stock | Gregory | Metaman: The Merging of Humans and Machines into a Global Superorganism | 1993 | 978-0-67170-723-0 | Simon & Schuster | new age philosophy | |
Storr | Anthony | Feet of Clay: Study of Gurus | 1997 | 978-0-00638-424-0 | HarperCollins Publishers Ltd | western philo/religion | |
Stout | Lynn | The Shareholder value myth | 2012 | 978-1-60509-814-0 | Berret-Koehler Publishers (USA) | economy | |
Stratton Hawley | John | Donna Marie Wulff | Devī | 1996 | 978-0-52020-059-0 | University of California Press | women in culture |
Strauss | William | Neil Howe | The Fourth Turning | 1997 | 978-0-76790-046-0 | Broadway | future studies |
Strayer | Robert | Forgive us our Debts... | Sentinel Communications (USA) | economy | |||
Strieber | Whitley | Transformation | 1988 | 978-0-68807-701-0 | William Morrow & Co | new age philosophy | |
Strobel | Markus | Romanik in Altbayern | 1994 | 978-3-42901-617-0 | Zodiaque Echter | architecture | |
Suarès | Carlo | La bible restituée | 1967 | Mont-Blanc | western philo/religion | ||
Suarès | Carlo | La bible réconstituée | 1984 | Coherence | western philo/religion | ||
Sukup | Viktor | Les Caraibes face aux defis de l'avenir | 978-2-34200-462-0 | Editions Publibook (France) | economy | ||
Suzuki | D.T. | studies in zen | 1955 | Delta | eastern philo/religion | ||
Svanberg | Jan | Master Masons | 1983 | 978-9-17528-027-0 | Carmina | architecture | |
Swaan | Wim | The gothic cathedral | 1969 | Elek | architecture | ||
Swan | James | Sacred Places | 1990 | 978-0-93968-066-0 | Bear & Company | new age philosophy | |
Swidler | Ann | Richard Madsen, Robert N. Bellah, Steven M. Tipton, William M. Sullivan | Habits of the Heart | 1986 | 978-0-06097-028-0 | HarperCollins | anthropology |
Swimme | Brian | The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos | 1996 | 978-1-57075-059-0 | orbis books | occult sciences | |
Talbot | Michael | Holographic Universe | 1991 | 978-0-06016-382-0 | HarperCollins | psychology | |
Taleb | Nassim Nicholas | The Black Swan: the impact of the highly improbable | 2007 | 978-1-40006-351-0 | Random House (USA) | future studies | |
Tallet | Pierre | Les 12 reines d'Égypte qui ont changé l'Histoire | 2013 | 978-2-75640-677-0 | PYGMALION | women in culture | |
Tannen | Deborah | That's Not What I Meant! | 1987 | 978-0-34534-090-0 | Ballantine Books | self help | |
Tannen | Deborah | You Just Don't Understand | 1991 | 978-0-34537-206-0 | Ballantine Books | self help | |
Tansley | David V. | Le Corps subtil | 1977 | 978-2-02004-624-0 | Seuil | occult sciences | |
Tansley | David V. | Radionics | 1975 | 978-0-85032-130-0 | C.W. Daniel | occult sciences | |
Tansley | David V. | Chakras: Rays and Radionics | 1996 | 978-0-85207-162-0 | C.W. Daniel | occult sciences | |
Tapscott | Don | Williams, Anthony | Wikinomics: how mass collaboration changes everything | 2008 | 978-1-84354-638-0 | Atlantic Books (UK) | economy |
Tarassaco | Falco | The synchronic lines | 2015 | Devodama | occult sciences | ||
Targ | Russel | Harold E. Puthoff | Aux confins de l'esprit | 1978 | 978-2-22600-639-0 | Albin Michel | new age philosophy |
Tarnas | Richard | Cosmos And Psyche | 2006 | 978-0-67003-292-0 | Viking | astronomy/astrology | |
Tarnas | Richard | The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that Have Shaped Our World View | 1993 | 978-0-34536-810-0 | Ballantine Books | western philo/religion | |
Taylor | Thomas | The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries | 1980 | 978-1-56459-977-0 | Wizard Bookshelf | western philo/religion | |
Taylor | Thomas | Theoretic Arithmetic of the Pythagoreans | 1983 | 978-0-87728-559-0 | Red Wheel/Weiser | western philo/religion | |
Taylor | Alastair | Taylor, Angus | Science and Causality: a historical perspective (Research report) | Institute of Noetic Sciences (USA) | western philo/religion | ||
Taymans d'Eypernon | F. | Le symbolisme dans l'art religieux bouddhique | 1942 | symbols | |||
Teilhard de Chardin | Pierre | le phénomène humain | 1955 | Editions du Seuil (France) | western philo/religion | ||
Teilhard de Chardin | Pierre | Hymne de l'Univers | 1961 | Editions du Seuil (France) | western philo/religion | ||
teinhart | Laurence S | Edgar Cayce's Secrets of Beauty Through Health | 1978 | 978-0-42503-907-0 | Berkley | new age philosophy | |
Tello | Julio C. | Antiguo Peru | 1929 | Comision organizadora del segundo congreso sudamericano de turismo | anthropology | ||
Telmon | Priscilla | Himalayas | 2010 | 978-2-74279-342-0 | Actes Sud | natural sciences | |
Temple | Robert K.G. | The Sirius Mystery | 1987 | 978-0-89281-163-0 | Inner Traditions | occult sciences | |
Terascases | Jacques | L'etoile flamboyante | 1979 | 285199204X | Editions Henri Veyrier | symbols | |
Terry | Roger | Economic Insanity: how growth-driven capitalism is devouring the american dream | 1995 | 978-1-88105-233-0 | Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc. (USA) | economy | |
the Thibetan | Phylos | A dweller on two planets | 1952 | Borden | new age philosophy | ||
Thibault | Pierre | Larousse: histoire universelle | 1971 | Larousse | history | ||
Thirleby | Ashley | Tantra, the key to sexual power and pleasure | 1978 | 978-0-44018-538-0 | Dell | self help | |
Thom | René | Paraboles et catastrophes | 1983 | Flammarion (France) | future studies | ||
Thomas | Lewis | Medusa and the Snail, The | 1982 | 978-0-55325-913-0 | Bantam | natural sciences | |
Thompson | Michael | Organising & Disorganising | 2008 | 978-0-95576-815-0 | Triarchy Press (UK) | future studies | |
Thompson | William Irwin | Passages about earth | 1974 | 978-0-06014-273-0 | Harper & Row | future studies | |
Thompson | William Irwin | From nation to emanation | 1982 | 978-0-90524-945-0 | Findhorn | new age philosophy | |
Thompson | William Irwin | Coming into Being: Artifacts and Texts in the Evolution of Consciousness | 1996 | 978-0-31215-835-0 | St. Martin's Press | new age philosophy | |
Thooft | Lisette | Geld kost tijd | 2001 | 978-9-05018-562-0 | Balans | psychology | |
Thuillier | J. | Les Etrusques | 2009 | 978-2-07039-573-0 | Editions Gallimard | archaeology | |
Thurman | Robert A.F. | Inner Revolution: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Real Happiness | 1998 | 978-1-57322-090-0 | G P Putnam's Sons | eastern philo/religion | |
Thurnell-Read | Jane | Geopathic Stress: How Earth Energies Affect Our Lives | 1995 | 978-1-85230-696-0 | Element Books Ltd | self help | |
Thurow | Lester C. | Zero-Sum Solution | 1986 | 978-0-67162-815-0 | Touchstone | economy | |
Thurow | Lester C. | Head To Head | 1992 | 978-0-68811-150-0 | William Morrow & Co | economy | |
Thurow | Lester C. | Head To Head | 1992 | 978-0-68811-150-0 | William Morrow & Co | future studies | |
Thurston | Mark A. | How to interpret your dreams | 1978 | A.R.E Press | psychology | ||
Thurston | Mark | Dreams | 1988 | 978-0-06250-864-0 | HarperCollins | psychology | |
Tibâon | Gutierre | El ombligo como centro cosmico | 1981 | 978-9-68160-723-0 | Fondo de Cultura Econ | new age philosophy | |
Tissink | Fieke | Marijke Holtrop, Peter Schatborn | The Rembrandt House Museum Amsterdam | 2003 | 978-9-07658-831-0 | Ludion | rembrandt |
Toben | Bob | Space-Time and Beyond: Toward an Explanation of the Unexplainable | 1975 | 978-0-52547-399-0 | E.P. Dutton | new age philosophy | |
Todorov | Tzvetan | Le nouveau disordre mondial: reflexions d'un Europeen | 2003 | 978-2-22110-122-0 | Editions Robert Lafont (France) | future studies | |
Toffler | Alvin | Toffler, Heidi | Revolutionary Wealth | 2006 | 978-0-37540-175-0 | Alfred A. Knopf (USA) | economy |
Toffler | Alvin | Future Shock | Random House (USA) | future studies | |||
Toffler | Alvin | The Third Wave | 1980 | 978-0-00211-848-0 | Collins | future studies | |
Toffler | Alvin | Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth And Violence At The Edge Of The 21st Century | 1990 | 978-0-55305-777-0 | Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group | future studies | |
Toffler | Alvin | Heidi Toffler | War and Anti-War | 1993 | 978-0-31685-025-0 | Little Brown and Company | future studies |
Tolle | Eckhart | A New Earth | 2005 | 978-0-52594-802-0 | Dutton Books | new age philosophy | |
Tomkins | Calvin | Merchants and Masterpieces: The Story of the Metropolitan Museum of Art | 1970 | E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. | art | ||
Tomlinson | John | Honest Money: a challenge to banking | 1993 | 978-1-89827-138-0 | Helix Editions (UK) | economy | |
Toms | Michael | Buddhism in the West | 1998 | 978-1-56170-505-0 | Hay House | future studies | |
Toms | Michael | At the leading ledge | 1991 | 978-0-94391-451-0 | Larson Publications (USA) | future studies | |
Toms | Michael | A Time for Choices | 2002 | 978-0-86571-475-0 | New Society Publishers (Canada) | western philo/religion | |
Torczyner | Harry | René Magritte | 1977 | 978-2-85119-012-0 | Draeger | art | |
Toriyama | Toshiko | Kenji's School | 978-4-76319-188-0 | Sunmark (Japan) | eastern philo/religion | ||
Toxopeus | Helen | van Arkel, Henk | Een ander soort geld | 2014 | 978-9-06224-531-0 | Uitgeverij Jan van Arkel (Pays-Bas) | economy |
Toynee | Arnold | Mankind and mother earth | 1978 | 978-0-58608-315-0 | Granada Publishing (UK) | anthropology | |
Trédaniel | Guy | La proportion égyptienne et les rapports de divine harmonie | 1985 | Editions Véga | architecture | ||
Tree | Christina | Peter S. Jennison | Vermont, an explorer's guide | 1990 | 978-0-88150-154-0 | Countryman Press | natural sciences |
Tresmontant | Claude | Le Christ hebreu | 1992 | 978-2-22605-973-0 | A. Michel | western philo/religion | |
Trevelyan | George | Magic Casements | 1991 | 978-0-90457-692-0 | Coventure | new age philosophy | |
Trevelyan | George | Operation Redemption: A Vision of Hope in an Age of Turmoil | 1986 | 978-0-91329-917-0 | Stillpoint Pub | occult sciences | |
Trintignac | André | Découvrir Notre-Dame de Chartres | 1988 | 978-2-20402-918-0 | Editions du Cerf | architecture | |
Trudeau | Kevin | The Weight Loss Cure | 2007 | 978-0-97878-515-0 | Alliance Publishing | medicine | |
Trungpa | Chögyam | Shambhala : La Voie sacrée du guerrier | 2004 | 978-2-02012-643-0 | Seuil | eastern philo/religion | |
Tuchman | Barbara W. | Practicing History | 1982 | 978-0-34530-364-0 | Ballantine Books | history | |
Tuchman | Barbara W. | The March of Folly | 1985 | 978-0-34530-824-0 | Ballantine Books | history | |
Tulku | Tarthang | Time, Space and Knowledge (Nyingma Psychology Series) | 1977 | 978-0-91354-609-0 | Dharma Publishing,U.S. | western philo/religion | |
Turnbull | Shann | New Money Sources and Profit Motives | 1975 | 978-0-95985-140-0 | Company Directors Association of Australia (Australie) | economy | |
Turner | Adair | Between Debt And The Devil | 2017 | 978-0-69117-598-0 | Princeton | economy | |
Twist | Lynne | The soul of money: transforming your relationship with money and life | 2003 | 978-0-39305-097-0 | W. W. Norton & Company (USA) | economy | |
Tyldesley | Joyce A. | Daughters of Isis | 1995 | 978-0-14017-597-0 | Penguin | women in culture | |
Tylecote | Andrew | The long wave in the world economy | 1993 | 978-0-41503-692-0 | Routledge (UK) | economy | |
Ueda | Koichiro | Robert Austin | Bamboo | 1978 | 978-0-83480-049-0 | Weatherhill | art |
Ugrin | Emese | Varga, Csaba | New theory of state and democracy | 978-9-63878-570-0 | Institute for Strategic Research (Hungary) | politics | |
Uhl | Marianne | Chakra Energy Massage: Spiritual Evolution into the Subconscious Through Activation of the Energy Points of the Feet | 1995 | 978-0-94152-483-0 | Lotus Press | self help | |
Uitz | Erika | The legend of good women | 1994 | 978-1-55921-125-0 | Moyer Bell | women in culture | |
Ulansey | David | The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries | 1989 | 978-0-19506-788-0 | Oxford University Press | western philo/religion | |
Underwood | Guy | The Pattern of the Past | 1977 | 978-0-34913-413-0 | Abacus | occult sciences | |
Urbach | Peter | Francis Bacon's Philosophy of Science | 1987 | 978-0-81269-016-0 | Open Court Pub Co | western philo/religion | |
Ury | William L. | The Third Side | 2000 | 978-0-14029-634-0 | Penguin (Non-Classics) | self help | |
Uyldert | Mellie | Aarde's levend lichaam | 1995 | 978-9-06556-058-0 | De Ster | new age philosophy | |
Uyldert | Mellie | Esoterismo de las plantas | 1982 | 978-8-47166-849-0 | Edaf | occult sciences | |
Vahle | Neal | Torch-bearer to light the way | 1996 | Open View Press | new age philosophy | ||
Valier | Jacques | Breve histoire de la pensee economique d'aristote? nos jours | 2006 | 978-2-08080-142-0 | Flammarion (France) | economy | |
Valina | Elias | Caminos a compostella | 1971 | Faro de Vigo | natural sciences | ||
Valkenburg | Ivo | Spirit in Finance | 2009 | 978-9-02020-365-0 | Uitgeverij Ankh-Hermes (Netherlands) | economy | |
van Arkel | Henk | Helen Toxopeus | Een ander soort geld | 2014 | 978-9-06224-531-0 | Arkel, Jan Van | economy |
Van Baaren | T. | Les religions d'Asie | 1962 | Marabout | eastern philo/religion | ||
van Beckhoven | Ad | Peter Kampschuur | Spiritualiteit en energie | 2016 | 978-9-06271-049-0 | Synthese | self help |
Van Brempt | Kathleen | Verder dan morgen | 2008 | 978-9-08924-020-0 | HouteKiet | economy | |
Van Buren | Elizabeth | The secret of the illuminati | 1982 | Neville Spearman Ltd | occult sciences | ||
Van Coppenolle | Bart | Goed geld: economie met gezond verstand | 2012 | 978-9-40140-324-0 | Lannoo (Belgium) | economy | |
van Cronenburg | Petra | Schwarze Madonnen | 1999 | 978-3-89631-275-0 | Heinrich Hugendubel | women in culture | |
Van Dam | C | Verboom, P.M | Internationaal Ondernemen: valutavraagstukken in theorie en praktijk | 978-9-02381-261-0 | Spruyt, Van Mantegem & De Does (Leiden, Pays-Bas) | economy | |
van de Wetering | Ernst | Rembrandt: The Painter at Work | 2000 | 978-0-52022-668-0 | Amsterdam University press | rembrandt | |
van den Bremt | F. | Bruxelles : Grand-Place - Brussel : Grote Markt - Brussels : Grand-Place - Brüssel : Grosser Markt = Bruselas : Plaza Mayor | 1974 | 978-2-87013-025-0 | Meddens | architecture | |
van den Broek | Andre | Philosophical geometry | 1987 | 978-0-89281-117-0 | Inner Traditions International ; | symbols | |
van der Erve | Marc | A new leadership ethos | 2008 | 978-9-08114-212-0 | 0.0 | future studies | |
van der Erve | Marc | The Future of Society | 2006 | 978-2-96002-812-0 | VDEC | future studies | |
van der Erve | Marc | A New Dimension of Time | 2007 | 978-0-62037-771-0 | Erve Research | western philo/religion | |
van der Waerden | Bartel Leendert | Geometry and algebra in ancient civilizations | 1983 | 978-3-54012-160-0 | Springer-Verlag | natural sciences | |
van Dieren | Wouter | New Green Deal: beyond the financial crisis | 978-9-08123-965-0 | IMSA (Netherlands) | economy | ||
van Gennep | Arnold | Les Rites de passage | 2000 | 978-2-70840-066-0 | A. et J. Picard | anthropology | |
Van Lennep | J. | Art & Alchimie | 1971 | Meddens | art | ||
Van Lennep | J. | Arte Y Alquimia | 1978 | 978-8-42760-458-0 | Editora Nacional | occult sciences | |
Van Linthout | I. | R. Vande Winkel | De Vlaschaard 1943 | 2007 | 978-9-07772-352-0 | Groenighe | art |
Van Loon | Hendrik | Rembrandt, die ueberwirkliche | 1950 | Rascher | rembrandt | ||
Van Loon | Hendrik Willem | R.v.R | 1930 | Literary Guild | rembrandt | ||
Van Puyvelde | Leo | Les primitifs Flamands | 1973 | Meddens | art | ||
Van Regteren Altena | I.Q. | Peter Paul Rubens, tekeningen naar Hans Holbeins Dodendans | 1977 | 000-9-07018-301-3 | Joh. Enschedé en Zonen | art | |
Van Rijckevorsel | Jacques | L'entreprise un moteur de progres? | 978-2-30300-451-0 | Editions Theles (France) | economy | ||
Vanbeselaere | Walther | Moderne vlaamse schilderkunst | 1961 | Uitgeverij de Arcade | art | ||
Vandenbroeck | Andre | Al-Kemi: A Memoir : Hermetic, Occult, Political, and Private Aspects of R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz | 1990 | 978-0-94026-232-0 | Lindisfarne Books | psychology | |
Vanderperren | Jos | Geinitieerde architectuur | 1984 | Jos vanderperren | architecture | ||
Vaneigem | Raoul | La résistance au christianisme | 1993 | 978-2-21303-040-0 | Fayard | western philo/religion | |
Vanhamme | Marcel | Les origines de Bruxelles | 1945 | office de publicité | history | ||
Varela | F.J. | H.R. Maturana | Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science) | 1980 | 978-9-02771-015-0 | Springer | western philo/religion |
Varley | Desmond | Seven | 1976 | 978-0-71351-947-0 | G. Bell | occult sciences | |
Varoufakis | Yanis | Adults In The Room | 2017 | 978-1-84792-447-0 | The Bodley Head | economy | |
Vasant | Lad | De ayurvedische huisapotheek | 2001 | 978-9-06963-520-0 | Altamira-Becht | medicine | |
Vequaud | Yves | Vive le haschisch? | 1977 | Olivier Orban | politics | ||
Vercauteren | F. | Atlas historiques- et culturel de l'Europe | 1962 | Meddens | art | ||
Verger | Jacques | La Renaissance du 12. siecle | 1996 | 978-2-20405-455-0 | Editions du Cerf | history | |
Vermeersch | Jose | Jose vermeersch | 1985 | 978-9-01005-584-0 | Elsevier | art | |
Vernal | Jean-Luc | BRUXELLES: l'histoire en bande dessinée | 1996 | 978-2-20336-001-0 | Casterman | history | |
Verniory | Gustave | Diez años en Araucanía, 1889-1899 | 2001 | 978-9-56160-332-0 | PEHUÉN EDITORES LIMITADA | anthropology | |
Veron | Philippe | Les quasars | 1974 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | natural sciences | ||
Verriest | Gustave | Les nombres et les espaces | 1956 | Librarie Armand Colin | symbols | ||
Vervoordt | Axel | Daniela Ferretti, Natasha Hebert, Toni Tàpies | Tapies. Lo sguardo dell artisa | 2013 | 978-9-49177-508-0 | Merz | art |
Viaud | Gerard | Magie Et Coutumes Populaires Chez Les Coptes D'Egypte | 1978 | 978-2-90169-616-0 | Editions presence | occult sciences | |
Vicuna | Cecilia | Unravelling Words and Weaving Water | 1992 | 978-1-55597-166-0 | Graywolf Press | western philo/religion | |
Vieux | Maurice | Les Secrets des batisseurs | 1975 | 978-2-22100-523-0 | Robert Laffont | occult sciences | |
Vilar | Pierre | Or et monnaie dans l'histoire 1450 - 1920 | Flammarion (France) | economy | |||
Villette | Jean | Les Vitraux de Chartres | 1979 | 978-2-85882-146-0 | Ouest-France | architecture | |
Vincent | John | An Intelligent Person's Guide to History | 1996 | 978-0-71562-750-0 | Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd | history | |
Vincent | Brome | Jung | 1978 | 978-0-33317-842-0 | Macmillan | psychology | |
Vitruvius | The Ten Books on Architecture | 1960 | 978-0-48620-646-0 | Dover Publications | architecture | ||
Vivas | Pere | Gaudi | 2007 | 978-8-48478-280-0 | Triangle Postals | architecture | |
Viveret | Patrick | Reconsiderer la Richesse | 978-2-87678-885-0 | Editions de l'Aube (France) | economy | ||
Vivet-Peclet | Christine | Pierre-Yves Le Pogam | Saint Louis | 2014 | 978-2-75770-341-0 | Editions du Patrimoine Centre des monuments nation | history |
Vleer | Wigholt | Leylijnen en leycentra in de Lage Landen | 1992 | 978-9-02021-109-0 | Ankh-Hermes | occult sciences | |
Vodra | Richard E. | Enough Money! | 978-1-40102-471-0 | Vodra (USA) | future studies | ||
Vogelaar | Christiaan | Rembrandt's mother | 2005 | 978-9-04008-164-0 | Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal | rembrandt | |
Vogt-Göknil | Ulya | Mosquées | 1975 | Chêne | architecture | ||
Volcker | Paul A. | Toyoo Gyohten | Changing Fortunes: The World's Money and the Threat to American Leadership | 1993 | 978-0-81292-219-0 | Times Books | economy |
Volguine | A. | Le symbolisme de l'aigle | 1960 | editions des cahiers astrologiques | symbols | ||
Volwahsen | Andreas | Inde islamique | 1972 | Office Du Livre | architecture | ||
von Anonyme | Hans Urs | Meditations sur les 22 arcanes majeurs du tarot (FICTION (A)) | 1980 | 978-2-70070-209-0 | Editions Aubier Montaigne | occult sciences | |
von Franz | Marie-Louise | Le temps, le fleuve et la roue | 1979 | Chêne | occult sciences | ||
von Franz | Marie-Louise | Puer Aeternus: A Psychological Study of the Adult Struggle With the Paradise of Childhood | 1997 | 978-0-93843-402-0 | Sigo Pr | psychology | |
von Franz | M.L. | Number and time | 1974 | 978-0-09121-020-0 | Rider | symbols | |
Von Furstenberg | Diane | The Bath | 1993 | 978-0-67942-679-0 | Random House | architecture | |
von Lüpke | Geseko | Zukunft ensteht aus Krise | 978-3-57050-112-0 | Riemann Verlag (Allemagne) | economy | ||
Von Sonnenburg | Hubertus | Rembrandt/Not Rembrandt in the Metropolitan Museum of Art | 1995 | 978-0-87099-755-0 | Metropolitan Museum of Art | rembrandt | |
Von Ward | Paul | Dismantling the pyramid | 1981 | 978-0-93920-214-0 | Delphi Press | politics | |
Vulliaud | Paul | La pensée ésotérique de Léonardo de Vinci | 1981 | Dervy | new age philosophy | ||
Wade | David | Pattern in Islamic art | 1976 | 978-0-87951-043-0 | Overlook Press | art | |
Wade Labarge | Margaret | Women in Medieval Life (Penguin Classic History) | 2001 | 978-0-14139-047-0 | Penguin Books Ltd | women in culture | |
Wagner | David L. | The seven liberal arts in the Middle Ages | 1986 | 978-0-25320-398-0 | Indiana University Press | western philo/religion | |
Wahl | Daniel Christian | Designing Regenerative Cultures | 2016 | 978-1-90947-077-0 | Triarchy Press (UK) | future studies | |
Waldo-Schwartz | Paul | Art and the occult | 1977 | 978-0-04701-010-0 | Unwin | art | |
Walker | RIchard | Who cares? | 2011 | Paper Coin | future studies | ||
Walker | Benjamin M. | Gnosticism | 1983 | 978-0-85030-325-0 | Aquarian Press | western philo/religion | |
Walker | Barbara G. | The crone | 1985 | 978-0-06250-928-0 | Harper & Row | women in culture | |
Wallerstein | Immanuel | Alternatives: the United States confronts the World | 2009 | 978-1-59451-067-0 | Paradigm Publishers (USA) | politics | |
Walls | Archie G. | Geometry and Architecture in Islamic Jerusalem: A Study of Ashrafiyya | 2002 | 978-0-90590-690-0 | scorpion publishing | architecture | |
Walsch | Neale Donald | Conversations with God | 1996 | 978-0-39914-279-0 | Putnam Adult | new age philosophy | |
Walter | Derek | The Alternative I Ching | 1987 | 978-0-85030-659-0 | Aquarian Pr | eastern philo/religion | |
Walter | Derek | Chinese Geomancy | 1990 | 978-1-85230-059-0 | Element Books | eastern philo/religion | |
Walter | Derek | Feng Shui Handbook | 1991 | 978-0-85030-959-0 | Thorsons | occult sciences | |
Warin | Charles | Une monnaie pour un nouvel ordre economic mondial | Club Humaniste (France) | economy | |||
Warlop | E. | R. Soete | Oud Rekkem deel I | 1979 | Familia et Patria | history | |
Warrain | Francis | l'oeuvre philosophique de Hoené Wronski | 1933 | Les Editions Vega | western philo/religion | ||
Warshofsky | Fred | Doomsday | 1979 | Abacus | future studies | ||
Warusfel | André | Les nombres et leurs mystères | 1980 | 978-2-02005-480-0 | Seuil | symbols | |
Wasson | R. Gordon | The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries (Ethno-mycological Studies, No. 4) | 1978 | 978-0-15625-280-0 | Harcourt Brace Jovanovich | symbols | |
Waters | Frank | The Book of the Hopi | 1977 | 978-0-14004-528-0 | Penguin (Non-Classics) | western philo/religion | |
Watkins | Alfred | The ley hunter's manual | 1983 | 978-0-85500-181-0 | Turnstone Press | occult sciences | |
Watson | Lyall | Supernature II | 1987 | 978-0-34041-352-0 | Hodder & Stoughton Ltd | anthropology | |
Watson | Percy | Building the Medieval Cathedrals (Cambridge Introduction to World History) | 1976 | 978-0-52108-712-0 | Cambridge University Press | architecture | |
Watson | Lyall | Histoire naturelle de la vie eternelle | 1976 | 978-2-22600-273-0 | Albin Michel | new age philosophy | |
Watson | Lyall | Super Nature | 1974 | Bantam Books | new age philosophy | ||
Watson | Lyall | Beyond Supernature: A New Natural History of the Supernatural | 1987 | 978-0-55334-456-0 | Bantam | new age philosophy | |
Watson | Lyall | Lifetide | 1980 | 978-0-34024-856-0 | Hodder & Stoughton Ltd | new age philosophy | |
Watson | Lyell | Supernature | new age philosophy | ||||
Watson | Lyell | The Romeo Error | new age philosophy | ||||
Watts | Alan | The supreme identity | new age philosophy | ||||
Wayland | Kennet | The Futures of Europe | 1976 | 978-0-52121-326-0 | Cambridge University Press for the Commission of t | future studies | |
Weatherford | Jack | The History of Money | 1997 | 978-0-51759-981-0 | Crown Publishers (USA) | economy | |
Weelen | Guy | Rembrandt | 1980 | Nouvelles editions françaises | rembrandt | ||
Wehr | Gerhard | Jakob Bohme, Pierre Deghaye | Cahiers de l'Hermetisme: Jacob Bohme | 1977 | 978-2-22600-520-0 | A. Michel | occult sciences |
Wehrli | Urs | Die Kunst, aufzurèaumen | 2011 | 978-3-03695-297-0 | Kein & Aber | self help | |
Weil | Pierre | Le sphinx | 1972 | Epi | occult sciences | ||
Weiner | Jonathan | The Next One Hundred Years: Shaping the Fate of Our Living Earth | 1990 | 978-0-55305-745-0 | Bantam | future studies | |
Weir Perry | John | Lord of the four quarters | 1970 | Collier Books | new age philosophy | ||
Weisberg | Jacob | Robert E. Rubin | In an Uncertain World | 2003 | 978-0-37550-585-0 | Random House | history |
Weitkamp | Hans | Das Hochmittelalter - ein Geschenk des Geldwesens | 978-3-98015-099-0 | HMZ-Verlag (Germany) | economy | ||
Weitz | John | Hitlers Banker | 2002 | 978-0-75152-666-0 | Time Warner | economy | |
Weitzmann | Kurt | Late Antique and Early Christian Book Illumination | 1977 | 978-0-80760-832-0 | George Braziller | art | |
Welborn | Ralph | Steve Ballmer, Vince Kasten | The Jericho Principle | 2003 | 978-0-47132-772-0 | Wiley | economy |
Welch | Stuart Cary | King's Book of Kings: The Sha-Nameh of Sha Tahmasp/D1101P | 1976 | 978-0-87099-028-0 | Metropolitan Museum of Art | art | |
Wenzler | Claude | Heraldique (double mono) | 1996 | 978-2-73731-866-0 | Ouest-France | history | |
Werner | Alex | London Bodies: Changing Shape of Londoners from Prehistoric Times to the Present Day | 1998 | 978-0-90481-890-0 | Museum of London | anthropology | |
Werner | Karin | Marko Pogacnik | Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings | 1997 | 978-1-89917-167-0 | Findhorn Pr | occult sciences |
Wertime | Kent | Building Brands And Believers | 2003 | 978-0-47082-067-0 | John Wiley & Sons | psychology | |
West | John Anthony | Serpent in the sky | 1979 | 978-0-06014-581-0 | Harper & Row | archaeology | |
West | John Anthony | Serpent in the Sky | 1987 | 978-0-51756-635-0 | The Julian Press | occult sciences | |
Wheatley | Margaret | Leadership and the New Science | politics | ||||
Whicher | Olive | Projective geometry | 1971 | 978-0-85440-246-0 | Rudolf Steiner Press | occult sciences | |
White | Eugene N. | Crashes and Panics: the lessons from history | 1990 | 978-1-55623-362-0 | Dow Jones & Company (USA) | economy | |
White | Christopher | Rembrandt as an etcher (two volumes) | 1969 | A. Zwemmer ltd | rembrandt | ||
White | Christopher | Quentin Buvelot, Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn | Rembrandts Selbstbildnisse | 1999 | 978-3-76302-371-0 | Belser | rembrandt |
Whitmyer | Claude | Mindfulness and Meaningful Work | 1994 | 978-0-93807-754-0 | Parallax Press | new age philosophy | |
Whitney | Roy | The persephone key | 1978 | Aldebaran Press | astronomy/astrology | ||
Wilber | Ken | Up from Eden | 1983 | 978-0-39471-424-0 | Shambhala | new age philosophy | |
Wilber | Ken | A Theory Of Everything | 2000 | 978-1-57062-725-0 | Shambhala | new age philosophy | |
Wilber | Ken | No Boundary | 1981 | 978-0-39474-882-0 | Shambhala | new age philosophy | |
Wilde | Stuart | The Trick to Money Is Having Some! | 1995 | 978-1-56170-168-0 | Hay House | economy | |
Wilder | Barbara | Money is love: reconnecting to the sacred origins of money | 1999 | 978-0-96733-461-0 | Wild Ox Press (USA) | economy | |
Wilhelm | Peter | The Nobel Prize | 1983 | 978-9-19705-250-0 | Teknowledge | natural sciences | |
Wilhelm | Richard | The Secret of the Golden Flower | 1962 | 978-0-71007-485-0 | Routledge & K. Paul | new age philosophy | |
Williams | C.A.S. | Outlines of Chinese Symbolism and Art Motives | Kelly & Walsh | symbols | |||
Williamson | John | The Oak King, the Holly King and the Unicorn | 1986 | 978-0-06015-531-0 | Harper & Row | symbols | |
Wilmshurst | W.L. | The Meaning of Masonry | 1995 | 978-0-51733-194-0 | Bell | occult sciences | |
Wilson | Jérôme | Robert Triffin - Milieux académiques et cénacles économiques internationaux (1935 - 1951) | 2015 | Versant Sud | economy | ||
Wilson | Jérôme | Robert Triffin - Milieux académiques et cénacles économiques internationaux (1935 - 1951) | 2015 | Versant Sud | economy | ||
Wilson | Woodrow | On Being Human | 2005 | 978-1-59605-158-0 | Cosimo Classics | western philo/religion | |
Wilson Ross | Nancy | The world of Zen | 1960 | Vintage Books | eastern philo/religion | ||
Wilson Schaef | Anne | Native Wisdom For White Minds | 1995 | 978-0-34539-406-0 | One World | self help | |
Wilson Schaef | Anne | When Society Becomes an Addict | 1988 | 978-0-06254-854-0 | HarperOne | women in culture | |
Windsor | Joan | Dreams and healing | 1987 | 978-0-39609-151-0 | Dodd, Mead & co | psychology | |
Winterhalter | Robert | The Fifth Gospel | 1988 | 978-0-06250-973-0 | HarperCollins | western philo/religion | |
Wion | Frida | Les symboles de la Chine | 1970 | le Courrier du livre | symbols | ||
Wirth | Oswald | Le tarot | 1978 | Tchou | occult sciences | ||
Wirth | Oswald | Le symbolisme astrologique | 1979 | Dervy | symbols | ||
Witt | R.E. | Isis In The Ancient World | 1997 | 978-0-80185-643-0 | The Johns Hopkins University Press | women in culture | |
Wolf | Fred Alan | Star Wave: Mind, Consciousness, And Quantum Physics | 1984 | 978-0-02094-081-0 | Macmillan Pub Co | occult sciences | |
Wolf | Norbert | Rembrandt (Erotic Sketchbook) | 2006 | 978-3-79133-512-0 | Prestel | rembrandt | |
Wood | John Edwin | Sun, Moon And Standing Stones (Oxford Paperbacks) | 1980 | 978-0-19285-090-0 | Oxford University Press | anthropology | |
Wood | Ernest E. | Practical Yoga: Ancient & Modern | 1981 | 978-0-87980-150-0 | Dutton | self help | |
Woodhouse | Mark | Paradigm Wars | 1996 | 978-1-88331-943-0 | Frog Books | politics | |
Woodman | Marion | Pregnant Virgin | 1985 | 978-0-91912-320-0 | Inner City Books | women in culture | |
Woodward | Bob | Veil | 1987 | 978-0-67160-117-0 | Simon & Schuster | politics | |
Wooldridge | Adrian | John Micklethwait | The Right Nation | 2004 | 978-1-59420-020-0 | Penguin Press HC, The | western philo/religion |
Wray | L. Randall | Understanding Modern Money: the key to full employment and price stability | 978-1-84064-008-0 | Edward Elgar Publishing (USA) | economy | ||
Wriothesley Russell | Edward | Report on radionics | Neville Spearman Ltd | occult sciences | |||
Wyllie | Timothy | Deta-Factor: Dolphins, Extra-Terrestrials and Angels/125 | 1984 | 978-0-94249-495-0 | Coleman Publishing | eastern philo/religion | |
Wynants | Marleen | Sara Engelen | We Can Change the Weather | 2010 | 978-9-05487-692-0 | Asp / Vubpress / Upa | future studies |
Wynn Westcott | William | Numbers, their occult power and mystic virtues | 1974 | 978-0-72295-033-0 | Theosophical Publishing House | symbols | |
Yalom | Irvin D. | Le problème Spinoza | 2012 | 978-2-35176-152-0 | Galaade | western philo/religion | |
Yalom | Marilyn | A History of the Breast | 1997 | 978-0-67943-460-0 | Alfred A. Knopf | women in culture | |
Yates | Frances A. | Astraea: Imperial Theme in the Sixteenth Century | 1985 | 978-0-74480-026-0 | Routledge | history | |
Yates | Frances A. | The Rosicrucian enlightenment | 1972 | 978-0-74480-052-0 | Ark | history | |
Yates | Frances A. | The Art of Memory | 2001 | 978-0-22695-001-0 | University of Chicago Press | psychology | |
Yates | Frances A. | Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic tradition | 1979 | 978-0-22695-004-0 | University of Chicago Press | western philo/religion | |
Yih-Ching | Chow | La philosophie chinoise | 1961 | Presses Universitaire de France (France) | eastern philo/religion | ||
Young | Arthur M. | The geometry of meaning | 1984 | 978-0-96098-505-0 | Robert Briggs Associates | occult sciences | |
Yun | Lin | Sarah Rossbach | Living Color: Master Lin Yuns Guide to Feng Shui and the Art of Color | 1994 | 978-1-56836-014-0 | Kodansha America | eastern philo/religion |
Yunus | Muhammad | Vers un monde sans pauvreté | 2007 | 978-2-25312-207-0 | Editions Jean-Claude Lattès | economy | |
Zain | C.C. | Ancient Masonry (The brotherhood of light) | 1994 | 978-0-87887-375-0 | The Church of Light | occult sciences | |
Zaki | Myret | La fin du dollar | 2011 | 978-2-82891-202-0 | Favre (Switzerland) | economy | |
Zaslavsky | Claudia | Africa counts | 1979 | 978-0-88208-104-0 | L. Hill | anthropology | |
Zelizer | Viviana | The social meaning of money | 1994 | 978-0-46507-891-0 | Basic Books (USA) | economy | |
Zevi | Bruno | Apprendre à voir l'architecture | 1959 | 978-2-70730-115-0 | Editions De Minuit | architecture | |
Ziegler | Jean | La Haine De L'occident (French Edition) | 2008 | 978-2-22618-694-0 | Michel albin SA | future studies | |
Ziegler | Jean | L'empire de la honte | 2005 | 978-2-21362-399-0 | Fayard | politics | |
Zittrain | Jonathan | The Future of the Internet: And How to Stop it | 2009 | 978-0-14103-159-0 | Penguin | future studies | |
Zuckert | Catherine H. | Postmodern Platos: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Gadamer, Strauss, Derrida | 1996 | 978-0-22699-332-0 | University of Chicago Press | western philo/religion | |
Zuidema | George D. | The Johns Hopkins atlas of human functional anatomy | 1986 | 978-0-80183-283-0 | Johns Hopkins University Press | medicine | |
Zukav | Gary | The Seat of the Soul | 1989 | 978-0-67125-384-0 | Simon & Schuster | new age philosophy | |
Zweig | Connie | Meeting the Shadow (New Consciousness Reader) | 1991 | 978-0-87477-619-0 | Tarcher | psychology | |
Zweig | Connie | Steve Wolf | Romancing the Shadow | 1999 | Wellspring | psychology | |
Beurdeley | Michel | Jeux des nuages et de la pluie | 1969 | Office Du Livre | art | ||
Antoine | Jacques | Bogaert et les maisons suspectes | 1976 | art | |||
Badiner | Allan Hunt | Mindfulness in the marketplace: compassionate responses to consumerism | 2002 | 978-1-88837-524-0 | Parallax Press (USA) | economy | |
Baecker | Dirk | Viele Gelder | 978-3-93165-939-0 | Kadmos (Allemagne) | economy | ||
Barnaby | Frank | The Gaia Peace Atlas: survival into the third millenium | 1988 | 978-0-38524-192-0 | Gaia Books (UK) | future studies | |
Billion | Didier | Quel monde en 2030? | 2010 | 978-2-20092-672-0 | IRIS | economy | |
Brower | David R. | only a little planet | 1975 | Friends of the earth | art | ||
Calleo | David P. | Money and the coming world order | 978-0-81471-369-0 | New York University Press (USA) | economy | ||
Carlson | Richard | Healers on Healing (New Consciousness Reader) | 1989 | 978-0-87477-495-0 | Tarcher | medicine | |
Church | Dawson | Einstein's business | 2007 | 978-1-60070-016-0 | Elite Books (USA) | economy | |
Clower | R.W. | Monetary theory | Penguin Books (UK) | economy | |||
Commenne | Vincent | Responsabilité sociale et environnementale: l'engagement des acteurs economiques | 978-2-84377-126-0 | Editions Charles Leopold Mayer (France) | future studies | ||
Conde Reis | G. | Galeries Saint-Hubert | Service des Monuments et des Sites | architecture | |||
Curtis | Michael | The great political theories: volume 1 | Avon Books (USA) | politics | |||
Curtis | Michael | The great political theories: volume 2 | Avon Books (USA) | politics | |||
Daiber | Birgit | La Izquierda en el Gobierno | 2009 | Rosa Luxemburg foundation | politics | ||
Dartiguepeyrou | Carine | Au-dela de la crise financière | 978-2-29655-962-0 | L'Harmattan (France) | economy | ||
Dartiguepeyrou | Carine | Prospective d'un monde en mutation | 978-2-29610-358-0 | L'Harmattan (France) | future studies | ||
Daumas | Maurice | Histoire de la science | 1957 | Gallimard | natural sciences | ||
Dorn | James A. | The future of money in the information age | 1997 | 978-1-88257-752-0 | Cato Institute (USA) | economy | |
Ekins | Paul | Living Economy: New Economics in the Making | 1986 | 978-0-71020-947-0 | Routledge & Kegan Paul PLC | economy | |
Eversole | Finley | Creating a real wealth economy | 978-0-99130-791-0 | The Creative Age Publishing (USA) | economy | ||
Flon | Christian | Le Grand atlas de l'architecture mondiale | 1982 | 978-2-22601-569-0 | Encyclopdia universalis | architecture | |
Fobelets | Astrid | The most beautiful wine cellars in the world | 2009 | 978-9-08881-005-0 | vdh Books | art | |
Friday Locke | Raymond | The human side of history | 1970 | Mankind Publishing | history | ||
Galuska | Joachim | Pioniere für einen neuen Geist in Beruf und Business. Die spirituelle Dimension im wirtschaftlichen Handeln | 2004 | 978-3-93349-697-0 | Kamphausen | economy | |
Gaudin | Thierry | 2100, recit du prochain siecle | 1990 | 978-2-22888-291-0 | Editions Payot (France) | future studies | |
Gibson | David V. | Systems and Policies for the Global Learning Economy (International Series on Technology Policy and Innovation) | 2003 | 978-1-56720-477-0 | Praeger Publishers | economy | |
Grossinger | Richard | Alchemy | 1979 | 978-0-91302-863-0 | North Atlantic Books | occult sciences | |
Hoge | James F. | Foreign Affairs: may/june 2005 | 2005 | David Kellogg | politics | ||
James | Robinson M. | The Nag Hammadi Library: A Translation of the Gnostic Scriptures | 1981 | 978-0-06066-933-0 | HarperCollins Publishers | western philo/religion | |
Jenkins | Keith | The Postmodern History Reader | 1997 | 978-0-41513-904-0 | Routledge | future studies | |
Johnson | Pierre | Commerce équitable | 2003 | 978-2-84377-074-0 | Editions Charles Leopold Mayer | future studies | |
Krupp | E.C. | In Search of Ancient Astronomies | 1980 | 978-0-70112-315-0 | Chatto & Windus | astronomy/astrology | |
Lequeux | James | La recherche en astrophysique | 1977 | Éd. du Seuil | natural sciences | ||
Llosa | Fernando | Huella 10 | 1972 | anthropology | |||
Lutyens | Mary | The Penguin Krishnamurti reader | 1970 | 978-0-14003-072-0 | Penguin | eastern philo/religion | |
Marler | Joan | From The Realm Of The Ancestors: An Anthology In Honor Of Marija Gimbutas | 1997 | 978-1-87919-826-0 | Knowledge, Ideas & Trends | archaeology | |
Martens | Mina | Histoire de Bruxelles | 1979 | Privat | history | ||
Maynard Hutchens | Robert | Great Books of the Western World: 30. Francis Bacon: Advancement of Learning, Novum Organum, New Atlantis | 1952 | William Benton | western philo/religion | ||
Morin | Edgar | au-delà du développement: pour une politique de l'humanité? | 2009 | Atlantique | politics | ||
Myers | Norman | The Gaia Atlas of Planet Management | 1985 | 978-0-33028-491-0 | Pan Books (UK) | future studies | |
Needleman | Jacob | Money, money, money: the search for wealth and the pursuit of happiness | 1998 | 978-1-56170-458-0 | Hayhouse (California, USA) | economy | |
Nitti | Patrizia | Étrusques | 2013 | 978-2-07014-235-0 | Gallimard | archaeology | |
Petrella | Riccardo | Groupe de Lisbonne: Limites q la Competitivite | 978-2-80401-062-0 | Editions Labor (Belgique) | economy | ||
Pohl | Manfred | Studies on Economic and Monetary Problems and on Banking History | 978-3-77581-161-0 | V. Hase & Koehler Verlag (Allemagne) | economy | ||
Ramseyer | Urs | Bali | Schwabe | anthropology | |||
Rossi | Bertrand | L'esoterisme d'Albrecht Dürer | 1977 | Hamsa | occult sciences | ||
Rudas | Imre J. | Mathematical models and computational methods (2nd edition) | 2015 | natural sciences | |||
Schwenninger | Sherle R. | World Policy Journal | 1988 | economy | |||
Scott | Walter | Hermetica | 1982 | 978-0-87773-764-0 | Hermes House | occult sciences | |
Vervliet | Emiel | God en geld: religies over economie en globalisering | 978-9-07642-131-0 | Wereldmediahuis (Belgium) | economy | ||
Wasjman | Patrick | Des monnaies et des hommes | Politique Internationale (France) | economy | |||
Wilkinson | Rupert | American social character | 1992 | 978-0-06430-979-0 | HarperCollins (USA) | future studies | |
Williams | Jonathan | Money: a history (catalogue d'exposition) | 1998 | 978-0-31221-212-0 | St. Martin's Press (USA) | economy | |
Batt | Michael | Mégalithes au pays de Carnac | 1980 | Jos Le Doare | archaeology | ||
Blouin | Barbara | The legacy of inherited wealth | 978-0-96991-958-0 | Trio Press (USA) | economy | ||
Bollier | David | Patterns of Commoning | 2015 | 978-1-93714-683-0 | The Commons Strategies Group (USA/Allemagne/Thailande) | economy | |
Bouxin | M. | Childéric - Clovis | 1982 | Ville de Tournai | archaeology | ||
Burley | Helen | Bursting the Brussels bubble | 2010 | 978-9-09025-328-0 | ALTER-EU | politics | |
Conceição | Pedro | Knowledge for inclusive development (International Series on Technology Policy and Innovation) | 2002 | 978-1-56720-444-0 | Quorum Books (USA/UK) | future studies | |
Eatwell | John | Money | 1989 | 978-0-39395-852-0 | W. W. Norton & Company | economy | |
Ellman | Richard | The modern tradition | 1965 | Oxford University Press | western philo/religion | ||
Galuska | Joachim | Psychotherapie und Bewusstsein | 2005 | 978-3-89901-053-0 | Kamphausen | psychology | |
Gaudin | Thierry | L'empreinte de la technique | 2010 | 978-2-29613-774-0 | L'Harmattan (France) | western philo/religion | |
Gögle | Hans-Joachim | Tage der Utopie | 978-3-90224-981-0 | Hümmerle Druck und Verlag | economy | ||
Griesgraber | Jo Marie | The Worlds Monetary System | 1996 | 978-0-74531-051-0 | Pluto Press (UK/USA) | economy | |
Hassan | Zaid | The Change lab field book (version 2.0) | 0.0 | future studies | |||
Henderson | Hazel | Calvert Henderson Quality of Life Indicators | 2000 | 978-0-96768-910-0 | Calvert Group (USA) | future studies | |
Jackson | Hildur | Ecovillage Living: restoring the earth and her people | 2002 | 978-1-90399-817-0 | Green Books Ltd (UK) | future studies | |
Langoni | Carlos Geraldo | The quest for monetary stability | DA Publishing (USA) | economy | |||
Mélieux | Michel | La radiesthesie ou les pouvoirs du pendule | 1977 | Tchou | occult sciences | ||
Meynaud | Jean | La décision politique en Belgique | 1965 | Librarie Armand Colin | politics | ||
Mouatt | Simon | Corporate and social transformation of money and banking | 2010 | 978-0-23027-594-0 | Palgrave (USA) | economy | |
Peeters | Jef | Een veerkrachtige samenleving: sociaal werk en duurzame ontwikkeling | 2010 | 978-9-06445-653-0 | EPO (Belgium) | economy | |
Pinchbeck | Daniel | What comes after money? | 2011 | 978-1-58394-350-0 | Evolver Editions (USA) | economy | |
Rindt | Susanne | Maecenata Jahrbuch für Philantropie und Zivilgesellschaft 2003 | 978-3-93597-538-0 | Maecenata Verlag (Germany) | politics | ||
Scott Cato | Molly | People powered money | 2015 | 978-1-90850-679-0 | New Economics Foundation | economy | |
Stoeck | Sabine | Impulse für eine Welt in Balance | 2005 | 978-3-98097-232-0 | Global Marshall Plan Foundation (Germany) | economy | |
Vacarezza | Juan Carlos | De esto no se habla: la otra economia | 978-9-50571-010-0 | Librerias Huemul (Argentina) | economy | ||
van Heesch | Johan | Monnaies de compte et monnaies reelles | 978-2-93044-917-0 | Association Professeur Marcel Hoc (Belgium) | economy | ||
Verweij | Marco | Clumsy Solutions for a complex world | 978-0-23031-952-0 | Palgrave Macmillan (USA) | future studies | ||
Weis | Mathias | Der Geldcomplex | 978-3-25807-315-0 | Haupt Verlag (Allemagne/Autriche) | economy | ||
Museum van de Nationale Bank van Belgi | Keizer Karels Geldbeurs: geld en financien in de XVIe eeuw (catalogue d'exposition) | Nationale Bank van Belgie (Belgique) | economy | ||||
Staff Fodor's Travel Publications | Chesapeake | 1986 | 978-0-67901-301-0 | Random House Inc (T) | natural sciences | ||
The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City | Changing capital markets: implications for monetary policy | The federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (USA) | economy | ||||
Association d'économie financière | Rapport moral sur l'argent dans le monde en 2002 | 2003 | 978-2-91114-474-0 | Association d'économie financière | economy | ||
Association des Amis de Boscodon | L'Art des bâtisseurs romans | 1987 | architecture | ||||
Association des Amis de Boscodon | La géometrie et les maitres de l'oeuvre | 1986 | architecture | ||||
Auroville Foundation | Ideals of Auroville | Auroville Foundation | future studies | ||||
Banco Nacional de Comercio exterior | Flor y Canto del Arte Prehispanico de Mexico | 1964 | Fondo editorial de la plastica mexicana | art | |||
Belgische vrijmetselaarsloge | Arche: Symbolisme | 2017 | ASP | symbols | |||
Burton Goldberg Group | Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide | 1998 | 978-0-96363-344-0 | Future Medicine Publishing | medicine | ||
Burton Goldberg Group | James Strohecker, Leon Chaitow | You don't have to die | 1994 | 978-0-96363-345-0 | Future Medicine Publishing | medicine | |
Centre polytechnicien d'etudes Economiques | De la recurrence des crises economiques | 1982 | 978-2-71780-461-0 | Economica | economy | ||
Chrétien de Troyes | Perceval ou le Roman du Graal | 1949 | Gallimard | history | |||
Collectif | celtes et scandinaves | 978-2-71185-536-0 | RMN | archaeology | |||
Collectif | Catalogue Biennale 2015 : Les Sens Du Beau (French Edition) | 2015 | 978-2-91280-862-0 | CITE DU DESIGN | art | ||
Collectif | Le Lieu du Temple: Géographie Sacrée et Initiation (Question de...) (French Edition) | 1988 | 978-2-22603-272-0 | Albin Michel | occult sciences | ||
Conference Olivaint de Belgique | Une democratie en marche: Le Venezuela: session d'etude 25 juillet - 15 aout 1967: rapport des Participants I | Conference Olivaint de Belgique (Belgium) | economy | ||||
Conference Olivaint de Belgique | Une democratie en marche: Le Venezuela: session d'etude 25 juillet - 15 aout 1967: rapport des Participants II | Conference Olivaint de Belgique (Belgium) | economy | ||||
Conseil Scientifique du Patrimoine Naturel et de la Biodiversité | La biodiversité à travers des exemples | 2012 | 978-2-11129-644-0 | Ministère de l'écologie, du développement durable, des transports et du logement | future studies | ||
États Généraux De Bruxelles | La société civile bruxelloise se mobilise | 2010 | 978-2-87106-534-0 | Le Cri | politics | ||
France Culture | Science et conscience | 1980 | 978-2-23401-344-0 | Stock | natural sciences | ||
Gemäldegalerie | Rembrandt | 2006 | 978-3-83217-695-0 | Dumont | rembrandt | ||
Global marshall plan initiative | Welt in balance | 2004 | Global Marshall Plan Foundation (Germany) | future studies | |||
Independent Commission on International Development Issues | North-South (Pan World Affairs) | 1980 | 978-0-33026-140-0 | Pan Books | economy | ||
Instituto nacional de cultura | Arqueologidas 15 | anthropology | |||||
International Islamic University Malaysia | 2002 International Conference on Stable and Just Global Monetary System | 2002 | 978-9-83972-769-0 | International Islamic University Malaysia | economy | ||
l'Atelier du Coeur-Meurtry | Aulnay | 1983 | Zodiaque | architecture | |||
La Grande lofe nationale française opéra | La franc-maconnerie? la voici... | 1975 | occult sciences | ||||
Museum of Fine Arts Boston | Rembrandt, experimental etcher | 1969 | Museum of Fine Arts Boston | rembrandt | |||
Museum of the National Bank of Belgium | L'escarcelle de Charles Quint: monnaies et finaces au XVIe siecle (exhibition catalogue) | 0.0 | economy | ||||
Parti Pris d'Action Citoyenne et Solidaire (PPACS) | Construire la societe du 3e type sur les ruines du collectivisme et du capitalisme | PPACS (France) | economy | ||||
Pausanias | Guide to Greece | 1971 | 978-0-14044-225-0 | Penguin Books | archaeology | ||
Philosophical Research Society | An earth dweller's return | 1969 | Borden | new age philosophy | |||
The Hope Project | The first book of Hope | 2002 | Hope-Wave | self help | |||
The National Gallery | Rembrandt by himself | 978-1-85709-272-0 | The National Gallery | rembrandt | |||
The Newfield Group | Mastering the art of professional coaching | 1990 | The Newfield Group | self help | |||
Times Books | The Times Atlas of the World 7th Comprehensive Edition | 1985 | 978-0-81291-298-0 | Crown | natural sciences | ||
Two Disciples | Rainbow Bridge: First and Second Phases Link With the Soul Purification | 1982 | 978-0-87613-078-0 | New Age Pr | new age philosophy | ||
Typex | Rembrandt | 2015 | 978-2-20309-223-0 | Casterman | rembrandt | ||
United Nations | Economic Bulletin for Latin America | 1967 | United Nations publications | economy | |||
Trois Initiés | Le Kybalion | 1984 | Perthuis | occult sciences | |||
Grootloge van België | Archè 2 | 2016 | 978-9-05718-572-0 | asp editions | occult sciences | ||
Banque Nationale Suisse | La banque nationale et l'incontournable argent | Banque Nationale Suisse (Switzerland) | economy | ||||
n.n. | How to know god | 1953 | Mentor | eastern philo/religion | |||
n.n. | Mathematics useful for understanding Plato | 1979 | Wizard Bookshelf | western philo/religion | |||
n.n. | Le Coran | 1958 | Editions Payot (France) | politics | |||
Reghini | Arturo | Les Nombres Sacrés | 1981 | Archè | architecture | ||
Michell | John | L'esprit de la terre | 1975 | Éd. du Seuil | new age philosophy | ||
Wilhelm | Richard | The I Ching | 1975 | Princeton University Press | eastern philo/religion |